The head of the head must comply with the status of the organization. But often a room that did not undergo reorganization on time is decorated in the spirit of the Soviet past. Before us is a frozen picture: massive wooden panels, necessarily made of red wood, a heavy and inconvenient desk covered with green cloth, and a written device made of precious metals or stone on the table. Be sure to a table lamp with a green lampshade. If frequent meetings were supposed to be held in the office, then the table was located perpendicular to the desk. Not often, but it could be seen in the office of the leader and the bookcase. The composition completed the composition of the massive chair of the leader and chairs for visitors. It was like time to stop here
Today, the Soviet empire is already a thing of the past, although fans still remain in this style. Designing the office of the leader, experienced interior designers today are trying to make it the appropriate general style of the company, so you can find a variety of creative solutions: from classics to hi-tech.
However, with any style, special attention should be paid to accessories and lighting. When using the central chandelier on the table, a lamp should still be located. The lighting of the working area should be soft so as not to cause discomfort. Buying a table lamp in Moscow is best in the store in the store.

Interestingly, bookcases leave the cabinet interiors.
Nowadays, information technologies all important documents, reference books are stored in electronic form. It is convenient and practical. Today, racks not only replace bookcases, performing the function of storage location, but often carry image functions: the racks are not placed documents and reference literature, but samples or decorative elements that are designed to create the required atmosphere, demonstrate the success of the company.
An interesting application can also find an archive rack. Equipped with a catalog section, such a rack located in the head of the head may tell visitors about the seriousness of the company, moreover, having a history of development. Of course, in today's conditions, such an archive should be considered as an element of decor, and not a tool for the successful work of the leader.