Nowadays, many have a dacha, and it doesn't matter if it is close to the city, or several hundred kilometers away, all the same, in the summer, people willingly go to rest there. After all, a house outside the city is not only a place where you can hide from the bustle of the city.
Flower garden in front of the houseDacha is a reason to relax, have a barbecue, forget about problems at work and enjoy nature and clean air. It's not enough just to buy a house and come there from time to time. It is important to make this space comfortable, and what can give more aesthetic pleasure than flowers?

Arrangement and layout of a flower bed is not an easy task, which requires a special approach and effort. In this article, you will learn how to make the space in the country even more pleasant and create your own oasis in front of the window.
Types of flower garden layouts
Magnificent garden at homeNow the most popular is the layout called the curb. It is a line, the dimensions of which vary depending on your desire. You can make a short border covering the area near the porch, you can thus run it around the whole house, creating a beautiful effect of a house drowning in flowers.

Also, curbs are good for enclosing space on the site: for example, you need to divide the gazebo and the garden, or make the garden paths more interesting. Gardeners are happy to make the curb line and along the fence, especially if it is wooden and low.

Near the window you can make a curly flower bed: round, oval, rectangular, or even completely arbitrary, it all depends on your imagination.

Such flower beds are best done on small hills, which can be created artificially (an embankment of rubble, stones, peat or just earth).

Flowers are often decorated with various decorations, ranging from lanterns to garden sculptures.
Types of flower beds

Flower beds placed in vases or any household items that no one needs for a long time look quite impressive. For example, it can be tires, wooden fruit crates, oak barrels with rims, where wine was once poured and stored. Large majestic flowerpots will look chic and rich at the entrance if you put them on the sides of the porch. A similar layout of a flower garden is suitable for those places where there is no open land (the space next to the gazebo or under the windows of houses is often concreted).

The style that conquered France in the 19th century is now gaining popularity. These are the so-called flower gardens, a type of flower beds in which, instead of fences, flowers are planted, creating a border and giving the flower bed a shape.
Minimalism in landscape designUsing the things that you dig up in your attic or in an old barn, you can create a country-style flower garden on your site. Thus, you can put a cart right in front of the window, from which shoots of clematis or honeysuckle will picturesquely descend.

Maybe someone will dig up a car body or an old boat with a rotten bottom. In any case, do not rush to throw away all these things, but rather use them to accomplish your design ideas and fantasies.
Flower bed project
You can also cover the wall of the house with a chain-link netting or put long sticks along which sweet peas or morning glories will curl in the future. Many people create a living wall from Bzabella grapes, which look very attractive during their flowering period.

It is a good idea to create a flower garden in front of the house, a front garden in which different types of flowers and plants will be grouped.

The design of the flower garden in front of the house photo will help you decide which layout you will choose for yourself.
Important points when planning a flower garden in front of the house

So, if you decide to create a beautiful flower bed full of fragrant flowers, it is important to consider some points that will make your task easier and help you not to get confused when planning.
Flower bed design scheme
If you have no ideas at all, you can look at the design of the flower garden in front of the house photo and take over the layout proposed by experienced gardeners and designers to your summer cottage.

It's actually not easy to create the perfect flower garden from scratch that will meet all your needs.
Advice! A good solution would be to view various layouts and a partial selection of the details you like from each. And then, like puzzles, assemble your flower garden.
How to keep a flower garden in beauty and order?

Caring for a flower garden in the future is no less difficult than creating it. It is necessary to follow some tips, and then your flower bed will be in perfect condition.

After planting flowers, fertilizers must be applied to the soil of the flower bed. The most common and cheapest option (but very effective) is cow or horse manure.

It is bred at the rate of 1: 3. It is very important to prepare the mixture correctly, otherwise concentrated or diluted manure in too small a proportion can harm the flowers, burn their leaves and roots. You can get it on farms or in places where cows are grazed.
No less common fertilizers are phosphorus, potash, nitrogen. These can be purchased at gardening stores.

You can also find fertilizers at home:
It is important to weed the flower garden in time.
We plant and take care of the siteWeeds not only spoil the look of the flower bed, but also take away a lot of nutrients from the soil, which are subsequently lacking in the cultivated plants that you planted.

Pay attention to watering, take into account the moisture-loving plants. Drip irrigation would be an excellent option.

During frosts and cold nights, the flower garden should be covered with a film or non-woven covering material so that heat-loving plants do not die.

The design of the flower garden in front of the house, the photo can also help you decide on the color scheme. Beautiful combinations recommended by designers:

It is worth knowing that if you are going to make a flower garden in a shaded place, you should not risk planting anthuriums, coreopsis, geleniums, monards and rudbeckia there.
You run the risk of not getting the desired flowering and creating uncomfortable conditions for the plant, it will only suffer and twist the stem in the hope of finding more sunlight. It's the same with shade-loving plants. These are hosta, cladium, geranium, balsam, arisema, hellebore and tiarella. Their leaves and flowers will wither very much under the brightly scorching sun.
Herbs and perennialsIf you are not sure about a sufficient amount of shade or light in your area, it is better to choose unpretentious plants, such as:
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