Wallpaper Example of available finishing material. Due to the variety of types, drawings and textures, it can be used in the kitchen. Easy to enter into the interior regardless of style. Can be combined with tiles, natural wood and laminate. Just know how to choose and combine these materials.
How to choose the color of the material Views of the wallpaper for cuisine -stroke acryline -bamber -bastards and glass cholelcography of the mains -resistant photo wallpaper by choosingHow to choose the color of the material
With rolled finishing material, the room where they cook, eat and often receive guests, becomes cozy. At the same time, hide flaws. For example, for a small kitchen, wallpaper is a way to visually increase it. But provided that the shade is suitable.

Determining with the color of the finish, it is recommended to use the color circle. This favorite tool of all designers can be purchased in stores for artists, construction markets. Also on the Internet, online versions are offered. Ready -made coloristic schemes answer to the question what wallpaper to choose for the kitchen. The most basic ones that are enough to know not to professionals: Monochromatic combinations, t.e. Combination of colors from one segment. Rolled finishing materials should be the same tone with a set. So that the design of the kitchen does not look monotonous, faceless, it is recommended to purchase wallpaper with a pattern. Also, the interior is complemented by contrasting accents, expressive textures. A combination of contrasting type. The basis of opposite colors is based on. For example, for blue cuisine, wallpaper from an orange spectrum is suitable. To soften the transition will help the choice of complex shades. Harmonic combinations. Take tones "neighbors" in a circle. According to this principle, the green headset can be supplemented with wallpaper of blue-green or yellow-green color. Interior design will look complete if you add parts of neutral or contrasting shades.

The natural light of the room is also taken into account when selecting roll finishing material. If the windows of the apartment go north, little sunlight penetrates into the kitchen and it seems dark, the actual area visually decreases. The wallpaper of warm shades of creamy, cream, light-coral, pastel spectrum of pink will help to fix this.

If the headset is neutral, you can add the material of not diluted warm shades orange, red, yellow. But there should not be many such intersperses. Examples of how to combine wallpaper in the kitchen are often found on the pages of magazines for designers.

Interesting! In Finland, Norway is often found white sets, supplemented by yellow roll finishing materials. They glue window openings, increasing the volume of the incoming sunlight.
Small kitchens are not rare. White wallpaper will help to visually increase them. A small discreet drawing is allowed. Enhance the effect of the same shade of the headset. Small color intersperses of accessories, countertop, etc. will help to remove the effect of sterility.D.

Typically, deciding which wallpaper is better to glue in a kitchen with an area of 6 m2 choose light models. You can make the room deeper with the help of an accent wall trimmed with black material. The rest of the surfaces should be bright.

Wallpaper in light kitchens (due to a large amount of natural light) can be cold shades of blue, turquoise, blue. The flooring can be wooden or ceramic.

Determining the color of the wallpaper for the kitchen, take into account the style in which the room is decorated. For the Provence, such shades are suitable: lavender; light gray; pale pink; Muffled turquoise.

The cell can emphasize the atmosphere only if it is small and formed from non -contrast colors. The design of the wallpaper for a kitchen in the style of Provence includes peas and, of course, a plant ornament, print.

Wallpaper on the kitchen in a country house or a rustic style decorated in a rustic style with an imitation of time -battered boards. Pets images will look interesting. The main thing is that, looking at them, it seems that they were painted with a griffle pencil.

When deciding what color the wallpaper will take into account the location of the kitchen. If it borders on the living room, then the design should be in harmony.

Types of kitchen wallpaper
As in the bathroom, in the room where they cook, high humidity. The finish should be resistant to these conditions. Therefore, even expensive paper roll materials are not suitable for finishing the kitchen space. After 12 months, their appearance will deteriorate, the repair will have to be reused.

The effect of steam negatively affects textile wallpaper. They stretch, sag, lose brightness. Therefore, in a request what wallpaper is suitable for premises where food is prepared, fabric models are never found.

In the kitchen, it is better to glue acrylic, cork, non -woven, vinyl, bamboo wallpaper. As well as models from fiberglass. Such materials look attractive, the service life of a large.

Got their name from the main material of polyvinyl. Its disadvantages include the inability to pass moisture, air. But taking into account the microclimate of the kitchen, this is a dignity.

Important! Models with a foamed upper layer to choose better for rooms where humidity is below. Microporas are able to accumulate water.
Vinyl wallpaper with a smooth surface is allowed to wash with a damp sponge. Therefore, some manufacturers mark them as “washing”. If pollution appears, it is permissible to use the detergent. But it must be with a neutral composition.

