Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Choosing a curtain for the kitchen is a difficult task. It is here that constant moisture, a lot of detergents, fat and open fire are concentrated. Therefore, the curtains should be comfortable, easily washed off, and also supplement the main design. The question of how to choose curtains for the kitchen can be resolved by the study of their types and advantages.

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New products of modern curtains

Roman curtains

A variety of curtains for a small lifting kitchen, which has a mechanical or electrical mechanism. When lifting, the fabric is folded and horizontal drapery forms and forms.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Such curtains are suitable for white cuisine, minimalism and modern scandal. They practically do not take places in the room, allow you to smoothly adjust the level of light. Give the interior of the kitchen strictness and conciseness. Create freshness and space in the room.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

It is used in all postmodern styles, and in those that are focused on industrial design. Can be installed both in solo and in conjunction with tulle and other designs.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Pros: Can be washed. They are disconnected from the cornice (special cornices are used in Roman models) and are erased manually or in a typewriter. They take up little space. Suitable for Khrushchevs with small rooms, fall to the windowsill. Various curtains. A tulle layer can be used.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Cauled variations are also used on top of ordinary. They do not have hard guides, the folds are formed more chaotical. They are soft, have decorative hanging "ears".

Roman kitchen curtains do not have geometric severity to the windowsill, so they are most often not installed alone. It is better to take the same colors or complementary.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

French curtains

Models of curtains for a kitchen in the style of classicism. Traditional models have a length to the window sill, have many horizontal folds over the entire surface, symmetrical under the length. The classic model is motionless.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

She is always in one position and it is not customary to move to the side. Neoprantsian curtains are more often used for the dining room. They can rise, like Roman. Hang on rings and special cornices.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Made of natural light fabrics (cotton or linen), so they can be washed in a machine. Easily ignited and can only be installed away from the stove. Otherwise, a fire may occur.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

The design of the kitchen window with a French model is possible only in classic styles. They are hung only in large kitchens, as they take up a lot of space. But for spacious dining rooms with a large window, they are perfect perfectly.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Of the minuses: Folds. The drapery looks spectacular, but at the same time it is a place of accumulation of dust. For this reason, they require frequent washing or dusting. Complex care. Oil, fat, various sauces can fall on the fabric. After washing, you will have to restore the drapery,

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

You can see the photo in the interior below.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Japanese panels

The design of curtains for the kitchen style of the traditional East is a frequent move, which is more like a screen. Its difference from others is universality. Combined in two halves.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Are even stripes without drapery. Often the canvases are plain, they have no drawings, with the exception of designer models. Cornices for them can be multidisciplinary. Thus, the curtains can be hung in several layers.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Pros: Price. Often Japanese curtains are cheaper, in comparison with French, Roman and similar models. Simplicity. Despite the indirect attitude to Japanese aesthetics, they still have the simplicity that is found in classic oriental design. Diversity. The main emphasis is palette. There are screens with all colors. You can find black curtains, red, pastel and even acidic. The tulle layer is allowed.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Advantages of the kitchen on ordering a knife to choose?
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Coffee use

When choosing, you need to consider: Material. The fabric determines the durability, the speed of burning color on the back, the preservation of the form, the possibility of washing. It is recommended to buy natural styles like silk, linen, cotton. It is possible to use synthetic fabrics (a mixture of natural and artificial fiber). But it is not advisable to use the screen completely from polyester, nylon or polysatin. They are poorly lazeling and can dissolve from detergents. Color. The traditional Japanese surroundings are characterized by calm tones. As a rule, this is a light spectrum, closer to white. Now there are no such restrictions, so any, even extravagant shades are suitable. Picture. For oriental styles, branches or petals of sakura are best suited. But there are no strict standards, so the print can be excellent.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

What curtains to hang on the kitchen if the emphasis is on functionality? In this case, a roll model will help. They got such a name because the fabric is wound on a special roller and adjusted by vertical using a special lever.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

The canvas can be made of ordinary fabric, bamboo or wooden sticks, PVC. Typically, the first 2 types are used in design, as they complement the overall design and do not allow the dining room to turn into a boring office. When buying, they offer samples of different colors and shapes, so the variability of the design is high.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Rolled curtains in the kitchen are suitable if the room has tiny dimensions. They do not occupy an extra place at all, so it is possible to use a windowsill, like a countertop or under seedlings. Even in large dining rooms they look good, do not get out of the general design and are generally necessary in high-tech.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Some confuses the certain asceticism of such a solution, but in this case, wooden models are suitable. They are well integrated even into the loft.


