The idea that the country style is suitable exclusively for arranging a house somewhere on a ranch or in a small, forgotten by all town of the American South is mistaken, since it has absolutely nothing to do with cowboys, and indeed with America in general. Country music has exclusively English roots and should be more associated with the rustic way of a small, quiet town from Agatha Christie's detectives. Indeed, originally country was used to decorate country houses, cottages, summer cottages. However, tired of city glass and metal, the inhabitants of megalopolises more and more often want to feel inside their apartments as in nature, long to relax in the atmosphere of natural wood, textiles, both body and soul. Therefore, a country-style bedroom today can be equipped not only in a cottage, but also in an ordinary high-rise building. You just need to choose the right materials, furniture, accessories and textiles for this. But, first, you should decide on the general features of the rustic interior.
Bed linen, as well as interior items with floral motifs, are a great solution for a country-style roomCountry style bedroom interior in the most general terms
This style is the complete opposite of everything with which modern city dwellers are accustomed to associate a metropolis, that is, the opposite of concrete, glass and metal. Country is:

Country music is definitely associated with nature, silence, home comfort, a soft warm blanket and a rocking chair. This is an island of tenderness and warmth in the midst of ruthless concrete and steel, sometimes created exclusively with your own hands in the truest sense of the word. And the first step towards its creation is the correct color scheme, which, on the one hand, does not like variegation, and on the other, monochromaticity.

Country is a hymn to pacification, does not like flashy, bright colors, rather, pale semi-flowers, as if faded in the sun. Therefore, instead of bright purple, you need to take a pale lavender, and instead of red, a slightly pinkish. The style palette can include all shades related to pastels. Cream, sand, peach, beige, terracotta, milky colors are also welcome. Country interior welcomes multicolor, but harmonious, as close as possible to natural. Therefore, the number of flowers in the bedroom should not be more than four, but not less than two. Monochrome should be avoided.

Species division of country style
note! Despite the fact that the true spirit of country is in simplicity, in fact, this style is not as simple as it seems, considering that it has ... 5 main varieties, not counting those cases when the room is made out by mixing several of them.
Therefore, if you want your apartment or house to be decorated with a country bedroom, first decide what kind of species it should be. Namely:

And each of them has every right to be called a country style, only with some bias towards one or another ethnic branch.

If you want to equip a sample of an "English village" at home, you should install a massive wooden bed in the bedroom, fill the room with a lot of fresh flowers, as well as dried flowers, cotton curtains, checkered rugs and floral ornaments throughout. Provence, unlike all other subspecies, is characterized by incredible openwork airiness and an abundance of lavender hue throughout. The exception is the bed, which must be wrought by all means.

Russian country cannot be confused with anything. It is worth for a moment to imagine the interior of the Russian hut in order to get to the very essence of this offshoot. Rough, untreated or artificially aged wood, the same "sloppy" plastering, an abundance of burlap, flax, sheepskin, Russian ornaments. This peasant life can somewhat decorate and soften the abundance of flower bouquets.
Scandinavian country is characterized by maximum simplicity, spaciousness and an abundance of light. The main colors of the interior are white and blue. A minimum of furniture, often just a bed and a bedside table, a homespun rug, striped textiles or with animal images. The harsh Scandinavian nature is reflected in the interior of the inhabitants of the north, but the style is not devoid of a certain comfort and warmth.

American country music is not distinguished by all specialists. But since the name of the style is primarily associated with America by the majority, little should be said about it. This subspecies is expressed in rather rough furniture, wooden walls and a field, massive ceiling beams. The American country bedroom should have thick homespun textiles with Native American ornaments, simple curtains on the windows and potted flowers. And if someone from the family is engaged in hunting, then a bear skin may lie in the room as a bedside rug.
Country style bedroom design: finishes, materials, photo selection
A country-style bedroom, the various interiors of which are presented in our extensive photo selection, will turn out to be just perfect if certain conditions are met:

On a note. Despite the absence of certain canons in relation to materials, country, as a design style, is firmly and forever associated with wood. Moreover, it is used for the manufacture of furniture, and for decorating walls, floors, ceilings.
There should be no plastic, metal (except forging), glass, synthetic imitations. Only environmental friendliness and maximum approximation to nature!

In terms of the choice of colors, there are also no criteria and canons. The main thing is to avoid brightness, acidity, variegation. There may be several colors, but they should all be bleached, muted. Despite the assumption of multicolor, solid surfaces are welcomed as a means of soothing all the senses.

Absolutely everything can be used to decorate walls, ceilings, floors:

Any of the above materials will be in perfect harmony with floral ornaments of textiles and furniture upholstery. Parquet, wooden board, wood-like laminate, unglazed tiles will look great on the floor. But what there is no place in the decoration is plastic panels, stretch ceilings, drywall!

The most important thing without which country is impossible is hand-made trinkets. In this he echoes shabby chic. Perhaps without the word "chic". Pillows, curtains, bedspreads, patchwork quilts, crocheted napkins and homemade toys, floor and wall rugs. And also clay and wooden figurines, old antique chests, dressing table and dressers, frames for photographs made of tree branches. Just don't turn your bedroom into a heirloom warehouse! For this there are basements and attics.

Country style bedroom furniture
A full-fledged country style in the interior of the bedroom, as it becomes clear from the illustrating photos, is impossible without the appropriate furniture. For country, there are only three options: furnishings made of wood, forged metal (naturally, hand-forged), combined items (solid wood, carved elements, forged headboard). The main object of the bedroom is, of course, the bed. For country music, it should be strong, massive, with low legs. She should have as many pillows as common sense allows, as well as a handmade blanket. "At the feet" of the bed can be the same massive wood-forged duffel chest. And under your feet lie a knitted or homespun rug.

Remember! Country music does not accept any other options, except wood. Impossible for this style and built-in cabinet furniture. Therefore, you only need to furnish the room yourself, with free-standing objects.
Even in the country bedroom you can see dressers, dressing tables, shelves, wardrobes with three or four doors. All furniture items must be decorated with carved elements, painting with plant motifs is possible.

Accessory variety
Country style cannot be considered valid without cute hand-made (and not only) accessories. The country bedroom must certainly be present:

As it becomes clear, country is a real Eldorado for needlewomen and craftswomen working in any technique. After all, the more you put your work and soul into the room, the warmer you will be in it!