Such design reception as white walls specialists have been using for a long time. This decision has a number of advantages and of course, their shortcomings.
It is worth noting that white is a universal, archomatic color, which is remarkably in harmony with other colors and tones.

Experts say that in the apartments and houses of Western Europe, white walls in the apartment can be found much more often than in residential premises in country or countries of the former Soviet Union.

Psychologists believe that the most important reason for the refusal of walls in white is a negative associative series. For many, white color resembles medical institutions.

It is also associated with cold and harsh, frosty winter. Some do not like such design, considering a room with white walls boring and monotonous, but such an opinion is erroneous.

White color as personification of light. Winning sides of the design
The most important advantage of walls painted white is a visual increase in space. Artificial and sunny color is reflected from the light surface, filling the room with radiance and expanding its volume.

It is for this reason that experts recommend using design with white walls in compact rooms.

Designers also believe that this color must be used in a room whose windows overlook north. This color will make any room a lighter, spacious and stylish.

Another main advantage of the above designer admission is compatibility with other colors. Any color or shade will successfully count with white, as can be seen in the photo, white walls are remarkably in harmony in bright, colored furniture, as well as wood of various tones.

When designing walls in white wallpapers or painting in snow -white, you create an excellent base on which it is possible to implement a huge number of design ideas.

You can change the shape and color of the furniture, dilute the room with various decorative elements and perform other similar work with confidence that the white walls will be appropriate in any case.

Let us consider in more detail the example of the design of the living room in which the white walls decorated with bright paintings are combined with furniture in bed, soft colors.

If there is a desire to transform the room into a brighter and more dynamic one, you can change the furniture by choosing more saturated options. Violet sofa, or scarlet armchairs is perfect.

This is already the case of choosing tenants. If the goal is to create a peaceful atmosphere, the bright color scheme of the paintings can be easily changed to calm and neutral.

If you want to clearly familiarize yourself with the design options, carefully study the pictures attached to the article, or drive the request “Photo of the White Wall”, or “Photo shedding with white walls” into the search system.

White brick wall - a great choice for kitchens. This design is perfect for both modern and classical style.

And here we can say about another advantage of the archomatic color is neutrality, in relation to another style. Be it eternal classic or the last squeak of fashion, white will be appropriate in both versions.

Experts note that such a reception as a white brick wall in the interior of the room of a house or apartment is used not only in kitchens, but in living rooms and even bathrooms.

This technique is also used to decorate the exterior.

Despite a number of advantages, such as: filling with light, expansion of space, combination with different colors and styles should not abuse white.

Do not forget that this is a neutral color and its excess will make the room boring and not interesting.

Photo of white walls in the interior