The Provence style entrance hall is one of the options for finishing the premises in the so-called rustic style, namely in the country style. At the same time, Provence is characteristic of the southern regions of the country, since it comes from the province of the same name, located just in the south of France. As a result, today this style of interior design is synonymous with comfort. Naturally, it is impossible to achieve such an effect without the fact that all the elements of the room furnishings here bear a certain "touch of time", since a frank remake of the whole impression of the hallway can spoil.
The Provence style entrance hall is one of the options for finishing the premises in the so-called rustic style, namely in the country style

The Provence-style hallway in the photo can always be distinguished by some mandatory decorative elements. There are situations when all of them cannot be completed or placed in the hallway. To get out of this situation, it is quite enough to implement only 2 or 3 design moves. This is quite enough for a Provence-style passer-by to be as close as possible to the French original.

The Provence-style hallway in the photo can always be distinguished by some mandatory decorative elements

These basic elements of this style of room space design include the following points:

At the same time, the hallway, decorated in the Provence style, will look in the photo if its interior is made mainly of natural materials. For example, the use of decorative elements made of wood, fabric, bronze is encouraged. Forged products will be very appropriate, for example, forged furniture. But plastic and chrome parts will be inappropriate here, so they should be abandoned.

In general, if you decorate the hallway with your own hands, you will need to strive to make it look as natural as possible. For example, the ideal option would be when the Provence-style hallway in the photo looks exactly like an ordinary village house in the south of France. For this purpose, you can use decorative ceiling beams or solid wood furniture. They will give the room the necessary "rural" features.

Provence is a style that is similar in many respects to the country style, but there are also quite serious differences between them. Country is England's rustic style and Provence is southern France. Naturally, they will have different colors and options for the use of decor.
Attention! This circumstance should always be taken into account when choosing options for the design of your hallway so as not to be confused and create a completely different design than what you need.

Hallway design in Provence style
The design of the hallway in the Provence style in the photo can be distinguished almost immediately. This is usually a bright and fairly spacious room. At the same time, it does not have complex decorative elements and looks quite simple. However, asceticism is not typical for Provence, for example, accessories and decorative trinkets that have no functional significance will be quite appropriate here.

It is worth noting that the design options for the room in the described style are perfect even for a small hallway, unlike, for example, the English style of interior design. Some designers believe that a small area can be some highlight of the whole room. As a result, the described style of interior design can be fully implemented even if you are decorating an ordinary standard apartment.
The layout should be simple straightforward here. If the architecture of the room is complex and confusing, it makes sense to consider the option of dismantling partitions and walls. This will free up the center of the room to accommodate furniture and various decorative elements. This style of interior design discourages the use of suspended ceilings. It will be best if the ceiling is simple, painted.

The photo, which shows the interior of the hallway in the Provence style, is usually characterized by the absence of lamps that are difficult to install in the ceiling and walls. At the same time, the zoning of the room is actively performed. This can be done with capital partitions, or with different flooring materials.
Advice! Shelves, forged lattices, curtains and overall planters with plants can become "conditional" partitions.
Since the Provence style prefers the presence of large and light spaces, it will be necessary to provide for the presence of large and light windows in the room. Naturally, at the same time, the curtains should be light and transparent. It is advisable that your hallway faces the sunny side, then there will be enough natural light and you will not have to establish artificial.

If you decide to decorate the hallway in a modern standard apartment in the Provence style, you will have to consider the possibilities of combining the "rustic" style with the achievements in the field of modern household appliances and electronics. To do this, they usually hide it in furniture or special niches. The air conditioner, if installed in the hallway, can be covered from prying eyes with a fabric screen.
Provence style hallway interior
If we consider the design of the hallway in the Provence style in the photo, then we can note the fact that the most used decor elements here are worn out ceiling beams, rough stone and plastered walls and stone floors. The French country house is characterized by an abundance of wooden details. In this case, usually such parts are covered with an imitation of patina or hand carving.

If we talk about the themes of the decoration of this room, then these are usually such symbols of France as roosters, green vines, olives, sunflowers. They can be made both in the form of photo printing, and in the form of paintings and tapestries. You can hang pictures with rural subjects on the walls. To add elegance to this hallway design, you can use baskets, wire, woven and forged products.

