In December, housewives begin to prepare a house for the New Year. Particular attention is paid to the design of the hall. After all, it is in this room, according to tradition, they install a Christmas tree and, as a result, Santa Klaus or Santa Claus leave gifts under it.
The correct organization will help make the space free from unnecessary details and fit a large table for the whole family, even in a small room, focusing on the Christmas tree and gifts. In this article, we talk about the tricks of the design in different styles that will help prepare the hall for the meeting and imbued with the philosophy of this direction in design.

Cozy festive shades 2023 for Hall
2023 - the year of the white rat, so it is worth using white color and its shades: cream, jasmine, vanilla, marshmallow. To add coziness, combine white with traditional shades: green, red and blue. Color accents should prevail in textiles and other holiday attributes.

Ideas for decorating the living room for the New Year with your own hands
How to beautifully design the living room for the New Year? This is an important question for the hostesses since the calendar event will be more likely in the hall, for starters, it is important to remove excess boxes and unnecessary things. On the night of December 31, you need to respect the symbol of the calendar - a metal rat, so silver shades and forged materials will bless the owners for a successful year.

To do this, it is important to get the main attribute - Christmas. It can be installed in the center of the hall to fill the empty space and it was convenient to put gifts. To fill in the free space, it is worth getting New Year's pillows. They should be the main Christmas flowers: red, green, white and blue and be located in the corners of the apartment or on the couch.

New Year's decorations of walls, ceiling and windows
So that the New Year mood is transmitted and you need to do the window decoration on the street. It is worth using traditional design methods. You can take a stencil and with the help of liquid snow to draw symbols of the holiday - a snowman, Santa Claus, a deer, a snowflake.

For brightness, it is worth adding illumination, for example, a garland in the form of icicles with a smooth extinction of lights, to create the effect of melting, from the side of the street this glow will look beautiful. Another trick is to combine the rain with a garland!

This option will create an additional glow inside the apartment due to the reflection of the light source from the reflex coating of the rain. In such a house, light volume will prevail and positively affect the mood due to smooth transfusion of different colors.

Walls and ceilings should be decorated with New Year's posters or photographs of relatives and friends framed by multi -colored garlands. To receive not only visual stimuli, but also to get olfactory you can dry crusts from citrus fruits and hang them along with cinnamon. This will create a pleasant New Year's smell!

The decor of the room for tinsel and rain for the New Year
How to decorate the room for the New Year with the help of tinsel? The decoration rules are simple. Use tinsel to fill a place in the free corners. To visually increase the ceiling, you can pull the rain from one corner of the room to another or make the garland intersect with tinsel.

This will increase the space of the apartment and fill it with the spirit of Christmas!
Designer advice: how to stylishly transform the living room for the holiday
Prepare the hall by the year of the rat a painstaking task, but the result will delight the whole family. If you need to decorate the living room in the Provence style, then the thematic textiles should be used, for example, red napkins.

Provence is characterized by forged metal products, a sled in the living room with a fireplace will become a good addition, like an attribute of winter and a symbol of transport Santa Claus. The table can be decorated with lamps with candles.

To understand how to design the living room for the New Year, to meet it without unnecessary fuss and unnecessary things, let's turn to the rules of minimalism. No more than three colors, it is desirable that they are obscene - black, white and gray tone, best friends of minimalism.

The second rule is to remove extra objects. Before decorating the apartment, it is worthwhile to reorganize the space and remove unnecessary things. This will add to Eastern philosophy housing, because a clean house - pure thoughts - pure motives.

The same rules of minimalism are applicable to toys, they should not be bright tones so as not to overload attention, you can use simple geometric shapes: circle, triangle, square and their volumetric derivatives will be in harmony to hang on a small spruce.

Do not forget that the symbol of 2023 is a rat, in the east it is associated with wisdom, wealth and frugality, a small toy under a tree in the form of a symbol respects the guest of the eastern calendar.

How to decorate the living room by the new 2023 in modern design? Before decorating the hall, you need to find out what modern style is? This is high-tech, Provence, Scandinavian style and their combinations, all these directions fall under the trends of the 21st century.

To give a Christmas attitude to these currents, it is important to use current jewelry. For example, in the Scandinavian design, you can apply decor made of wood and other natural materials, for example, polished stone.

And Scandinavians love northern animals, so they use their symbols in festive accessories. But nothing can compare with a cup of warm mulled wine by a fireplace of natural marble or cream stone, which can be decorated with red bulbs and make pastime at the fire is even warmer and festive.

To make a festive design relevant, you can try the design in the style of "eco". To do this, use natural materials without synthetic additives. In the forest or park, you can collect cones and twigs. Bring them to the house and put them in a vase. Such a natural bouquet will fill the house with the smell of needles, which is well disinfected by the room. With the help of glue, the collected cones can be combined into a beautiful Christmas composition.

The twigs can be combined into the figure of the northern animal, for example - a deer, a bear, or a fairy -tale character. Then hang it on the wall or window to focus on the figure, you can attach a white or warm shade to it.

To do this, fill out the vacant space with a rain, garlands and collected street bouquets from branches and cones - this does not harm the ecology, reduce coniferous consumption and, as a result, will reduce forest cutting down. Christmas toys can be combined into the desired composition, so with the help of glue it will be possible to create a small multi -colored Christmas tree of balls.

New Year's decoration of the hall: photo gallery