High-tech-relatively young direction in architecture and design, which came into our lives along with the rapid development of high technologies.
The technical progress of the 20th century not only launched a person into space and globalized the Internet, but also inspired the creators to challenge the classical perception of art and turn it to the future.

Today, hi-tech is considered a style for wealthy people, since not everyone can afford futuristic technologies and materials.

But the result will justify itself: by choosing this direction, you get a multifunctional and stylish room equipped with the times. The best excursion to the world of futuristic design will be a high-tech bathroom

Characteristic features of style
The modern interior of the bathroom in the high-tech style is determined literally from the very first seconds and is unique in its kind. He is inherent in: simple geometry of forms and lines; smooth surfaces; monochrome gamut of colors; the use of artificial materials (glass, plastic, metal) and the avoidance of natural; minimalism in the decor; abundance of lighting sources of all types; marginal functionality in the use of space and objects; references to the works of futurists; visibility of lightness due to lighting and glass; Walls without decoration.

Color design
High-tech style in a modern bathroom significantly limits the choice of color solutions.

For registration, only ahromatic colors will be needed, as well as bright neon shades of other colors for interspersed. But due to the shine of metal and gloss, light sources, the interior does not seem boring and monotonous.

There are practically no patterns and patterns in high-tech-the emphasis is placed on the form and content of the finish.

Walls. On the issue of wall decoration, High-Tex still adheres to classics-ceramic tiles: it is used large square or rectangular. Usually this is a monophonic glossy finish or mosaic of tones close in color.

Paul registration also obeys these rules. The main thing is to create a completely even shiny coating. The stretch ceiling fits perfectly into the design of the bathroom in the high-tech style, and you can choose almost any color for it.

The choice of plumbing
The selection of plumbing is the most responsible and important part of the design of the bathroom. In this matter, it is worth distracting from the traditional market and paying your attention to functional compact innovations - primarily with straight angles and strict forms.

Unusual form, large dimensions, non-standard materials-these are the main criteria for choosing a bathroom, shower or sink for high-tech style.

You will never meet the classic wealth of decor in the photo in the high-tech style. On the contrary, the further the design is from the traditional - the better.

Therefore, it is worth forgetting about natural furniture and ornate shapes - they are replaced by glass, metal, plastic, spaciousness and multifunctionality. Simple in design massive cabinets and shelves do not look ridiculous with proper lighting.

The light plays one of the most important roles in the interior, since the visual space of the room depends on it. There are two main ways to light the room in high-tech: Point lighting - compact, uniform, functional and can be directed to certain zones. The main ceiling lamp is an interesting futuristic design using metal tubes.

The correct selection of lighting will make the room even more stylish and original.

Even such a strict and dry style as high-tech cannot be left without interesting trinkets that will revive the room. They must be decorated in accordance with the design of the room, ideally made of similar materials.

Traditional jewelry can be replaced by modern accessories: for example, a sliding structure will perfectly replace the curtain for the bathroom.

Features of the interior
In the high-tech style, both small and spacious bathroom can be decorated. For small rooms, you should leave exclusively the most necessary, hang glass shelves instead of large objects of the headset - this will expand the room.

Correct lighting will also help increase the space.

Design advice
It is not necessary to hide the metal pipes of the water supply or sewage system-they only complement the high-tech style.

Keep the room in order. Cosmetics and bath accessories will easily fit into lockers, and the cleaned bathroom is always pleasant and beautiful.

The use of mirror surfaces will help make the room more.

Photo bathroom in high-tech style