One of the many ways to save space in the room is the opening device in the wall.
Such a through hole is not only capable of increasing space, but also a modern design element.

In the resulting opening, you can place anything - for example, a full -length mirror, or a high rack on which decorative dishes, vases with flowers, photos in beautiful framework will be placed.

If you started repairs and want, for example, transfer the door to another wall or plan to make a beautiful arch, install an additional window - you can’t do without an opening in the wall.

Needless to say, only professionals should be engaged in this type of work? - If you approach the issue irresponsibly, then the consequences can be deplorable: from the destruction of the working wall to the complete collapse of the whole house.

Today we will talk about how to properly organize work on creating an opening in the wall, as well as where it is possible to make a through hole, and where it is better to refrain from this venture.

Openings in non -carrying walls
Before making a through hole in the wall (whether it is in a brick wall or in concrete), some preparatory measures should be carried out, or rather, strengthen the wall.

This is done so that it does not collapse during construction work. As you know, in the design of the house or apartment, all elements are interconnected.

One wall is a support for another, carries a certain load on itself. In order for the wall in which you want to make an opening does not cease to be a strong support, a channel or a metal corner is used.

It is laid at the top of the opening even before any manipulations with the wall.

We will try to briefly describe the entire process of strengthening the wall and create a hole in it. To begin with, it is necessary to outline the contour through which the doorway will be made in the wall.

Its upper edge will serve as a section of the cut, which is made using a grinder, or another grinding machine. The gap should not be deep - maximum 50 mm.

To strengthen the opening, it is required to make another same section on the other side of the wall. Both cuts should go beyond the contours of the outlined opening by about 20-25 cm.

The metal corner is installed in the resulting slots, thereby taking on the load from the wall remaining in the air and preventing it from collapsing.

After all safety measures are observed, you can start work related directly to the breakdown of the hole in the wall. To do this, you will need a punch, iron scrap, sledgehammer and, of course, strong male hands.

As you can see, making an opening in the wall not so difficult. We recommend starting with the top of the intended contour, moving down at the end of work readily.

How to cut an opening in a bearing wall
The bearing wall is an integral and very important element of the design of any building. We can say that the bearing walls are the key to the fortress of the frame of the house.

Before carrying out any repair work related to the load-bearing wall, it is required to receive approval for such actions from the relevant services. It is desirable to do this before you decorate the opening in the wall.

The saving of time and money in this matter is inappropriate, because if you ignore the above order, you may be held accountable for unlawful actions.

If you have no desire to delve into the subtleties of the law and mess with the documentation, you can entrust this to a special organization involved in the solution of such issues.

Thus, you will protect yourself from legal consequences in the event of an unforeseen situation.

It doesn’t matter if you want to take the opening in the wall with a door, window or arch - the technical side of the work will be the same. The difference in the creation of the hole in the bearing and decorative wall is also almost invisible.

The technology of strengthening the wall over the opening differs, except. The procedure will be as follows.

In the case of a load -bearing wall, it is required to strengthen not only the upper part above the opening, but also two parts on the sides of it. To do this, you need to make two vertical cuts on both sides of the contour of the future opening.

You should get two high voids. They establish a channel, less often - powerful corners from which they collect a holistic structure pulled out with hairpins.

The next part of the work implies the strengthening of the area over the opening. The section is introduced into a pre -made short depth, a channel is introduced, or a corner. All this is welded with each other and fixed with the help of studs.

The main difficulty is to fasten the upper part with two racks on the sides. If you did everything right, you will get a single metal structure framing the walls around the opening.

How it should look like you can find out by looking at the photo of the opening in the wall at the construction work stage.

What else you need to know about the openings
Another type of opening in the wall should be highlighted - interior door arches. Such a hole in itself is quite strong and does not require any strengthening. The arch itself can withstand and correctly distribute the load of the remaining part of the wall.

And if we are talking about a non -carrier wall, then you can cut the arch yourself, without resorting to the help of special organizations T.to. For this type of work, no permission is required.

But the installation of an additional window in the room is a more responsible and troublesome matter. If you need to expand the window in the apartment of a multi -storey building, you cannot avoid communicating with the local administration.

To carry out such work, you will also need a team of professional builders who will develop a project and implement it in compliance with all the norms and rules.

In a private house, you are free to carry out any manipulations with the walls, but remember that all the consequences of incorrect actions will fall exclusively on you.

An incorrectly executed opening in the wall can lead to a violation of the construction of the building, cracks in the wall and to a complete breaking of the house.

Photo of ideas for designing a opening in the wall