It is extremely difficult for a modern person to imagine a residential building, devoid of such convenience as a bathroom. After all, it is in this room that people accept water procedures, relax after an exhausting work day.
Thanks to the rapid development of the building materials market, it became possible to equip the bathroom with various multifunctional equipment and devices.

However, since the bathroom in the apartment is less comfortable, the owners have to look for a solution how to make it more comfortable, more comfortable.

But before proceeding with active work and repair, it is necessary to make a preliminary layout, which will help to finally verify the correctness of filling the filling for the bathroom.

How to plan the situation correctly?
The main problem of Khrushchevs is to too much restrict the space in which it is necessary to place: bathroom, toilet, washbasin and other small equipment.

The most optimal accommodation option is captured in the apartment below: in the immediate vicinity of the bath there is a washbasin, a toilet is near it, and a washing machine in view of its compactness takes up little space.

Of course, for such a small room, a good shower booth is more suitable, but if you do not imagine your life without water procedures in the bathroom, then it is better to leave this idea.

Since the area of the bathroom in this case is quite small, you should take care to visually expand the space. Mirrors cope with this task very well.

Thanks to the reflective ability, they can visually increase the area of the room, so if you have cabinets in your bathroom, it is better to equip them with a mirror surface.

The mirror design of the bathroom in the apartment looks quite modern, but when designing it, remember that it is better to limit yourself to a small number of mirrors.

In this case, their location plays a much more important role, not the number.

The most suitable finishing materials
The small area of the bathroom also affects the choice of the color of the finish. It is completely unacceptable to design the room in dark colors, which will only aggravate the situation, visually narrowing the already small space.

Give preference only to light tones, selecting decorative tiles for the floor and walls.

If you plan to combine several types of tiles, then have stripes or any decorative inserts horizontally.

If you plan to make a modern bathroom in the apartment, then you can not do without stretch ceilings.

They do not require any additional care, the cost of products is quite acceptable, in addition, they will add light to any room. And this means that the tension sheet will also contribute to the visual expansion of the room.

To date, there is a huge selection of a stretch fabric, which can be both matte and glossy.

We draw your attention to the fact that the design can be very different, but it is preferable to use a glossy canvas due to its reflective ability.

For those who love various experiments with the interior, the use of ceilings with photo printing will be an excellent solution. You can choose the most suitable image that will complement the overall design of the room, add brightness to it.

Remember that the modern bathroom in the apartment must be equipped with multifunctional technology.

Therefore, pay attention to a technique that has not only compact dimensions, but also performing a number of important functions.

This will save you from the need to buy small devices and clutter up the already small bathroom in the apartment, which will become even less comfortable.

It will be quite simple to make such a thing, since the technology market is represented by many interesting models that meet all the requirements.

We increase the size of the bathroom
After you finish the repair work, you will have a difficult task regarding the choice of furniture set.

Its design will completely depend on what exactly you want to see in your bathroom. Therefore, you should not focus on this.

A much more important issue is the selection of furniture itself. The most optimal solution will be to buy small suspension cabinets equipped with mirror surfaces.

Give up the idea of acquiring bulky structures that nullify the results of repairing the bathroom in the apartment, as they will take up a lot of space.

It is best to purchase a special washbasin in this case, with a built -in small locker. In it you can arrange detergents, cleaning products, hiding them from prying eyes.

This is quite important, because even if you have a shelves in the bathroom, they should not be cluttered with a large number of small items.

And also should abandon the idea to arrange a dryer in the room. If you cannot do without it, then you should take care of the installation of a special wall dryer during the repair of the bathroom in the apartment. This will help you save a little cherished meters.

Photo of the bathroom in the apartment