The design of the interior of a small kitchen is not a simple task, but quite fulfilling. The main difficulty is to achieve maximum functionality and comfort in conditions of limited space.
Of course, having a larger area, to achieve the goal will not be difficult. However, not everyone has such an opportunity.

Almost all kitchens in multi -storey buildings of old buildings are a small room with a low ceiling and a minimum of amenities.

You will be surprised, but even for such a room there are many design solutions that will radically change your small cuisine and present it in the most profitable light as possible.

Household appliances in the interior of a small kitchen
Those times when cooking was only a difficult duty and took a lot of time and effort, remained far in the past.

Now, many of the latest types of household appliances are ready to help the hostess and significantly facilitate her work.

However, the question of how to compactly place such an abundance of devices in a modern small kitchen remains open.

First of all, it would be nice to conduct a full audit in its kitchen. You will certainly find a lot of objects that no one uses - they simply dust on the shelves, occupying a precious place.

The same applies to new acquisitions. Before you get some kind of ultra-modern miracle of technology, think about it-this subject will be really useful in everyday life or is it just a temporary whim.

The second thing you should realize and remember is to fit all the technique that you like is just not possible on four to five square meters.

Do not forget that you also need to take a certain place to the dining and working area, arrange furniture. Therefore, you will have to limit yourself only to really necessary and multifunctional devices.

Most often in the interior of a small kitchen you can see built -in furniture and appliances. It takes a minimum of space and, at the same time, is very convenient to use.

If desired, the technique can even be mounted into the wall, which will instantly unload the kitchen space and allow you to realize a larger number of design ideas.

If the family is small, then a rational solution will be replaced by a multi -sized gas stove with a double -grade vowel surface, and a huge refrigerator on a smaller model.

The remaining little things, like an oven and microwave, can be fixed in a special way on the wall, which will also significantly free such a place necessary for the design of a small kitchen.

Popular design ideas for small -sized kitchens
All small -sized kitchens are divided into several main types. It all depends on the house in which you live.

Standard kitchen in an apartment is a room with a gas column, windows and doors. Everything else can be selected at your discretion, armed with design ideas for the small kitchen of 2023.

Kitchen containing a right angle. This is the most common layout of the kitchen space in standard apartments. In such kitchens, a short wall is diverted under the work area.

There are various equipment and cabinets with drawers. The long wall serves to place a refrigerator, sink or slab there.

Kitchen of 6 square meters with a corner arrangement of a sink. This idea of designing a small kitchen involves the presence of a neat headset without sharp corners and sharp transitions.

The sink is built into the radius table, which is a harmonious addition of the interior. Usually, a long wall in such a room is diverted under the plate, refrigerator and working area, which distracts attention from the loaded short wall.

Another idea for a small kitchen that allows you to make it more spacious is the lack of a refrigerator in it.

Of course, without this household appliance, it’s hard to imagine any kitchen in general, but maybe you have the opportunity to place it in another place. Thus, you can use the vacant space to arrange additional furniture or kitchen corner.

A whole kitchen set located in one line along the wall. This option is the least costly and very easy to implement.

For a kitchen, furnished in this way, the Minimalism style or so fashionable today, high-tech is ideal. In addition, furniture and appliances are always in sight of the hostess, which makes work in the kitchen more comfortable.

Choosing furniture for a small kitchen
A properly selected headset for a small kitchen should create a feeling of lightness and be as convenient as possible. Give preference to better furniture from natural materials of dim tones.

Original option for a small kitchen - glass furniture. A transparent table, chairs or ceiling will look very unusual and compact in a small space.

Another good option is the minimum number of small, but very roomy furniture items. What to do is not to do is load the kitchen with a countless number of small -sized cabinets and chests of drawers - you will not achieve anything but the effect of chaos.

To draw attention to the ceiling in the kitchen, you can install a high refrigerator or cabinet in the farthest corner. Thus, you will make the entire room visually higher than it is actually.

It is better to choose a countertop oval or round. A fairly common option is sliding tables that can be mounted in a wall or in the upper drawers of a chest of drawers. A small transparent table is suitable for a small family, and the second one can only be used during the arrival of guests.

Windows of walls of walls and ceiling for a small kitchen
If you look at several photos of a small kitchen designed by designers, then you will not find large patterns or elaborate drawings in the interior.

The decoration of walls, floor and ceiling is best done in one color, using only a few strokes to create an accent. Otherwise, - and so, without that, the small space will look even more loaded.

When installing the cornice, hang it as high as possible, ideally - under the very ceiling. With this technique, you can make the ceiling visually higher. When choosing curtains, it is better to dwell on a light translucent tulle, because sunlight penetrating into the kitchen is able to visually expand the space.

As you can see, you just have to remember certain rules and subtleties, as well as to show a little imagination, and the most outstanding small cuisine turns into a super -modern multifunctional and stylish space.

Small kitchen design photo