Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

The say that even the walls are treated at home or even the walls help at home, invented for a very long time and not. Internal wall decoration work is important and mean a lot in repair.

In modern times, a variety of and unusual decoration options are possible.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Properly made and harmonious interior favorably affects a person.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

An incredible number of decoration and cladding materials for premises is produced.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

That - not to get confused with the choice, you need to know what you want to get in the end and a little learn about the common materials, to draw conclusions and purchase a suitable.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

The decoration of walls with different materials has some advantages: This design is exclusive and do not repeat it. Suitable for any design, from classic to the most unexpected. Allows you to hide the irregularities of the surface. Perfectly protects from the noise of the streets. Improves moisture resistance to walls.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Paint for interior decoration of wall walls of walls. Gypsodecorative paneling of walls gypsum -plastic clinker tiles of walls of lamoatomophoto decorative wall decoration

Office for interior wall decoration

To design walls, coloring is often used, this method is economical and simple. The coloring in the application of a coloring substance to the surface of the walls is.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

The choice of palette of flowers is very large. For decoration of premises, it is recommended to use acrylic and alkyd paints, they are better and safe. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Acrylic paints include coloring substances based on water. The advantages of this paint are that it dries quickly, has almost no smell.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Alkyd paint is used less often. Used for smaller elements.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas


Decorative plaster is very in demand on sale. The advantages of this material: Protection against damage. Unusual decoration of the premises. The material is safe. For a long time the material looks like a new. Easy to courting.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Externally plaster looks like a mixture of a granular structure that needs to be diluted with water for use. Has no unpleasant odor.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Plaster can be mixed in different shades, to achieve the desired color.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Wall decoration with wallpaper

The design of walls with wallpaper is a classic, because it looks beautiful and their design is a simple and economical business. The choice of wallpaper is large, for every taste.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

There are many different wallpapers on the material and structure, as well as - on the coloring.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative panels

In modern times, many panels are produced for decorating rooms. This finish option is as good as the previous. Shape, material, color is for every taste.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
The advantages and disadvantages of the OSB plate
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Staircase in the interior
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Facade stone finishing is the best that you can choose

This material will help to achieve the desired result in the room. You can use the panels horizontally or vertically. There are 3D options.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

If the panels are of high quality, then they will be safe and smell. They also confront fire and clean well.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Wall decoration with drywall

Gypsocortone is an economical option, replace plaster, helps to achieve a flat wall surface. There is no dirt and dust from him.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Clinker tiles

The use of this material will help to achieve the necessary design solution. This material is not inferior to natural options.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

It is not difficult to work with this material, it serves for a long time and moisture resistant.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
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Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
3 types of floor slabs
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
What the cost of a plastic window depends on?

Aposts of damage. The tile has a large selection of colors that will remain and do not burn out in the sun. Mold and other fungi does not appear on this tile. Serves for a long time and opposes fire.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Wall decoration with laminate

Most know about the laminate that this is a floor covering, but this is a mistake. Laminate is also used for wall design. You need to do this carefully. If you make the entire wall covering in the room with a laminate, it will be ugly.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

You just need to combine it competently with other coatings.

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Photo decorative wall decoration

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Features of the use of molar tape
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Furniture sets
Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Geotextile for terrace

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas

Decorative wall decoration - 80 photos of the best design ideas
