When same-sex children appear in the house, this simplifies the problem of interior decoration in the nursery. There are many design options for a children's room for two boys, taking into account the age, hobbies and characters of the children.
Interior of a children's room for boys with a sports cornerProject

Although you will still have problems in creating a project for a children's room for two boys, since the children are different, impressionable and easily injured. The design needs to be thought out so that the child does not have a feeling of deprivation. We will talk about these details today.

We think over the finishing: colors, wallpaper, ceiling
When decorating a children's room, it is important to consult with the children themselves, fulfill their requests and listen to their desires. Therefore, if your little ones are already big enough to express their thoughts, we advise you to create a children's room design for your boys together.

First you need to decide on

If the boys have a big age difference, for example, one is already in adolescence, and the second has just been born, it is necessary to divide the room into two sectors in different color shades according to the above criteria.

Most often, the design of a room for two boys is created in blue, blue, green, purple, gray, brown shades. Many parents exclude red, as it is an irritant to the child's psyche, but in small quantities in combination with other colors, it will be very appropriate. Rooms decorated in black and white style are a very good option for growth, but not desirable if babies or at least one toddler is not yet 4 years old.

When the choice with the palette is decided, it's time to move on to buying wallpaper. With their help, you can hide the flaws of the room and even pass them off as advantages. When choosing wallpaper, remember that:

When creating a room design project, do not forget about the design of the ceiling, which will add your own flavor to the interior of the room. The ceiling itself can be designed in the form of a blue sky with clouds or in the form of a space with stars. It can also be performed in 3D or made suspended and multi-level to enhance the effect of realism. A pendant chandelier with hanging attributes of boyish hobbies for airplanes, toy cars, military toys, etc. will look great on the ceiling.d.

Divide the room into zones
Since we are designing a room for several children, the task in planning zones increases. It is not enough to divide the room into sectors, it is important that both boys have enough space. Various transformer furniture, which has many variations, changing its appearance, helps to solve this issue today.

Sleeping sector
The choice of a sleeping place for a child largely depends on the imagination and financial capabilities of the parents. Bunk beds are very popular now, some of them include a built-in computer desk, clothes drawers. In rooms where the space allows you to put separate beds, you can purchase whole bedroom sets, which also include tables and attics for things. Chair beds or folding sofas are ideal for budget options, but it is better if each child has their own personal space.

Game sector
The play area is that area of the room, in the design of which you can completely give the initiative to the child. He will decide for himself where to hang the basketball hoop, where the hut or drawing table will look best. The only thing that parents should definitely not forget to add to the interior is a toy box. Otherwise, they will all be scattered around the room.

Educational sector
The most important and necessary thing in this area is a desk. Depending on the size of the room, it can be long so that there is enough space for two, or you can install two different tables and arrange them differently depending on the needs of each child. If the room is small, a sliding butterfly table would be ideal. It is very important to equip the workplace with all kinds of constructors and tools that a child needs for creativity. The main thing is to equip it with good light.

Storage sector
The sliding wardrobe is perhaps the best option. Swing doors conditionally divide it into 2 equal parts. So that the children do not conflict, you can designate the sides from the inside with different colors, purchase hangers of 2 different colors and share between the children. If the size of the room allows, you can put two separate wardrobes and arrange them individually for each boy.
We create the interior of a children's room, starting from the age of the kids
Room for the little ones
When creating coziness and comfort in a children's room, you need to take into account the smallest details. Due to their age, children can get injured, so make sure that there are no exposed wires, open sockets, sharp corners, poorly fixed interior elements.

The materials from which the furniture is made must be made environmentally friendly, preferably from natural wood. When installing children's sports equipment, place mats and check the structure for the strength of the mounts.

Young children always need maximum free space - for all kinds of games and activities. For babies, it will be enough to put a bed, a toy box and a table, the child should use the rest of the territory at his own discretion.

Since babies need to grow - take care of sufficient sunlight in the room. Any chosen design should preferably be done in light colors.

Option for schoolchildren and adolescents
At this age, children have much more needs. With age, the interior will need to be diluted with book shelves, educational games. Furniture, wallpaper and ceiling can also be updated over time.

Beds for schoolchildren can be made in the style of sports cars, images of superheroes from cartoons. Furniture, starting from the chosen bed, can be ordered in the same style.

From about 14 years old, in

In any case, when thinking over a design project for a children's room for two boys, rely on your inner flair and take into account the interests of your kids, and then you will succeed!