Non -woven
This is a flexible cellulose canvas. More often produced in white for painting. But there are color models. So that such wallpapers can be glued in the kitchen, they are covered with acrylic, latex paint. Change color is allowed no more than 3-5 times.

Nonsense is made of natural materials. Therefore, they do not distinguish dangerous substances. This is an advantage. But the finish can absorb moisture, although to a lesser extent than paper wallpaper.

The material is similar to vinyl. But the surface substance is applied to the base of non -woven, paper with a point method. Due to this, there are micropores through which the air freely penetrates.

Important! The canvas is light, when compared with polyvinilov. Therefore, working with him is easier. But due to the fact that he misses moisture, to glue such wallpapers in the kitchen unsuccessful solution.

This material repels moisture, looks beautiful. The surface of pleasant shades of straw create a home atmosphere. The only drawback is high cost. Otherwise, these beautiful wallpapers good choice.

Environmentally friendly material that is resistant to moisture, mechanical damage. Hides the irregularities of the walls. And with the original texture, the premises acquires individuality.

If the kitchen has angles that go outside, cork wallpapers can serve as thermal insulation material. Microscopic pores on their surface hold the incoming heat and do not release it out.

Glass wallpaper and glass chloride
This type of modern wallpaper for the kitchen is reliable and simple. Can be smooth, with a small relief. Slashery of operation 30 years. The surface is allowed to paint at least 20 times.

Consist of soda, quartz, clay. The material passes air, moisture, but does not smell. Wallpapers do not absorb the cuisine of the kitchen smells. Fungi do not multiply on the surface.
Fact! Wallpaper on the cuisine of fiberglass protect the plaster from spraying. Therefore, cracks do not appear on the surface, even if the structure is new and gives a natural shrinkage.

Analogue of hot embossing wallpaper. Difference of production technology. During the production of artificial origin, add to vinyl during production. The finished canvas is similar to the fabric. Due to embossing, it has a relief.

Poving such wallpaper in the kitchen justifies itself for several reasons: do not absorb odors; resistance to light; simple gluing; Long life.

Silk -graphic wallpaper for walls with defects are not suitable. Due to the small thickness of the canvas, they will appear. Therefore, gluing is carried out only after thorough preparation of the working surface.

Waterproof murals
A canvas with the image applied by the image. The basis of vinyl, paper or non -woven. The overall picture consists of separate segments.

Wall murals with natural motives for the kitchen are very good. They make the room brighter. Of these, it is good to make a panel to create an accent wall.

Wall murals with special impregnations are suitable for the kitchen, which make rolled finishing material resistant to moisture. They can be wiped with a damp cloth, sponge. Only without aggressive detergents.

Chips on the choice
Having decided to stick wallpaper in the kitchen, take into account the width of the roll. Classic parameters 53 and 106 cm. The largest canvases have vinyl or non -woven coating. They have several advantages: fast, easy installation; a neat result due to a small number of joints; The drawing is just to fit.

When deciding which wallpaper for the kitchen is better to choose, take into account the condition of the walls. Lungs, the density of which is 110 g/m2, require great accuracy during operation. They poorly hide even small bumps. Middle wallpaper, their density fluctuates between 110 and 140 g/m2, smoothly covers the wall. The elasticity of the canvas makes pasting simple. This distinguishes him from heavy models.

In a small kitchen, wallpaper combining is practiced. Choose models with an unusual pattern of bright, dark, large, motley, for the accent wall. The rest of the surfaces are glued with calmer roller finishing materials.

The wallpaper in the kitchen should be from one batch so that the shades clearly coincide. We must not forget in reserve in 10-15%. If an error was made in the calculation, gluing this excess will help solve the problem without prejudice. And you don’t have to think about how to choose wallpaper for the kitchen, so that they definitely coincide with previously glued.

To choose the best wallpaper for the kitchen and avoid mistakes, take several test samples of their favorite models. At home they are applied to the headset, sections of walls not occupied by furniture. It is recommended to do this at different times of the day to get a real picture. Having studied the information received, it will be easier to determine the “winner”.

The wallpaper looks original in the interior of the kitchen regardless of the style. With their help, you can visually change the proportions of the room, raise the ceilings. Combined with tiles the wallpaper for the kitchen is a bold solution that extends the life of the materials. Models that can be painted an extensive field of activity. #Gallery-7 { Margin: Auto; } #Gallery-7 .Gallery -item { Float: Left; Margin-Top: 10px; Text-align: Center; Width: 100%; } #Gallery-7 IMG { BORDER: 2PX Solid #CFCFCF; } #Gallery-7 .Gallery-Capation { Margin-Left: 0; } /* See Gallery_shortcode () in wp-annudes/media.PHP */