Out of the corner, an important holiday of men on February-23. We bring to your attention a selection in which simple crafts on a military theme are dismantled.
A military machine from an old box glue a tank on a template from a colored cardboard board from a cage for chicken ovstank from matchbox T-34 with your own hands from cardboardMilitary car from the old box
Making a military tank from cardboard with your own hands is easy, the process is interesting and cognitive. Materials for manufacturing are required a little: ordinary cardboard box, glue and scissors.

one. To compile the tank body, a band of cardboard up to 15-20 centimeters and about 60 centimeters long is cut out a strip of cardboard. This strip must be twisted into a roll, gluing the extreme sides among themselves.

2. A observation tank tower is glued from thin strips or a small box.

3. Caterpillars are glued from several strips of the corrugated part of the cardboard, which is glued on top of the opposite sides of the case. Wheels are twisted from chopped corrugated cardboard strips. Then, the resulting babins are glued into the body of the tank on the side.

four. The barrel is twisted from a cut thin layer of cardboard or from a ball for balls.

The tank is ready. Next, you can paint it with different colors. Cardboard design will be quite light and it can be played for children.

How to glue a tank by a template
Assembling the tank on the finished template will not take much time. You can download the selected model on the Internet, print it either on cardboard, or transfer the template with dimensions to the sheets prepared for crafts.

Color cardboard tank
Simple craft as a gift for dad for a pensile. Even preschool children will cope with manufacture. For the tank, you will need a minimum set of materials: color cardboard, glue, scissors. How to make a cardboard tank:
one. A leaf of a suitable color for the basis of crafts is selected.
2. Two stripes from 3 to 5 centimeters are cut out of cardboard. Each glue so that the ring is obtained. This is the basis for caterpillars of the tank.

3. The platform is built from the white sheet. For this, a wide strip is bent on both sides so that a pedestal is obtained. The design is glued to the base, between the geese.

four. The tank barrel can be made from a cocktail tube. It is inserted into the hole made by scissors in the tank platform.
Crafts can be decorated with suitable military paraphernalia, or painted in camouflage colors.

Cage for chicken eggs
For a tank from this material, you need to prepare paints of dark green and gray colors, preferably gouache, brushes, glue, scissors.

Matchbox tank
A simple level of complexity of manufacturing this craft allows you to perform it in the garden. For this version of the tank, you will need: speeches, boxes from juice, pipe from juice, plastic lines from lemonade or mineral water, glue or adhesive pistol, paper of various colors.

one. A small box of juice and matchboxes are glued with colored paper.

2. The resulting parts are glued. The box will symbolize the observation tower, so it sticks on the box from the juice from above.
3. Circles are cut out of black paper, these are the future wheels of the tank, they are glued to the side of the lower part of the structure. Stripes of small width are also cut out of the black leaf, which must be glued to the edges of the lower box-there will be caterpillars.

four. Plastic lines from mineral water are attached to the matchbox and stained black.

5. To install the trunk from a pipe from juice, you will need adult help. In a plastic roof, you need to make a small hole with a sharp object and insert a tube into it.
A homemade tank is decorated with carved military attributes.

T-34 tank with your own hands from cardboard
To prepare for the average complexity of the assembly of the tank T 34, you need: adhesive thermo pistol, cardboard, wood, compass, ruler, stationery knife, pencil, small scissors (you can take manicure), millimiter and transportation. The model taken as an example is based on a moving box.
one. The most painstaking part of the work is a drawing of the future tank for individual parts with precisely verified sizes. On cardboard, you can mark the boundaries of the children using small punctures with a needle. The points are neatly connected with a pencil.

2. The marked blanks are carefully cut out by an office knife.

3. Adhesive rods when heated high -quality glue the resulting spare parts of the tank.

four. The wheels are glued separately and after drying the glue in small details, they are carefully attached to the main body.

5. To assemble the tower, it is recommended to draw a beigon paper and cut across the fibers. Parts are glued on the inside.

6. A round hole is cut into the details that serves the main body of the tank, through which a small motor on the batteries can be placed inside to create sound effects.

7. Separately cut out caterpillars. After cutting and staining, they are glued to the hulls. Wings are attached from above.
eight. The tank trunk is cut out of a small piece of Reiki. After the workpiece is extended, it must be fucked with sandpaper. The barrel is attached to the upper tower.

After the glue dries, the model can be painted in camouflage colors.