Ornamental cabbage in landscape design, the photo of which is striking in its diversity, has long been used to decorate park paths, flower beds and squares in Europe and Asia. Landscaping allows this beautiful plant to be used for a long time. In countries with warm winters, ornamental cabbage is considered a perennial plant that survives light frosts and short winters. Cabbage blooms in July and continues to form a rosette until September. Its leaves form a multicolored beautiful rosette that resembles a rose.
Ornamental cabbage leaves form a multicolored beautiful rosette that resembles a roseIn Russia, ornamental cabbage in landscape design, the photo of which is presented below, is often used for decoration

When decorating a lawn, it is used as a monoculture, making patterns from different varieties of cabbage, or included as part of the exhibition, combining with annual or perennial flower crops.

What varieties of cabbage exist
Planning and planting of plants on the lawn should take into account all the features of the agricultural technology of ornamental cabbage. This plant does not tolerate shade well, does not like acidic and depleted lands. It will not bloom if it is overfed with fertilizers or planted in a pile of black soil.

Agricultural technology is similar to the cultivation of white cabbage. Before planting seedlings in the ground, black soil and complex fertilizer for cabbage are added to the holes.

The distance between the bushes should be at least 40 cm so that the growing rosettes do not interfere with each other and do not create a shadow, which is destructive for the entire cabbage family.

Japanese breeders grow low-growing cabbage bushes up to 30 cm high. They have received a large number of colors, and these seeds can be bought in flower shops.

European breeders have been more successful in breeding tall plants over 1 m. Below cabbage leaves gradually die off, and new leaves are formed on the stump. Landscape designers often combine 2 types of cabbage and create original compositions.

Cabbage bushes are especially beautiful at the end of summer. By this time, the green leaves of the undersized bushes have moved apart and form a frame, and the middle of the plant forms a bright inflorescence of a large number of leaves collected in an intricate rosette. Tall bushes by August are increasing the mass of a bizarre shape, which also pleases and surprises.

Breeders have created a large number of varieties with different rosette colors, and this makes it possible to create bright, beautiful compositions in different techniques.

Ornamental cabbage in landscape design, shown in the photo, and various design solutions that allow you to admire beautiful flower beds before the onset of severe frosts, make it possible to choose suitable varieties.

How to create an unusual landscape
Ornamental cabbage is often used as part of the landscape.

To give an unusual look, the plants on the site are planted so that a general rhythmic pattern is formed, which makes you want to move and consider the created compositions.
Ornamental cabbage in landscape design, a photo of which shows a variety of planting methods, can grow not only on the lawn. Many gardeners, thinking through the design of the site to the smallest detail, create compositions in flowerpots, containers of various types and pots.

This allows you to change the arrangement of plants on the site and embody original solutions for decorating the garden in late autumn:

Features of combined landings
Ornamental cabbage in landscape design, the photo of which is presented below, allows you to create bright compositions along with other flowers. Since cabbage takes on a bright appearance only closer to autumn, it is often planted with flowers that quickly fade and free up space in the flower bed.

In other cases, it can become part of the composition along with

Huge rosettes of ornamental cabbage are in perfect harmony with small begonia flowers. It turns out the kind of carpet in the center of which there is a large flower of a bizarre shape.

Containers located along the paved paths and areas are a great solution for decorating them.

If the cabbage does not grow outdoors, but is left in a container, it requires special care. This plant loves water and requires abundant watering and regular feeding. Only then will it please with its excellent appearance and show all its beauty.

Plants in pots allow you to continue growing the plant on the windowsill during the cold season. This allows you to preserve your favorite culture and get seeds that can be used for planting in the spring in the required quantities.

The plot in the fall continues to look elegant if there are plantings in it with this beautiful plant of different varieties. When the time of night frosts comes, the flowers wither, and only cabbage is bright