In a room such as a bathroom, each person spends a lot of time daily, and repeatedly.
Therefore, you need to take care of decorating the interior of this room and arrange it so that in the morning you can recharge with energy, just relax in the evening and tune in a positive way.

For example, you can decorate the bathroom in green, which will very favorably affect all these factors.

Green color natural, natural. He is able to perfectly relax, reassure, set up on positive and performance.

Due to the existence of many diverse shades of this gamut, the design of the bathroom in green can be designed the most extraordinary and original.

It is quite possible to use in a variety of styles.

For example, using the color of the wave, you can create a beautiful bath in the style of the sea. For the classic way, the color of the olive will look great.

With emerald, jade in combination with decorative elements in gold, your bath will look like a fabulous.

And if you prefer hot countries, choose a salad bath, supplemented by elements of vegetation, or using natural materials. See photo of the bathroom interior in green, be inspired by interesting ideas.

How to use it?
In fact, the bathroom in green colors will look more advantageous if you use some rules. Namely:
Better to choose a few shades. Green can be combined with a variety of colors. For example, with yellow or white, brown.

Fill the ceiling with the floor with light tones. At the same time, the ceiling is best done darker and saturated.

If the room is very small, the ceiling, the floor, the walls in the green bathroom should not be done dark. But a small room in light green, on the contrary, will look more visually.

Green can also be used as bright accents. For example, it is interesting to decorate one wall, hand up the side of the bathtub itself, tiles.

Thanks to green accessories, a bathtub will look even more very modest in size. For example, due to rugs, towels, shelves, mirror framing, paintings, curtains in the bathroom.

This color is perfectly compiled with natural material like wood, or stone. Thus, the room will become as if alive.

The metal will not be very appropriate here, due to which the color will be more gloomy, while there will be absolutely no natural harmony.

Green tiles for the bathroom, as well as glass, will look great. And completely independently where exactly it will be used: as a glass shell or door from a shower cabin. If there is a window in this room, then decorate its frame with white in white with the windowsill.

With the help of mirrors, the room will be solemn and living.

But as for plumbing, it is better to arrange it traditionally, white. It goes well with any shade of green.

Materials for bathroom decoration
The most appropriate option remains a tile plate, which finish the floors and walls here.

In addition, today it is proposed in a huge assortment, among which it will definitely choose what you need, even a very demanding client.

In this room you can combine a variety of textures and colors. After all, green personifies on creative impulses!

For small rooms, it is appropriate to use mosaic tiles. It will turn out to be the most decorative design. If you play these squares, the design of the bath will be quite lively.

It is also permissible to use vinyl -based wallpaper here. Because they are easy to wash, while they are subjected to an increased level of humidity.

But, one condition still needs to be observed! They should not have direct contact with the flow of water!

Ceilings can be finished using an emulsion, tiles, suspended ceilings. On the walls you can use wall panels. They are easy to mount, combine among themselves.

This is a wonderful color, and it is always completely relevant. He is not able to strain, quite diverse, and also remarkably computers with a different range of colors.

Photo of a green room green