Almost every patient who has diseases of the chest organs, abdominal cavity and musculoskeletal system is sent for radial examination in the clinic . Therefore, anyone should know the algorithm for prescribing radiation instrumental research, so as not to harm health.
The methods of radiation diagnostics are divided into two main groups:
one. Nononizing: ultrasonic diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging.
2. ionizing methods: radiography, fluorography, angiography, computed tomography.
As can be seen from the classification, the second group has a certain biological effect on parts of the body and the body as a whole, so they must be prescribed with caution, especially children under 14 years of age and pregnant women. For their examination, special low -dedicated protocols and personal protective equipment for the genital organs are used.
One of the main requirements for the appointment of a radiation examination is that any study should be justified. That is, to be appointed according to strict indications. The diagnostic value of the prescribed radiation study should be more than data that can be obtained by laboratory and other instrumental diagnostic methods.
The second requirement is to comply with the rules of the radiological examination of patients. Only radiologists have the right to conduct it. This is important, since at present, doctors who do not have special preparation are often conducted, therefore, violate radiation safety.
Basic principles of radiation examination
Each study should be fulfilled in full, that is, carry the required amount of information to produce or clarify the clinical diagnosis.
The algorithm for prescribing radiation research should be economical. The appointment of examinations that do not carry complete diagnostic information is not allowed.
Any study should be safe for both the patient and medical personnel. For these purposes, the offices use general and personal protective equipment.
Each study should be timely. A continuity system should operate in hospitals, that is, information about previously studies should be stored in computer databases to avoid duplication.
It is necessary to start a radial examination of the patient from the safest, from a radiological point of view, method. For this, if possible and expediency, they begin with non -ionizing diagnostic methods. However, it is not worth conducting, for example, an ultrasound examination in case of suspicion of ischemic stroke, since the doctor will not be able to clarify the information necessary for himself according to him. Here the patient needs computed tomography, although this is an ionizing method. This method will help to see the presence or absence of changes in brain tissue after 15-20 seconds. Performing the basic rules, each patient will protect himself from the negative effects of ionization.