Design project is a detailed instructions for the arrangement of housing, following which you will get the desired result with one hundred percent guarantee. The designer develops the general concept of the situation of premises, taking into account their functional purpose, as well as layout, taste preferences of the owners, budget. As a result, it turns out not only beautiful, but also as much comfortable housing for life. Thanks to the competent design project, it is possible to save energy and time, and, of course, achieve the desired result without errors and unnecessary embezzlement.
Design project is not just a layout created in the editor according to the housing plan. By concluding an agreement with the agency for its development, you get specific and detailed technical documentation. In addition, designers and designers have great practical experience in this area, are well acquainted with the assortment of construction stores and constantly monitor fashion trends.
What stages are the work on the project: Creation of technical assignment. The more details you tell the specialist about your expectations from future repairs, the sooner you will see the interior of your dreams.Departure to an object for measurements of premises.Drawing style, selection of several layout options and color combinations.Creating 3D visualization.Drawing up design documentation, estimates for materials and work.
So what is the design of the project: drawings, sketches and visualization; specification; explanatory note.

Drawing documents have a detailed instruction for builders, how and in what sequence certain work needs to be done.
The drawing and construction documentation includes: plan for installing/demolition of walls, partitions; plan of wiring and other communications; scan of the ceiling, walls, floors; plan for the location of furniture and other interior items.
Visualization (namely sketches, collages, computer graphics) allows the client to consider the future design of the rooms in advance and, if necessary, make editing in time. Quite often, the designer draws several options for the design of the premises so that the client can choose what is more suitable for him. The closest interior visualization is created using computer graphics. 3D visualizations are voluminous pictures in which not only the layout, placement of furniture, but also the texture of surfaces, lighting, color scheme are transmitted with photographic accuracy.
A very useful thing of collages and mudboards: with their help, the customer compares various shades and texture of furniture, finishing materials, decor.

The statement is a document indicated the number of necessary building materials for each room. The primary price of future repairs is considered at its base. The general statement of the project is distinguished by a specification with a full list of not only coatings and finishing finishing materials, but also furniture, lighting and household appliances. The exact number of necessary addresses and links to the places of sale of commodity units are indicated here.
Design project also contains an explanatory note. It gives a general design concept, technical, functional, decorative solutions of the project are painted.
Additionally, the client orders copyright services. This option is useful when ordering the design of the cottage project, apartments with a complex redevelopment. It often happens that when performing work, the team has questions, which only the author of the project can answer. Initiative in such cases is fraught with unpleasant consequences. With copyright supervision, you can be sure that the result will be fully consistent with expectations.