Empty walls in the house do not look very comfortable rooms seem uninhabited, and the interior is incomplete.
But everything is easy to fix, decorating the situation with paintings or a unique panel made by yourself.

A decorative panel on the wall can be made of buttons, fabric, paper or salty dough. If there is no scary artistic gift, any form can be drawn using all kinds of cliches.

The panel on the wall is completely simple to execute. You can work on its creation all together both adults and children. The collective lesson will rally family members, and the creation, which resulted in the end, will fill the house with harmony, comfort and love.

All children simply love to sculpt something, whether it be plasticine or dough. The last excellent material for creativity.

Modeling develops wellness of hands and fine motor skills well, and this is inextricably linked with the development of the child's speech.

To prepare salt dough, very affordable ingredients will be required: small grinding salt 1 cup; wheat flour 2 cups with a slide; dry glue for wallpaper 1 tablespoon; greasy cream, for example for hands, 1 tablespoon (can be replaced with vegetable oil); water is approximately 125 milliliters.

Properly prepared mass does not stick to the hands, it is springy and dense, it is perfectly kneaded. Also pay attention to the quality of wheat flour.

If the dough suddenly turns out too viscous, then you need to add a little flour, and if it sticks a little oil. Having poured spices, such as vanilla, cinnamon or nutmeg, get a mass with a pleasant aroma, adding a baking dye colored dye.

Having cherished all the details and connecting them, put the panel to dry in the preheated oven at a temperature of 55-80 degrees for about one hour for small products. Maximum 3 hours for large.

The second way to put the dough in a cold oven, and only then turn it on 150 degrees. This method is ideal for solidifying small crafts.

The third way to dry on the battery, but in this case it will take at least 5 days.

The finished dry panel can be painted with any paints, even ordinary watercolors, if you want.

The idea of panels, what are the details and colors in it, you decide. What happens in the end depends only on your imagination.

When you cover the product with varnish, you can not worry about its safety it will look flawless even after many years.

Textile panels
This type of panel can be made of any fabric that you find at home: Atlas, satin, silk, knitwear, felt and even burlap. Embroider a panel from fabric on the wall can be threaded or ribbons.

Just hang the finished craft or insert into any wooden frame. This is already your taste.

Textile panels are of different types. Consider several of them.

Patchwork panel
Prepare a cardboard base for panels, pieces of fabric of different colors and threads. You can sew manually, but on the sewing machine it will be much faster.

First you need to apply the marking of the future image to the cardboard and numbered so as not to confuse the order of patching flaps. When the base is ready, proceed to laying pieces of fabric in order.

Fetra panel
Material such as felt is very suitable for creating funny animated animals for panels. Such a craft is one of the simplest, because it will be needed:

The image that you have prepared is necessary in order to make stencils from cardboard for the future work. Further, using these stencils, we circulate the patterns on the felt with a pencil.

And after that we cut out and glue the figures on the panel, as the imagination tells.

Burlap in the panel
Burlap of a panel made of fabric on a wall that looks quite unusual. But such a picture must be in a brightly decorated frame, otherwise it will not produce the proper effect.

The elements of the panel itself can also be made of burial tape, flowers or leaves.

If your family archive has many photos, then you will not have to torment yourself with how to decorate the wall.

You can use travel reports or letters. The photo of the panel on the wall in the form of a heart looks very original.

This craft will fit perfectly both the interior of the bedroom or children's, and the living room or corridor.

You will need: Some photos; large dense cardboard; simple pencil; glue; stationery knife.

So, on the cardboard, depict the collage contour and cut it out. First, glue the photos along the contour of the heart, then fill the empty space inside.

Panel of wallpaper
When the repair ends, a bunch of small pieces of wallpaper remains. Here are just from these bright residues and you can build a picture.

The panel on the wall of wallpaper made by its own hands will bring an unsurpassed flavor into any room.

For such a panel you need: foam baguette; wallpaper glue; acrylic paint; stationery knife; simple pencil; level; ruler; plumb.

Decide on the place where the panel will be located. After that, with the help of level and plumb, draw a pencil of the outline of the future picture.

Cut several pieces from a foam baguette with an angles of 45 degrees at the edges with a clerical knife to have a joint.

Next, cover the baguette with paint and glue it to the wall according to the marking. At the end, measure the distance on the inside of the frame, and cut a piece of the required length from the wallpaper and glue.

Mirror panel
Currently, the popularity of mirror compositions is gaining momentum. Mirrors can be of different shapes and sizes, and can also be colored.

Mirror panel on the wall became a favorite reception of designers. Picture combination of mirrors will add uniqueness to any room. Each element of the product is released using a frame or border.

Such an original panel can be bought in a set or make it yourself from several ordinary mirrors.

The main thing is that the composition looks integral. Although the picture itself can be composed of separate elements.

Wooden panel
A picture made of such natural material as a tree forms a visual accent and brings comfort and heat to the apartment. It can be placed in an office or living room.

When creating a panel as a basis, you can take a beech, alder, birch or pine. This technology came to us from Thailand, where natural materials are now very popular.

To create a panel made of wood on the wall, you will need much more tools and strength, but it's worth it.

Everything that was listed above only a small part of what can be made from improvised funds at home. How to make a panel on the wall, solve only you.

Let your imagination take a walk. The more original your creation will be, the better it will be felt how many mental strength you invested in it. And this is the most important thing that distinguishes a work created by your own hands from store products.

Photo panel on the wall