Perhaps most people consider the bedroom the most calm place in the house. Finding in it sets up for light relaxation, the desire to relax after work or a long vain day.
In houses with conventional layouts related to economical options, a bedroom is small in area. Sometimes she is given 12 square meters.

It may seem to many at first glance that the area is not enough for placing everything necessary for such a room, but on the other hand, the functionality of the bedroom does not suffer at all from a lack of square meters.

With a skillful approach to the layout of the bedroom 12 square meters. m., The interior design will acquire the very necessary notes of comfort and will attract universal attention.

The choice of modern directions
Developing the appearance of the bedroom everyone strives to arrange everything at their own discretion. The style is selected depending on personal taste and preference. Someone is inclined towards ordinary classics, someone is closer to modern motives.

Many pay attention to modern styles in the design. A large percentage of the population considers it necessary to equip a bedroom in a modern style using modern types of designs. Meter does not matter. Although of course in a more spacious room there is an opportunity to install more furniture items.

However, a small bedroom in area is perfect for solving issues of design and choosing internal layout options.

Priority of color shades of ceiling coatings
The main problem that everyone is striving to solve first of all is an artificial increase in the footage.

The bedroom of 12 m2 can visually increase if you apply light colors in it. This applies to wall surfaces and ceiling. The top should be painted with snow -white water -based paint. Then it may visually seem that the room is stretched and the space becomes larger.

Sometimes, instead of paint, thin snow -white slabs are used. In both cases, careful preparation is necessary. The surface should be darkened, pre -jacket and pronounced. The main thing is that there are no gaps. The whiteness should be continuous. Any tone disturbances can irritate.

Children's modern sleeping rooms
Children's modern bedrooms get off somewhat different. In this case, calm moderate monophonic ceiling coatings can be replaced by more contrasting with a shift in the main idea of designing towards children's or teenage interests.

Various angular applications or drawings applied through a stencil are used. Instead of painting, stretch ceilings of various colors are used (beige, salad and so on).

The use of health coatings also becomes popular. For a small format of 12 square meters, such innovations will come in handy. The choice of the picture is built on the ratio of sex, the age of the child and his hobbies.

Some parents admit that it is more difficult to finish the children's bedroom than usual for adults. Especially if you want something unusual.

For this, they often pre -watch different samples of small bedrooms. Photo bedroom 12 kV. m. It is easy to find with the finished finish. To do this, you can look on the Internet, view specialized catalogs.

Flooring and walls
In relation to preparatory work, in addition to the ceiling surface, the same can be said about walls and gender.

They always pay less attention to the floors, despite the fact that they create the main contrasting effect at the first glance at the room. The difference in flowers is always originally felt when looking at the docking of the floor and wall surfaces. Then the main attention is transferred to vertical surfaces.

For the design of the bedroom 12 kV. m. several well -known types of wall decoration are provided.

The painting or pasting walls with wallpaper most often implies the use of standard beige tones. The choice can fall on other colors, pale blue or light green. Such paints add volume room. A small room is extremely necessary.

Many designers prefer to perform the floor from light coatings. This can happen as in the entire apartment or house, or only in the bedroom, if desired, to allocate it from the overall picture.

A similar option for the device of a modern bedroom is used in connection with already familiar intentions to make the room wider. Additionally, the effect of masking walls and internal partitions is created. Shades of the bottom and vertically as if merge with each other.

Solving the issue of lighting the bedroom
The interior of the bedroom with an area of 12 square meters. m implies the placement in the room only the most necessary items of furniture and accessories. In addition to the main attribute-bed, bedside tables, chests of drawers become additional elements of the interior. You need to arrange furniture so as not to conceal space.

Lighting in the bedroom play an important role. The main ceiling lighting should not be sharp. Lamps in the plafonks give a more calm glow.

In addition to the main upper lighting, you can use floor (in the form of floor lamps) or wall (nightlights).

Photo bedroom 12 sq m