Green causes us extremely pleasant associations - this is the color of renewal and life, harmony with nature.
It is not surprising that residents of megacities often opt for green in the interior, trying to create a small corner of rest in their house from the bustle and dust of a large city.
Green walls in the interior of the green walls in the rooms of the home -shaped rooms in combination with other flowering color as an addition to green walls of the wallsGreen walls in the interior
The green color of the walls as the main or additional color is suitable not only for all rooms of the house, but also for working offices.
The secret of its versatility is very simple: depending on the shade of the green can apply to both warm colors and cold.
Therefore, what color the green wall in the apartment directly depends on the overall design of the design of the entire room.
Dark saturated shades of green visually narrow the space, and delicate pistachio - on the contrary, give more light and spaciousness.
Green wall design in the rooms of the house
Bedroom. People who suffer from insomnia and engage in intellectual labor, best to arrange their bedroom in light green tones. This will calm the nervous system and contribute to good sleep. Dark green walls are also acceptable, but it should be remembered that an excess of color can act in advance.
The living room can also be a room with green walls, but in this case the color should be diluted with others to avoid excessive relaxation. It is better to dwell on green furniture, textiles or accessories. Emerald and turquoise shades are best suited.
Kitchen. Green causes us associations with different vegetables and fruits, which means that it will definitely come in handy in the kitchen for good appetite. Bright green walls will act tonic and cheer up the body in the morning no worse than a cup of strong coffee.
Bathroom. Light shades of green in the decoration refresh a small bathroom and make it visually larger.
Green in combination with other colors
Green and white give a feeling of lightness and purity, spring joy, expand the space. The more saturated the shade of green, the more white you need to balance it.
Black elements of the headset, combined with green wallpaper for walls, indicate stability and success and are great for the design of business people's offices.
The combination of green and brown is recognized as one of the classical, because it reflects the harmony of man and nature as well as possible. Natural wood in the room cladding complements the picture.
For such a design, it is better to choose one shade of green and different tones of brown. Well -chosen accessories and textiles will force the room to play with new colors and immerse the owners into the atmosphere of peace and unity with the outside world.
Green in tandem with yellow creates a bright sunny mood and is perfect for children, kitchens and design of common rooms in autumn colors. Green with orange is a heavier combination, but it will also take root well in the interior of a small kitchen.
Green and blue are suitable for warm, well -lit rooms, as both colors belong to cold gamut. This is also a good solution for a stylish modern kitchen equipped with metal surfaces.
The advantages and disadvantages of the OSB plateStaircase in the interiorFacade stone finishing is the best that you can chooseThe combination with turquoise is suitable for expressive creative personalities and bold experiments.
In the photo of green walls in the interior, you can see many other, more complex combinations with red, purple, pink and beige flowers. They should be used very sharply, extremely carefully selecting shades and not overdate.
Green as an addition
The green wall in the apartment is not the only way to add a little this natural color to your life.
The most natural and natural way is to put fresh flowers in pots in the room.
Green can also be furniture, home textiles and accessories. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment!
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