The ceiling plinth for stretch ceilings only at first glance seems to be an unimportant element. In fact, it significantly affects the visual perception of the entire ceiling, and sometimes the entire interior of the room. Decorative models can change the style of decoration and create a special effect. In order not to spoil such an expensive thing as a stretch ceiling, the plinth must be chosen with an understanding of its purpose and capabilities.
Element essence
Any ceiling plinth, which is commonly called a fillet, is a strip designed to hide the joint between the ceiling and walls around the entire perimeter of the room. The set of a stretch ceiling usually includes a cover plate for these purposes, but unlike it, the plinth not only closes the gap, but performs the following decorating functions:
The fillet is not included in the standard stretch ceiling kit and is purchased additionally, according to special criteria. The question of whether a plinth is needed when installing a tensioning system is decided by the owner, taking into account specific circumstances (the purpose of the room, the style of the interior, financial capabilities). In principle, you can do without a plinth, limiting yourself to a plug, but the appearance of the ceiling will significantly lose its attractiveness. Stretch ceilings require significant costs, and the feasibility of small savings due to the plinth is highly questionable.
Varieties of fillets
Fillets can be made of different materials, which largely determine their properties and decorativeness. According to this criterion, the following types of ceiling plinths for stretch ceilings are distinguished:

In addition to plinths based on polymer materials, wooden and plaster fillets are often used. The first option looks preferable in conjunction with wooden or timber-clad walls. Gypsum products imitate stucco molding, which gives a special chic to the ceiling, especially when decorating the interior in a classic style.
Criterias of choice
The question of how to choose the best option for the ceiling plinth should be decided taking into account the following basic parameters:
The choice of a ceiling plinth according to the specified criteria must be carried out, first of all, taking into account its external perception. It should be borne in mind that this element immediately catches the eye, but it should not set off the ceiling itself and other interior details.

Specific varieties
There are not only standard ways of decorating with skirting boards, you can add originality to the ceiling.
In particular, such a specific option as a backlit skirting board stands out.
Modern technologies make it possible to produce fillets with decorative light sources. Inside such models, a tape is mounted, consisting of LEDs. The inner lining with foil helps to enhance the luminous flux. Such illumination, aimed at the stretch ceiling or wall, provides a special appeal. In large fillets, the illumination can be provided by small spot-type lamps.
Another special option is flexible skirting board, or Flex skirting board.
It is necessary in the manufacture of multilevel tension structures in which individual zones have a curved border. Such products are made of materials with increased elasticity and have a high cost.

Installation technology
The main way of mounting fillets is gluing. How to glue a ceiling plinth to a stretch ceiling? This question is often asked, but it sounds somewhat inaccurate. The skirting board must not be glued directly to the tensioning sheet. Firstly, the adhesive composition can dissolve the web material, especially when using a polymer film. Secondly, when the glue dries, tensile loads appear, which can lead to folds on the canvas and worsen its tension. In addition, you need to think about the maintainability of the skirting board. If it is glued to the ceiling, it will not be possible to remove the fillet without damaging the web. The listed circumstances indicate that you can only glue the ceiling plinth to the wall, but so that the upper edge comes close to the stretched canvas.
Preparatory work
The installation of the ceiling plinth can be carried out before or after the wall decoration. In the first case, fillets are attached to plaster or putty, and in the second - most often to a wall decorated with wallpaper. At the preparatory stage, the following main tasks are set: cleaning from dirt and dust, leveling the installation site and increasing the adhesion of the adhesive.
If the skirting board is installed before finishing the walls, then you will have to deal with an unprepared surface.
In this case, it is necessary to carefully level the working section of the wall, t. To. the vertical wall of the fillet should fit snugly against the surface. For this, putty is used, and, if necessary, plaster. It is recommended to apply a thin layer of deep penetration primer on top, which will ensure good adhesion of the adhesive.

Installation of the skirting board on a wall covered with wallpaper is possible directly from above or after cleaning. On top of the wallpaper, only lightweight foam models can be glued. If heavier fillets are used, then you will have to carefully remove the strip of wallpaper. Precise marking is done first. Then, along the lower edge of the plinth, the wallpaper is cut with a sharp assembly knife. After removing the coating, the working area is putty and primed.
Bonding skirting boards
The first step is to carry out the markup. In the corners, stepping back from the stretched canvas by the width of the plinth plus 3-5 mm, you should make marks on the wall. Then the lines are bounced between them using a stretched dye cord. This line indicates the bottom border of the fillet. If gluing is done over wallpaper, then it is not recommended to make a noticeable line so as not to spoil the wall decoration. In this case, it is better to draw an inconspicuous dotted line with a pencil.

Before installation, the skirting board is cut. It is important to properly prepare the fillet corner joint. Their ends are cut at an angle of 45 degrees and should fit snugly, without a gap. A smooth corner cut is ensured using a special device - a miter box. Cutting off the excess on a flat area is done with a hacksaw for metal. If necessary, remove all burrs with a file.
Gluing the skirting board over the wallpaper is ensured by a transparent adhesive. Adhesive brands such as Tytan and Dragon have universal properties. From a practical point of view, it is better to use glue such as "liquid nails", because. To. the elements processed by it do not need to be held for setting. The adhesive mass is applied to the vertical back wall of the skirting board in a wave-like strip.
You can start gluing from any angle.
The fillet with glue is brought to the wall surface with a slight upward slope. This is necessary so that the glue is squeezed out towards the ceiling and does not stain the wallpaper. The plank is firmly pressed by the hand against the wall strictly according to the markings and held for several seconds. Then a dumbbell is glued, forming a right angle. It is preliminarily recommended to lay a paper sheet at the junction. After installing the second strip, it is removed, and the squeezed out glue neatly fills the joint. Next, the entire row of skirting boards is glued on the wall to the next corner. The horizontal position of the bottom edge is strictly controlled. All excess glue must be removed immediately with a rag.
To fix the plinth to the plaster, you can use a similar glue, but most often a putty solution with an adhesive additive or a gypsum mixture is used. Putting putty instead of glue helps to reduce material costs and ensure wall leveling without additional intervention. The installation technology itself is no different from the previous case. The skirting board is painted after the installation is completed and the glue or mortar has hardened. For this, a narrow brush is used.
To install the ceiling plinth with your own hands, you will need the following tool:
Measuring and quality control requires a tape measure, a metal ruler, a square, a building level.

Ceiling plinth is an important decorative element. He will be able to provide a finished look to the stretch ceiling, but for this you need to choose it taking into account the design style of the entire room and the height of the ceiling. Only with correct and accurate installation, the skirting board will become an integral part of the interior, and not an extra part of the ceiling.