There are many colors and shades in nature. Blue color is the color of the sky and water element. He calms, relaxes, fills the house with coolness and allows you to fantasize with the choice of shades.
You can choose "your" blue color of the walls - there are a huge number of them.

You yourself can be the creator of the color of the walls in blue colors, mixing paints and creating a unique shade.

Flower combinations
Blue walls in the interior go well with any natural natural shades: wood, sunny, the colors of greens and foliage, rain and sea sand.

All kinds of white shades will also win the combination of blue walls in the interior, immersing us in the atmosphere of the sea landscape.

For furniture, the color of blue walls is an excellent contrast background. The room acquires the necessary volume and "air", the space visually increases.

The coolness of blue is appropriate in any well -lit room, but in the darkened room it requires additional lighting.

Stylistics and opportunities
Modern designers offer us a lot of options for using blue walls in the interior. It can be sea, rustic, eco style and style Provence, which are so widely known and loved.

Famous designers often use the Mediterranean, Scandinavian and palace style in their “expensive” projects, which create the effect of luxury and prosperity. High Teve, fusion and oriental style allow you to use bright colors, competently combining even dark blue walls with unusual furniture.

A variety of ways to decorate the space of a room with blue walls in different ways gives us the opportunity for creativity. Design magazines presents photos of blue walls in the interior decorated with plaster, blue wallpaper for walls of different textures and decorative panels.

These techniques can be combined, which makes the design of the blue walls more spectacular and ultramoded. Mixing and erosion of styles looks unique and fresh.

The blue color of the walls is most applicable in the bedroom, as this color appeases and soothes.

Do not use total blue wallpaper for walls in the interior of the living room, hall or dining room. It is better to use its unique properties in the bedroom or in the bathroom - this has to relax and rest.

Using the color in the rooms
The most successful use of blue in the interior is the bedroom. Here you can safely use the blue color of all kinds of shades, and for more textured and comfortable design, you can use blue wallpaper for walls over the entire surface.

It goes perfectly with snow -white linen and classical furniture. The room can be supplemented with various interior and decor items. For a home library or work office, it is possible to use more calm, muffled shades of blue.

This will focus and completely dissolve in work, and in addition to wooden panels it will look especially relevant. The most striking and interesting will be the use of blue in the nursery.

It can be combined with yellow, light green, warm orange. The bed and desktop can be highlighted with a calm shade of blue. Modern photos of blue wallpaper for the walls of children and their color solutions can be found in any source about fashion design.

For the bathroom, the blue color will be very organic, as it will refresh and invigorate in bright light. To preserve the harmony of the figure, it is necessary to make blue walls in the kitchen, since this color not only relaxes, but also reduces appetite.

If such a problem does not exist, you can create your own unique shade, mixing different colors. He will also be perfectly combined with white and all shades of milk.

Highlighting the recreation area in the living room in deep colors of blue, we have the opportunity to combine several textures: plain wallpaper, velvet plaster and wallpaper with a stuffed light pattern.

Classic monograms of silver or golden color, dairy shades and a plant ornament will be very appropriate in such a classic interior.

Blue color is the edges of precious stone.

To properly use all the charm and power of blue, it is necessary to correctly use its combinations and select the necessary shades and texture.

Photos of blue walls in the interior![Blue walls in the interior are the rules of the perfect combination in the interior (blue, walls, interior, perfect, combination) Blue walls in the interior are the rules of the perfect combination in the interior]()