Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Everyone who has ever started repairs in the apartment has encountered the need to carry out wall plaster. Despite the fact that this method has been this method for many years, it is one of the most effective and verified.

The average life expectancy of this finishing layer is only about 25 years.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

And this means that regardless of the house in which you find yourself, the process of further processing will directly depend on the quality of wall alignment with plaster.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

What the walls are plastered?How much does the wall plaster cost?How to prepare a wall for plaster?How to apply plaster correctly?Photo of wall plaster

What the walls are plastered?

The brick wall is treated with solutions based on cement, sometimes with the addition of lime. With a layer of a layer of more than 20 millimeters, you should use a grid for plaster walls to avoid a collapse.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

To obtain a solution, a mixture of cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 3-5 is gradually poured with water until the consistency of the dough is achieved. For a limestone solution, 7 parts of sand and 3 parts of lime milk are added to 1 part of the cement.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Proper plaster in the internal walls of facing bricks is very energy -consumed and requires special equipment, so it is better to give this type of decoration to professionals.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Smooth concrete wall is treated with a solution of lime and gypsum in a proportion of 4: 1. Gypsum is poured into the water with a thin layer and knead until a very thick mixture is formed.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Then lime and quartz particles are added.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

The uneven concrete wall does not need to add quartz and can be detachable both from cement and gypsum solution.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Foam concrete walls should be first treated with a primer, and then they can be plastered with gypsum solutions.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

The choice of proper plaster is very important, so it is always better to consult with a professional in this matter. An experienced seller can advise you the most suitable option from the above or offer to purchase a ready -made mixture.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

How much does the wall plaster cost?

The price of wall decoration with plaster can be different depending on the shape of the wall and the materials used.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

The cost must be clarified in the nearest construction company: they will not only make work efficiently, but can also perform more complex types of finishes, such as textured plaster for walls.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

But you should not save on plaster even if you decide to do it with your own hands.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

How to prepare a wall for plaster?

leave the bare walls, after removing the remnants of the old plaster and other materials; for a brick wall - increase the recesses to 1 cm and moisten with water; For a concrete wall - for each square meter, it is necessary to make more than 250 notes of up to 15 mm with a gear; the wall treat the concrete contact with a primer; For a wall of wood, plaster is used on the beacons: a grid-shirt or a crate from thin rails is attached to the lining; The wall itself is sprayed with water; Clean the room of dust and garbage.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

How to apply plaster correctly?

You can find many instructions with a photo of the wall plaster, but often the process consists of several main stages. The first layer of plaster application is called spray and is made in a more liquid solution than all subsequent layers.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Its thickness depending on the type of wall can be from 4 to 10 mm. Spray can be applied by smearing or throwing using a plaster blade. After application, the most released sections of the layer should be removed without leaving it.

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The second layer, which is applied only after the first dries of the first, has the name soil.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

It will require a solution with the consistency of the dough. It is pounced on empty sections of the wall and smoothed out from the bottom up. If new voids are formed, the process is repeated.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

The thickness of this layer is up to 20 mm. After completion, the plaster is smoothed out with a half -length.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

When the second layer dries, a third - covering is applied with a creamy solution, the thickness of which will be up to 2 mm. It is needed in order to cover all the shortcomings of the previous stages of work.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Without waiting until the layer has dried, we carry out a grout of the plaster in a circular motion counterclockwise with the help of a wooden ironer.

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To eliminate circles, the last step is walking along the wall with a grater with sharp waves of gestures.

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Photo of wall plaster

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

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Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options

Wall plaster - 90 photos of perfect design options
