The nautical-style office has recently become popular with both property owners and interior designers. The fact is that for a long time he was associated exclusively with sailors, and such a design of the premises was usually chosen by persons who have a professional relationship with the sea. Naturally, other homeowners began to use a similar style of interior design only when the nautical style began to be actively used in the design of various office premises and catering establishments.
If we talk about the distinctive features of this style, then they all boil down to the fact that the room in every possible way emphasizes its connection with the sea. At the same time, there are no special requirements established, for example, for the same classical style. However, all the same, the nautical-style office in the photo should first of all look cozy and homely.
The nautical-style office has recently become popular with both property owners and interior designers

Speaking about the color palette, it is worth noting that the marine style is characterized by the use of white in the maximum possible amount in combination with various shades of blue. Quite often, in this case, the following colors are added to the color scheme of the room:
Interiors in the described style are usually decorated with wood and fabric. This is due to the theme of the sailing fleet. At the same time, the use of chrome-plated metal and plastic is not encouraged. The fact is that these modern materials are more characteristic of the high-tech style, but here they can ruin the whole romantic image of the room.
It must be supported by the decor elements placed in the office. It can be paintings located on the walls, paintings, marine photographs. It is quite possible to place a compass, steering wheel and other marine accessories in your study. In extreme cases, you can simply plaster the walls with beige plaster and, on this basis, combine marine decor elements on them.
Attention! The seaman's office must be furnished with sufficiently solid furniture.
Since modern chipboard furniture is not usually used in the Navy, it should not be in the "sea" premises either. The best option would be to use furniture made of solid wood, preference should be given to a dark color. It's just great if it is old, as a last resort it can be artificially aged.

Design of a study in a marine style
A nautical-style cabinet must necessarily be associated with the sea, but such a connection should not be taut. So, for example, it is undesirable to carry out all of its design, relying solely on white and blue. If you do this, then the room will look too simple and even shabby. In order for this not to happen, it will be necessary to alternate blue and white tones with yellow or beige.
In any case, the office room is intended for work, so bright and flashy tones will be inappropriate here. It is best if the blue alternates with the stripe. This can be wallpaper, upholstery or curtain material. The strip is always associated with a vest - an indispensable attribute of a real sailor. Other accessories should be used sparingly and not overload the interior.

The walls of the study are best finished with a predominantly monochromatic. It can be either pure blue or beige. At the same time, it is allowed when one of the walls will have a different tone in order to be able to place various marine artifacts on it in the form of a compass or dried starfish.
Idea! You can use photomurals on the relevant topic in this place.
In addition to wallpaper, the walls in the nautical-style study are decorated with plaster. In this case, it is best to choose the option for the "tree", as it is very often used in the navy. But plastic and other modern artificial materials should not be here. The fact is that they do not correspond to the sea spirit, gravitating towards naturalness.
Speaking of the ceilings in the office, it is worth mentioning that they can be suspended, as this reminds of the fact that in the sailing fleet, the ceilings of ship cabins were often decorated with canvas. They can be plastered in the main color of the room. Wallpaper is another of the options for decorating the ceiling in the nautical style office.

The floor in such a room should be wooden. Usually it is parquet or painted board. At the same time, laminate and linoleum cannot be used due to their contradiction to the sea spirit. In this case, the flooring can be covered with a striped or blue nautical-themed deep-pile carpet.
Despite the fact that in a marine style it is quite possible to use ceramic tiles or mosaics for decorating the floor, there is no place for them in the study. It is best to put them in the bathroom. More rigorous and practical design elements are needed in the office.

Office furniture
Since a study in an apartment or house is primarily a place of work, it is worth approaching the selection of furniture that will be located there responsibly. The fact is that it should be practical and comfortable, while strictly complying with the canons of the nautical style. An ideal option would be when such furniture will be taken by the owner of the premises from the fleet, for example, after he has served there. You can purposefully purchase antique furniture in this style or age new.
As for the materials from which such furniture will be made, then there are two options. According to the first, the furniture is made of solid wood. She looks solid and strict. Usually these are cabinets, a chest of drawers, a work table. Chairs in this case have a classic strict look. The built-in option is when an office in a nautical style is furnished with various exotic furniture. It can be made of rattan, bamboo or even glass, as long as it contains various marine elements, for example, chains.
Advice! You can put some non-standard pieces of furniture in the room. For example, it can be a chest or an ordinary barrel used as a coffee table. In any case, the simpler it is, the better. Various modular designs or complex furniture are not suitable for this style.

Separately, it is worth mentioning upholstered furniture. The fact is that the nautical style necessarily includes the resting place in the arrangement of the study. You can arrange it with a sofa and a pair of armchairs or chairs with soft backs. At the same time, the upholstery of such furniture should be fabric and performed in the basic colors of the room: blue and white. It is quite appropriate to put pillows or a bedspread made of exotic material on the sofa.
Decor and accessories for the office
Rooms in a nautical style do not fundamentally differ from many design styles in their structure and therefore can use their elements in their design, however, the connection with the sea should be constantly emphasized. Naturally, in this case, the role of various decorative elements and accessories comes first. So, for example, the most common varieties are:
Idea! There are many ways to use them. So, for example, a net or rope can be hung on the wall. You can do the same with a compass or anchor. It would be quite appropriate to place them on the facades of cabinet furniture or, for example, on a chest.
At the same time, experienced designers advise not to hang these items randomly throughout the room, but to allocate a separate corner for them in the office room. It would be very appropriate to place photographs on a marine theme in such a corner. Such a place can become a recreation area, necessary after any serious work.

Another element suitable for decorating a nautical-style study can be a variety of seafood. So, for example, they may include:
Attention! Such decorative elements will look great in combination with various ship details. It's great if both are natural. They can be simply placed in the office or used in the manufacture of lamps in the form of sconces and chandeliers.
At the same time, experienced designers advise not to overload the office with such accessories. The fact is that in this case it will look like a museum or cabinet of curiosities, but its main purpose is to create conditions for a person to work at home. Therefore, various accessories and decorative elements are needed here not for beauty, but to give a working mood and an atmosphere of comfort, in which, as you know, work is better.

It is worth mentioning the sea trophies in connection with the described topic. They will look great in an office decorated in a nautical style. These can be stuffed or large fish heads, fishing equipment, marine hats. Their big plus is that they bring a personal element to the room setting and give the cabinet individuality. The more of these things in it, the more lively and pleasant it is perceived by the guests of the house. This circumstance should always be borne in mind when starting a repair.