As for the color scheme, the Provence style prefers several options for color combinations. For example, the design of the hallway in white and black colors will be just great. Black can add contrast, especially when it will be possible to use it for the floor. As for the combination of black with white, white is usually not used in Provence, replacing it with cream, sand and ivory.
Advice! A combination of brown and gray, yellow and red will look good in the hallway.
In the first case, the walls will turn out to be light brown or light beige. In the second case, your hallway will look like Parisian, but you need to be able to maintain the line and prevent the decoration of the room from becoming flashy and too bright. Firstly, it is out of style, and secondly, this color of the walls can simply "hammer" all other elements of the decor of the room.

There are three color combinations in this style of interior design. An example of this combination is blue, green and purple. At the same time, the light lavender color can serve as an imitation of the famous fields of Provence. If we talk about a combination of pale blue and light, then the result may be a shade such as light sage or aqua. They can give you the feeling of being close to the sea and the beach.
Small hallway in Provence style
In the event that you have a small hallway, Provence style is perfect for you. Home to this design style in southern France, the spaces themselves are small. Therefore, their owners have to decorate the walls and ceiling of the room in an original way so that the lights visually appear larger.

The design of the hallway in this case will be made in light colors or white. At the same time, light wallpapers with imitation of brickwork are usually glued to the walls. This design technique is called "inside as outside", and it involves decorating the walls of a room inside in the same style as outside. To visually enlarge the room, autumn often resorts to such a technique as painting the walls.

Usually, a pastel light tone is taken as the base color, while very often a calm blue color can act as an auxiliary tone. As a result, with the help of these colors, you can easily and easily place the following decorative accents:
Even ordinary furniture can act here as a decorative element, although a small space obliges to use functional and as simple objects as possible for placement in the room. In the hallway, you will need a wardrobe and a mirror, you can place there a shoe rack or an umbrella rack.

In any case, the interior of even a small hallway must necessarily remind of France. To do this, you can use photomurals with views of Paris, you can place here accessories brought from this country.

The general impression that the interior of the hallway in the described design style should leave about itself is light and lightness. Therefore, there should be limited space for dark tones.
Attention! It is necessary to try to use modern artificial finishing materials to a minimum, giving preference to natural ones, for example, wood.
Do-it-yourself Provence-style hallway
Since the interior design style of Provence rooms does not imply the use of complex design techniques and elements, which can be seen by looking at the photo of the hallway in this style. It can be done with your own hands. In this case, you can make all your fantasies come true without spending extra money on the salaries of professional designers and finishers. Self-design of the hallway will allow it to match the overall design of your apartment or country house as much as possible.

Starting work on the design of the hallway in the named style, it is necessary first of all to determine which architectural elements need to be removed from the room. These are mainly partitions and walls, it makes sense to cut off various elements of communications, for example, pipelines or hide them in drywall boxes. There is no centralized heating or running water in the village, so it is necessary to remove such elements of technical infrastructure as much as possible from the eyes.
In this case, you need to decorate the walls and floor using wood, tiles or stone. In this case, you can apply some decorative elements made of iron. You can put parquet on the floor. You can do this yourself, and to give it a rustic look, you can put homemade rugs on the parquet.

The tiles can be laid out by yourself. This option will be just ideal in the case when the drawing resembles an old one, and the very surface of the tiles is artificially aged. By the way, it is quite possible to leave the old floor covering in the case when it has a good appearance and is a tile or parquet. Moreover, such a floor can be both monochromatic and geometric, with small interspersed with floral motifs.

Even if you have no experience in finishing work, decorating a hallway in the Provence style should not be difficult for you. This style of interior design welcomes uneven plaster through which bricks show through in some places. The floor can be made quite carelessly, for example, from boards, lightly colored with light paint. In any case, your work should be aimed at creating a sense of a simple village life in the room.
How to add accents in a room
In order for your Provence style hallway to acquire individual features, you need to correctly place accents in the design. You can add elements of the marine theme. They can be expressed by painting the walls in shades of blue.
Advice! To further enhance the decorative effect, accessories in the form of fishing tackle, shells and fish figurines can be placed indoors.
Real French flavor even in a standard apartment can be brought in with flowers and herbs. It can be roses, lavender and their images. On textile images, wallpapers, patterns with floral motifs can be applied.

They will go well with forged items, such as a shoe rack. In this case, forging should be light, in no case massive. Typically, such products are painted in white and black tones and are perfectly combined with wall materials such as wood and plaster.

The greatest chic is the use of real objects brought from France in interior design elements. Therefore, if you go to this country, be sure to buy local pottery, forged products or textiles there. Thus, you will bring the heady aroma of France into even the most standard setting of an apartment. Such things are relatively inexpensive, but they will add exclusiveness to your hallway.