Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

A real design feature is the ability to visually expand, reduce the surface, focus on one thing.

Exit is the use of plain wallpapers. They emphasize sophistication in your interior.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

It is possible to pay attention to several points: interiors of the ophthalmic wallpaper in the interior


Manufacturers provide a wide selection of plain wallpaper for walls. Some are focused on color, others on quality or texture. Due to such inconsistency, a number of problems arise, for example, harmony in the interior, extra costs.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

After all, if the choice is made incorrectly, then you have to redo everything. In the photo of plain wallpapers, you can see that the overall picture of the design you conceived depends on the correctly made choice.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

It is worth paying attention to several points:

Choose high -quality and wear -resistant wallpapers. Pay attention to the coating, which in the future will correspond to the room.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination
Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination
Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination
Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination
Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination
Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination
Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination
Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Follow the advice: the bedroom is suitable for paper, low wear resistance wallpaper, and in the corridor, bathroom or kitchen, non -woven.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Such wallpapers with a minimum probability will succumb to damage;

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

In the modern market you can see not only matte plain colors of wallpaper, but also glossy. They shine slightly, visible in sunlight, or can even consist of massive sparkles. They harmoniously fit into the modern style. Classic and ancient this does not accept this. It all depends on your preference;

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

If the surface of your walls is not perfectly flat, you can use tricks, such as geometric shapes, or plain wallpaper with a pattern;

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

The design must create a holistic picture, look harmonious;

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Monophone wallpapers in the interior should be appropriate, decide in advance how you want your room to look like.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination


The place where your room is located, also plays an important role. The eastern or southern side is made out as pleasing, but the western and north requires a warm shade.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

It is yellow, beige or orange. Avoid gray or cold tone.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

When decorating a bedroom, use wallpaper that they do not let air pass. This is necessary for the fact that microbes under their surface were not fruitful. Plain colored wallpapers should create coziness, calm atmosphere.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Choose a gently yellow, beige or coffee hue. If you want to use vinyl wallpaper, select a zone near the bed for them. This will help protect your vacation in the future.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

When designing a nursery, a combination of plain wallpaper is important. Use bright accessories. No need to use many bright shades. Use them when you need to divide the nursery into several areas.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination
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Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

For example, for sleep and separately for active games. Take into account the safety of children, as well as the strength and quality of the materials used.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

In the kitchen you can use white plain wallpapers, wheat, light colors. They are perfect for bright curtains and dishes. If you are the owner of a large, spacious kitchen, then you should avoid cold colors.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

They harmoniously fit into that kitchen that is well lit. This will create a harmonious warm and cold combination.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Bright wallpapers will be appropriate in the living room. After all, this is such a room that it should pay attention to itself. Monitimate should be used as a zonator, an element, which will perfectly combine several zones into a single segment.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Complete the interior with bright accessories. This will give your living room elegance and celebration.

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Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Interesting combinations

When using a pair of tones or textured drawings, it is possible to achieve originality in the interior, admiration from guests and relatives.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Famous designers advise not to limit themselves to only plain wallpaper, but to leave a place for color, bright wallpapers.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

To prevent mistakes, it is important to remember: A complex pattern looks best in the lower part of the wall, and plain wallpaper on the upper part of the room. They must merge along the horizontal line. The use of photo wallpaper and frescoes looks interesting. This wall will be unobtrusive, but harmoniously fit into the overall design.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Experiment, combine drawings and monotony in one whole. Consider not only fashion trends, but also your preferences. Now fashionable are striped canvases, floristry, massive figures.

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers will help you fully realize the imagination into reality.

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Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Photo of plain wallpaper in the interior

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination

Plain wallpapers in the interior - 90 photos of the perfect combination
