PVC ceiling coating are characterized by quality and durability. But for large rooms, it is difficult to create a wide and even coating. Seamless fabric -based ceilings come to the rescue. A large selection of different types of suspended ceilings, for example, stretch ceilings of the starry sky, can be found on the website Div>
This ceiling coating on the domestic market is made of polyester - a tissue of complex knitted weaving, covered with polyurethane. Its weight is a little more than 200 grams per square meter. The essential advantage of such ceilings is that they “breathe”, that is, they pass air, but at the same time prevent moisture penetration. On seamless tissue ceilings, condensate does not accumulate, and dust does not settle. And the absolute absence of extraneous odors allows them to recommend them for use in medical and children's institutions.
Seamless ceilings are supplied in rolls of large width - over 5 meters. Thus, they can be used in any room, without joints and seams. Polyester -based fabric has amazing strength and exceeds the PVC film by ten times in this characteristic.

The low weight of the ceilings allows you to significantly facilitate and accelerate the work on their installation. Seamless ceilings are ideal for arranging new buildings ceiling. After all, over time, any new building will settle. This usually leads to the appearance of cracks on the ceiling, which means to unnecessary expenses and troubles. Seamless ceilings help to avoid this. The scope of their use is very extensive: the tension canvas can be used not only to decorate the ceiling and walls, but also as advertising shields and stretch marks.
Fabric tension systems, undoubtedly, win in all other types of coatings in beauty and aesthetics. After all, they allow not only to create various textures and shades, but also to use unique ornaments and even art photographs. All this gives the room a unique style and speaks of the good taste of his master.
Like all other types of suspended ceilings, seamless ceilings hide all defects and bumps. And the complete absence of seams guarantees a perfectly smooth and even ceiling surface. You can not worry about its aesthetics - to care for such a ceiling is easier. Using water and ordinary detergents, you can easily remove any dirt and dust from it.
Try to calculate: how much time and money you will spend on the purchase of building materials, tools, payment of workers and much more, with traditional ceiling decoration. It is much easier, faster and cheaper to purchase stretch seamless ceilings and hire workers for their installation. Moreover, today this can be done in the same company, in a very short time.