Probably everyone has a situation that repairs are needed. Someone decides to do it himself, others turn to the help of professionals.
The choice in the construction and repair market is simply huge, if desired, to find those who can help in this not easy business, not a problem.

These are specialized firms and the so -called private brigades.

Small tips and tips
It remains only to agree on the price and leave for ten days to relatives or for rented housing, and returning to enjoy all the delights of an updated house. In this case, you have to fork out quite a little.

After all, the work of builders is quite expensive, and sometimes several times higher than the estimate and quality of work.

Unscrupulous builders overstate building materials or, instead of expensive and high -quality material, use the cheapest analogues.

There are not many money as you wanted or there were sad incidents with builders. The only way out to make repairs yourself.

Those who did this perfectly know that the interior decoration of the walls in time and hassle is in no way inferior to the construction of the walls themselves. But our conversation is building a house, and about internal repairs.

How to start, price and what materials to use. We'll talk about this below.

How to prepare the walls?
Prepare the walls for repair for any material, tiles, wallpaper, stone and so on. Remove all paint from the walls from the walls. Wallpaper and so on on the list. In the houses of the walls built in Soviet times, to put it mildly, not quite perfect.

Be prepared that the walls will have to go to. So you need to clean it to the ground. A spatula is useful here.

After preparation, the wall g must be degreased and the mold is removed if there is.

If the house is new, then you can start work right away. Stay only to decide on the material. Whose types of countless. We will not list everything. Let's dwell on the most popular.

Materials for interior wall decoration
Drywall, the basis for the final finish, after installing it, do something additional. Drywall is most often used in rooms with uneven walls.

The design is installed quite simple. We put special corners. We fasten drywall. For a greater fortress of the design, the profile set the cross on the cross. The joints between the sheets are trapped. See photo of the interior wall decoration.

Plaster. Great for leveling walls. It is applied in several layers, level and spatula are useful from the tools.

But for applying plaster, a little experience and skill are required. You have it for the first time.There may be problems

Putty. The decoration of putty is used for small irregularities of the walls and is almost identical to working with plaster with one difference of it in no case should not be laid on the wall with a thick layer.

Cleaning wall decoration
Plastic panels
Today, plastic panels are used for the internal decorative wall decoration. They are produced in a variety of solutions, and a variety of colors will delight the most picky buyer.

One of the main advantages of panels of course the price. This is one of the most inexpensive materials. The panels are very easily installed. Cope even a person without much experience. Easily replaced with breakdown. They are installed in the bath without problems. The only negative, high fire hazard.

Panels for decor
Decorative panels are much more expensive than plastic. They are made from fiberboard, MDF, plastic and other materials. Not sensitive to the degree of uneven walls and do not require experience for installing.

A beautiful design of wall decoration will be tiles. Contrary to the prevailing opinion, it can be used not only in the toilet or on the bathroom, as well as in any other room.

The disadvantages include the fact that its styling requires special knowledge and skills and everything will have to be hired as soon as possible. Tiles for interior decoration are interesting, but you should think, and you have enough strength and money to lay out the whole apartment with tiles.

Decorative rock
The decorative stone is the most expensive of all the materials presented and only some can afford it.

Those who are richer of the stone are natural.natural granite, marble. If you love money, you can choose an artificial stone. In appearance practically not distinguishable from natural.

It is much easier to choose in color. It absorbs moisture much less natural and there are practically no cracks and shells on it, unlike natural.

Choose material today is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to decide for yourself in advance how and what will you do the finish of the internal walls of the house and only after that go to the store.

Photo of interior wall decoration