Decorative chips are natural raw materials based on wood. In the market, it is famous primarily for its environmental friendliness and safety. Most often, decorative chips are used in landscape design. Two benefits are obtained from its use: an aesthetically beautiful view of the site and practical benefits, since it is almost impossible for weeds to germinate in places where decorative chips are filled.
Brown wood mulch in landscapingIts practical application does not require special skills from the gardener. A little imagination, desire and materials will emphasize all the abundance of your site. With the help of decorative chips they decorate flower beds, sprinkle soil in front gardens, mark paths, create fancy patterns or pictures in places of poor and infertile soil in order to hide the imperfections of the site.

In this article, we will take a closer look at all the advantages of decorative chips, learn the technology of its manufacture and even the methods of making our own colorful mulch.
Advantages of decorative chips
Decorative chips in landscape design are considered the most profitable and practical material for processing garden plots. This is largely due to the following functions of the raw materials:

To the advantages of decorative chips in

In addition to the fact that this material does not harm children and animals, it also supplies the soil with useful elements, since it is a completely natural product. Thanks to decorative chips, the bottom layer of soil does not need to be fertilized with agricultural canvas.

In addition to the advantages regarding the characteristics of raw materials, I would like to note its versatility in the field of practical application:

How and where to lay decorative chips in landscape design - everyone decides independently. There are no strict requirements for its application.
When choosing chips, visually inspect with what layer of paint it is covered. Check out its characteristics, evaluate whether the paint is evenly applied. High-quality wood chips should not lose their color even after prolonged precipitation.
Since this aspect is more related to the production of decorative chips, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the method of its manufacture.

Decorative chips production technology
Decorative chips are made most often on the basis of deciduous trees. For the production of raw materials on an industrial scale, modern technologies and the best equipment for processing wood species are used.
The most common deciduous trees for decorative chipsThe manufacturing process itself is quite simple, it is performed in several stages:

The color palette of decorative wood chips is successfully used both in private and state territories, decorating city facades, alleys, parks,
It is very popular to decorate playgrounds with this material. Chips are harmless even for the smallest age, and the risk of injuries sustained during games is generally reduced to zero. In addition, bright colors will definitely impress any child.

It is very fashionable now to decorate treadmills with decorative chips. This is done taking into account several goals:

Photos of options for decorative chips used in landscape design, you can see below.
Learning to make decorative chips with our own hands
Decorative chips turn out to be unique and special if you make them yourself. The business is very costly, both in terms of time and materials, but this is invaluable experience and pride in the material created with your own hands.

So, to create decorative chips at home, we need:

To begin with, we plan the harvested logs. If there is a sawmill or woodworking plant in your area, then wood shavings (sawdust) can be requested there, especially since for them chips are considered a waste product and are of no value.

Further, if desired, we select the most identical chips and place them in a previously prepared container with diluted stain and color. The resulting substance must be mixed periodically.

After a day, you can start painting the material. To do this, it is necessary to dry the chips in an open space.

You can paint chips with factory dyes bought in specialized stores, or use the folk method. Onion husks will give a brown tint, beets - purple, potassium permanganate - pink, brilliant green - green, etc.d. However, it should be noted that these methods do not guarantee long-term color saturation, since they are not specialized tools.

If, nevertheless, your choice settled on factory chips, then you can purchase it in gardening stores. If you buy, then the most expensive. The quality of the wood will determine the resistance of the paint on it. Decorative chips are sold in bags of 65-75 liters. Its cost ranges from 400 to 900 rubles.