Minimalism, which has long received a full-fledged place among other design styles, today seems to be reborn. But it is not entirely correct to understand this method of decorating space simply as "forced rationalism", since it has unconditional aesthetic power, beauty and even special grace. The hallway in the style of minimalism does not have to be small: even spacious halls, "not burdened" with excessive furniture furnishings, are perceived in this design not empty and lifeless, but, on the contrary, stylish and non-standard.
Minimalism, which has long received a full-fledged place among other design styles, today seems to be reborn

Minimalism in the hallway assumes that the rest of the apartment (house, cottage) is also decorated according to the laws of this style. From this we can conclude that its owners prefer an interior based on organization, functionality, practicality, reasonableness in the use of each meter, as well as on the ideal balance between all these characteristics.
Minimalism in the hallway assumes that the rest of the apartment (house, cottage) is also decorated according to the laws of this style

Aesthetic features
Like any interior style, minimalism cannot be applied without following certain laws. And the area of the hallway here will not be of particular fundamental importance. Unless a small front one will require much more skill and invention from both the owners and the designer. So, the entrance room can be called minimalistic if it contains:

A wardrobe for this style is ideal. Moreover, he alone is able to replace a whole multifunctional headset. Logically and cleverly built-in, having mirrored covering surfaces, this design will simultaneously become a hanger, and a stand for shoes, umbrellas, walking sticks, and a shelf for hats, and a key holder, and even the location of an ottoman chair. In a word, a full-fledged dressing room!

The hallway, in principle, is not the room that should be actively decorated. And if this is a hallway, made in a minimalist style, excessive decoration is doubly contraindicated for it. Firstly, it contradicts the style, and secondly, any decor will reduce, overload an already small room (if it really is). Therefore, when decorating a hallway, one should not forget about the main principle of style - a sense of proportion.

A hallway in the style of minimalism a priori cannot be multi-colored. Sharp shading transitions, contrasts will break its interior and planar integrity, thereby reducing its area. This style allows a combination of two, maximum three colors belonging to one or adjacent color groups.

Few hallways, even large ones, can boast of the presence of a window. Therefore, they attach great importance to lighting. Lamps of different design and type here will both zone the space, and highlight objects, and act as a drawing filling. With a minimum of objects, it is lighting that can deprive the entrance area of emptiness, make it interesting and memorable.
General principles of organizing space
Achieving ideal minimalism in the hallway is possible exclusively thanks to the experimental modeling of space using light, flat planes and a small number of urgently needed items. The main thing here is to correctly think over, plan, organize the space, fill it with a maximum of light, so that the impression of self-luminous walls, floors, individual objects is created. The light should not be aggressive, bright, but not too diffuse, calm.
Advice! It is possible to achieve the maximum possible space, its airiness, spaciousness, by completely freeing it from all "nooks", partitions, niches, irregular angles, aligning all planes to the most correct geometric shape.

Some designers believe that in the hallway, decorated according to the laws of minimalism, nothing should be present except a mirror and a built-in wardrobe. In some cases, this is quite justified, especially if the cabinet is decorated in such a way that it almost completely merges with the walls, creating the illusion of its absence. Hallway minimalism usually flows smoothly into an adjacent room - a corridor or living room. Therefore, it gets off with almost the same materials as them, is kept in the same color palette with them. Due to this, it is possible to "hide" its real dimensions, blur the adjacent borders, as if to deprive it of its own certain area.
Important! Such a hallway is decorated to a minimum. But there is only one thing that you cannot do without - this is a mirror. An exception will be the case when the wardrobe has mirrored opening doors.

You can choose any mirror for a minimalist hallway - flat, convex, rectangular, round. Refrain only from a reflective accessory that has eight corners.
Materials and lighting
To decorate the hallway in a minimalist style, you should choose simple, but exceptionally high-quality materials. For wall planes, you can use stone, both natural and its artificial counterparts. A good option can be panels, both plastic and ceramic, mosaic, drywall. Light colors should be preferred if the front is small. And if there is no shortage of squares, you can experiment with contrasting shades.
The floor must be strong and durable in any case. For it, you should choose porcelain stoneware, which, among other things, will add a special nobility to the room. You can also dwell on budget options - laminate, linoleum, ceramic tiles. An interesting option would be the color "opposition" of the floor and ceiling, which will make the room uncommon, spectacular, non-standard.

The ceilings of rational hallways are usually stretch. Moreover, the material is chosen certainly glossy in order to add light and air to them due to the reflectivity. No less popular are multi-level complex structures with different types of built-in lamps.

By the way, about lighting. The standard version of living rooms with a chandelier for the hallway, especially decorated in this style, will not work at all. There should be a lot of light in it and it should be different. Therefore, as additional units, you can use spotlights located:
Attention! The only requirement for the lamps is brightness, but not striking, so that the hallway does not resemble an underground bunker.
Accessories and decoration
The hallway in the style of minimalism, which is confirmed by our photos below, is decorated extremely restrained, if not scanty. But this does not mean that the decor should be absent in it at all. The accessories can be, for example, an abstract painting, a contrasting rug at the entrance, a mirror in a metal frame of which there are notes of geometric surrealism, a narrow tall floor vase or a figurine standing in one of the corners. The main thing is that these items are combined with the color scheme and concept of the entire room and do not destroy its integral harmony.