Turkish form of curtains having a characteristic pattern and color. If the question “which curtains to choose in the kitchen arises?", And the room is on the north side - this is the best choice. It is light, almost nothing weighs, slightly transparent. Always misses a little light.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Advantages of making a kitchen to order
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Zoning the kitchen and the living room of the bar
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen sinks. Popular models

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Popular in warm regions. The reason for this is that it protects the house from the sun, but perfectly pass fresh air. Necessary in oriental forms of design or ethno -design.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Kisei are different and, despite the Turkish roots, there are varieties from China, India and even Germany.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Curtains from a veil for the dining room can be used, both in solo decor and in conjunction with tulle, combined by color.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Bamboo curtains

A type of roller curtains made of natural bamboo. If you need short curtains for the kitchen that do not occupy an extra place - this option wins.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

They are used thanks to:

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
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Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
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Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Banks for bulk products Environmental cleanliness. Being dried, bamboo does not provoke anaphylactic reactions, suitable for families with children and pets. Lack of static activity. Most curtains, including polyvinyl chloride, attract small particles of dust. Therefore, even with frequent wet cleaning, they are covered with dirt. Bamboo does not have such qualities and therefore always remains clean. Modern curtains for a bamboo kitchen weigh almost nothing. This allows you to easily transport them, store and install them. Perfectly protect the room from the light, despite the minimum thickness of the racks. Have high moisture protection, are not afraid of water, fat and dirt, which is important in the kitchen.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Filament curtains

Curtains for a small kitchen made of threads - a simple variation, if you need to create comfort with a design shade. Pass fresh air and light with moderate detention. Their idea is not in the control of lighting, since there is a small gap between the individual threads.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

They cope well with the protection of their personal life, since no one from the street will be able to notice who and what they are doing in the apartment. Hang on rings.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

The curtains for the kitchen are made from: Cotton and flax. Natural fabrics that have a villous structure. Easily stained, therefore, if red, blue, green, black curtains in the kitchen are needed - they are suitable. Practically do not absorb fat, do not burn out in the sun. In case of fire, they quickly burn, without releasing toxins into the atmosphere. Synthetic fabrics. Combinations of natural fibers and artificial. They have great elasticity, practically do not chop, easily experience washing. Not afraid of detergents and fat spots. Artificial fabrics. The modern design of curtains can implies completely artificial origin. Produced from polyester or nylon (Lycra). Durable, do not support combustion, but do not tolerate the washing.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Modern ideas of thread curtains in zoning. If the balcony is combined with the kitchen, they allow you to zone the space, moderately control lighting, but completely pass fresh air into the room.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Curtain curtains

How to choose curtains to create a kitchen in the style of a small European tavern? Curtains-cafes are a large group of curtains that traditionally hang in small family restaurants. These are short curtains in the kitchen that do not go beyond the boundaries of the window opening.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

Can be in the following variations: The curtain with the lambrequin. In this case, the window is divided into two parts with a horizontal line in the middle. A carnise-string or ordinary twine is stretched along it. Short curtains in the kitchen hang on it. The remaining upper part is also divided into two horizontal and a miniature lambrequin is installed on the top. Gadin for the whole window. A small cornice (string or twine) is hung right above the glass in the opening. A curtain is installed on it, no more than the glass itself.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

The interior in which the style can be integrated is Provence and Country. It is there that they are revealed and complement the environment.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

The ornament is carried out in soft colors. It can be beige, mint, azure, pink, green, black curtains in the kitchen with a standard floral pattern.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

An ordinary tulle for the kitchen is suitable for the layer. It hangs on top and helps to scatter a little light. It is important that it is not satin, but traditional cotton with cutouts.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

See how short curtains look like a photo below the kitchen.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains

How to choose the color of curtains for the kitchen: designer tips

Last but not least, you need to listen to the advice of designers-bellists: Background - continuation of the interior. Black stylish curtains can only be combined with white or black. He cannot fall out of a common tone. The background must either emphasize or continue the mood of the walls and ceiling.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
This season fashionable colors of nature: dark green, blue, peach, apricot, orange. Pastel tones of their warm spectrum never lose their relevance. The length of the curtains on the windows is directly proportional to the height of the ceilings and the size of the room. Curtains for a small kitchen should not be on the floor or start from the ceiling itself. There are no such restrictions in large rooms and you can hang a design cafe model, long Austrian curtains.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
The combination of curtains and tulle is welcome. Until now, this classic combination takes place. Hanging the tulle in the kitchen, you can make the curtain more magnificent and luxurious. Curtains on the kitchen on one side and with a bevel are suitable in situations where the windowsill acts as a countertop or a place for seedlings. Rolled curtains are also relevant. Before you hang the curtains in the kitchen beautifully, you need to remember about comfort. The curtain “eats up” part of the space, so making multilayer compositions that will take 10 part undesirable.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
If the house is in a picturesque place or is it a country cottage - it is better to take the curtains to the kitchen on one side. They will create a natural frame through which it will be pleasant to look at the lake, beautiful grove, park or alley. It is recommended to take natural fabrics. Cotton materials, silk and on the basis of flax. If a synthetic canvas is used, then artificial fibers should be no more than 30%.

Kitchen curtains: photos, modern style, best ideas and new items, actual curtains
