Garden furniture is a traditional attribute of a modern cottage, country house or summer cottage. Practical designs will not only improve the interior, but also make the site more comfortable for a pleasant stay. Their list includes a large group of products that differ in materials, design options, design style and other differences. A wide variety makes it possible to find the best solution, taking into account the architectural ensemble, landscape design, taste, affordable budget and other features.
Constructive varieties of garden furniture
In terms of shape, dimensions and design options, garden furniture has practically no restrictions. It includes benches, benches, stools, chairs, tables, etc. d. At the same time, there are 2 main groups:
The abundance of materials used in the manufacture of garden furniture
The material of manufacture plays an important role, not only durability depends on it, but also the convenience of using furniture in certain conditions.
Metal structures are made by casting or forging, sometimes by welding. The second method allows you to create exclusive products with original curves and shapes. The main materials are steel and aluminum, less often cast iron and copper. Advantage in durability, strength and reliability. Under the influence of external factors, such furniture quickly changes temperature.
Stone is the most durable. He is not afraid of moisture, temperature, chemical and other aggressive factors. This furniture is heavy. According to the manufacturing method, natural and artificial stone is isolated, made of concrete or stone chips with the addition of various modifiers.
The most popular material for garden furniture. Wood products organically fit into the interior of the site, having an attractive exterior with excellent performance. Hypersensitivity to moisture, ultraviolet light and pests. Several breeds are used for the manufacture of garden structures:
Polymer (plastic)
The cheapest type of garden furniture, characterized by low weight and compact dimensions. Modern technologies and modifiers allow you to simulate any materials. In addition to original and simple items, plastic tables and chairs can be purchased from raw materials that imitate vines, wood, rattan, etc. Disadvantages - sensitivity to temperature extremes and ultraviolet light, as well as to mechanical stress and chemically aggressive reagents.
Garden furniture design features
In terms of design, garden furniture is also unlimited. The appearance completely depends on the imagination of the master and the preferences of the future owner. By combining materials, resorting to different colors and processing methods, you can create objects in antique style, hi-tech, Gothic, minimalism, etc.
Among the many design options, there are 3 main types of design solutions:
The information provided will allow you to independently navigate the main aspects of garden furniture. This will greatly facilitate the process of choosing the optimal solution, taking into account individual requirements, the characteristics of a particular site, taste, etc.
The main types of garden furniture were shared with us by the company