It is not at all a secret for everyone that wallpaper on the surface of the wall plays a huge role - they both decorate the room and visually modify the room - narrowing it or expanding it.
Playing patterns and color, ideal wallpapers in a particular room are selected. What should be paper wallpapers to rightfully be called ideal?

The purpose of gluing wallpaper to the surface is the desire to transform the room, make it attractive, and therefore the beauty of the wallpaper is a priority. As an example, striped wallpaper, with a pattern and patterns are popular today.

It is preferable that wallpaper from high -quality materials be made, as well as pushing moisture and fat (this option is ideal for use in the kitchen).

Wallpaper should have such a property - expand the space in small rooms. The perception of space in a particular room is affected by the color of future wallpapers and the selected pattern.

It is pleasant that the "miracle wallpaper" exist, and moreover, they are actively used by knowledgeable people. Universal wall covering white wallpaper or in a cage. To visually modify the space, you need to correctly use certain wallpaper. So, if you need to increase the height of low ceilings, then wallpaper with a vertical strip is used, and if you need to expand a narrow space, then the wallpaper is used in a horizontal strip.

The expansion of the room
Many people are faced with a problem - the area of the rooms is small. To make the room wider, use wallpaper in horizontal stripes. When gluing “right” wallpapers, a couple of squares will visually seem more wider.

Today, a colossal assortment of this type of wallpaper, and their difference in quality and cost. The formation of the space belongs to the main role of the strip, which noticeably lengthens the room or vice versa.

In other words, the cost of wallpaper is not important-and economy options perform the functions assigned to them.

Vertical stripes
Another problem of modern interiors is insufficient ceiling height. In this case, you should pay attention to vertical stripes on the wallpaper.

The room becomes “higher” visually, primarily due to the use of such wallpaper.

In any style of interior, it is permissible to glue striped wallpaper, checkered. High-tech style like no other style accepts a combination of opposites, for example, a combination of a white and black strip in one interior.

If you do not see all the walls “into the cage”, then one wall is distinguished, it is made accent. In order to significantly enhance the effect of such wallpaper, use in the interior of the mirror, as well as glossy furniture.

Stripes in the interior are glued in the same way as other types. The main aspect - it is important to monitor in the process of gluing wallpaper on the wall behind the pattern. So that in the interior the stripes look beautiful and even, you need to prepare the walls before gluing.

A universal version of the surface preparation is putty, and after a primer, so that the wallpaper is perfectly laid down and the result pleases the result for several years.

Remember that when gluing striped wallpaper, and when cutting paintings, you can not divide the strip into two canvases, regardless of its width.

In addition, such wallpapers are most profitable to glue on drywall, because the surface is smooth, and the wallpaper will look more advantageous.

It is not always possible to buy a house in which the rooms will be sufficient width, and even if the house is very small, then to the side of despair - there is a way out! There are many ways to turn the hut into a palace.

You just look through the numerous photos of stripes in various interiors, and you yourself can make sure of this.

Striped wallpaper photo