If you started to update the interior layout of the apartment, make cosmetic or major repairs, then you cannot avoid noise, rumble and grinding. This state of affairs may not suit your neighbors, since such an environment will interfere with them. If they have small children, then the situation is aggravated. However, the law allows construction work in a residential apartment building, which is regulated by a time frame, but not everyone is familiar with them. We offer you to understand this issue in more detail.
Floor covering repairThe first question that arises from construction initiators is to what extent it is possible to make repairs in an apartment? To avoid inconsistencies and conflict situations, neighbors should also own this information. Few people know that the issue of ensuring peace and quiet of citizens is spelled out by state law, and is concretized by local documents.

Knowledge of the laws will help you defend your rights if neighbors break the usual peace: they drill walls, hit with a hammer, break the layout in the evening, on weekends or late at night.

Since each region has its own individual administrative documents, we will consider how long it is possible to make repairs in an apartment, using the example of Moscow.

Rules for performing "noisy" works in Moscow and the Moscow region
In order to regulate the time frame of repair work in residential premises located in apartment buildings, a document was issued in the Russian legislation "On ensuring peace and quiet of citizens on the territory of the Moscow region". Note that there are constituent documents in other areas as well.

So, in order to maintain the peace and quiet of citizens, it is prohibited:

Regulatory documents on maintaining silence in multi-storey buildings in all regions of the Russian Federation
There is currently no single document on the regulation of "noisy" work in Russia.

Each region and region has its own legal norms. It is noteworthy that some of them not only do not coincide, but also contradict each other.

For example, in some regions, repair work is allowed to be carried out on holidays and weekends, taking into account their timely termination, which is indicated by the decree of a particular region. In other areas, construction work on holidays, Saturdays and Sundays is completely prohibited.

Regulations on until what time you can make repairs in an apartment also differ depending on the region. In most cases, the order of silence should be observed starting at 19.00, not from 23.00, as many people mistakenly believe.
Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian FederationTo find out the exact data, you need to make a request to the city or regional administration and get acquainted with the regulatory documents that have been created specifically for your region.
The Law on Ensuring Peace and Peace of Citizens on the Territory of the Moscow RegionHere are the legislative provisions that are equally valid and valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation:

What services monitor the proper observance of the rules regarding repair work in apartments?
The rules for observing the peace and quiet of citizens in residential premises, like any other laws and regulations, are controlled by special services, namely:

Any violation of the above stated rules entails administrative responsibility and the payment of a fine. In some cases, everything can end with a warning.

Guided by the established standards, you can easily start repairs in your living space. Until exactly how long the repairs will be carried out in the apartment, you also regulate yourself, deviating from the generally accepted norms in agreement with the residents of neighboring apartments or on your own, adhering to the law.

In case of violation of the silence by unscrupulous neighbors at night or on holidays, feel free to contact one of the indicated authorities.

At your request, they will immediately take measures and resolve the situation as soon as possible.