Interior decoration of a house from a bar (photos are given) includes all the improvement of the internal premises of a private or country house, erected from a bar of various types. Wooden houses of this type are very popular, and many people are interested in the peculiarities of their interior design. Basically,
interior decoration of a frame house with imitation of a bar (photo 1) or interior decoration of a house from a profiled bar (photo 2), according to the materials used, it differs little from landscaping, for example, a brick structure. However, a certain specificity is observed, and these nuances should be taken into account when carrying out work on their own. Interior decoration of a frame house with imitation of a barThe specificity of wooden buildings
In general, the interior decoration of a residential building means a number of measures for the creation of the interior, the external covering of the floor, walls, ceiling, the arrangement of door and window openings, the organization of communication systems.
An example of interior decoration of a wooden houseHouses made from timber have a number of characteristic features related to the properties of wood. The main features include the following factors: significant shrinkage within 4-7 years after the end of construction work and high sensitivity to moisture, which causes a change in all material properties and destroys wood.

These factors largely depend on the type of timber used. When building a house, as a rule, profiled or glued beams are used. Profiled products can have different degrees of drying, which predetermines the degree of shrinkage. The height change occurs both as it dries and due to the compaction of the gap between the layers. As a result, shrinkage can reach 2.5-4 cm.

Glued laminated timber is much more expensive than a profiled counterpart, but its shrinkage is minimal. As for the problem of moisture resistance, this is a property of the wood itself, and to increase resistance, external protection against moisture penetration is required.

What other nuances should be noted? First of all, the purpose of finishing is essential: arranging a new house or

Taking into account these important properties, it should be noted that the veneering of the new timber will remove all the attractiveness of the wood. For a new house, finishing is more typical, while maintaining the external attractiveness of the tree, but ensuring its protection from moisture and taking into account shrinkage phenomena.
Interior decoration of the house from profiled timberAfter using the house for a long time, the timber can lose its attractiveness, receive deformation and damage.
When renovating an old room, it is more rational to use coatings that completely cover the damaged surface and form a completely new interior.

The choice of the type of interior decoration largely depends on the type and quality of the construction timber. So, the interior decoration of a house made of laminated veneer lumber (photo 3) should take into account the high quality of the product used. Such a bar has an almost perfectly flat surface, an emphasized texture, a fairly high resistance to moisture, and its shrinkage is insignificant and is completely completed after 10-12 months. Such a bar should not be covered with dense coatings, but, on the contrary, it is necessary to emphasize the texture.

Another thing is when a regular or profiled timber is used without much drying. In addition, often for the sake of economy, products are used that have various surface defects and slight deformation, which leads to the formation of uneven gaps. In these conditions, an interior finish is required that can hide defects.

What types of finishes exist
Depending on the purpose of the interior decoration, various technologies and materials can be used. The following main types of such an event can be distinguished:

Application of various formulations
For the interior decoration of a wooden house, several types of compounds are used: varnishes, paints, mastics, oils. They can be transparent, toning and impregnating, but all have the main purpose - to protect wood from moisture and decay.
Ways to protect wood from decayFor

Paints are used to create an opaque finish and are often combined with a plaster overlay. The main advantage is the ability to provide any color scheme in accordance with the chosen interior. Acrylic paints and enamels are widely used.

Wax mastic can be transparent or with different shades to emphasize the wood texture. It reliably protects the timber from moisture and retains the natural pattern of the structure for a long time. This material has an increased cost, but it does not form a surface film, which provides a breathing effect for the tree.

Impregnation with an oil composition protects the wood from decay and provides a golden hue while maintaining texture. Natural oils are used: linseed oil or the so-called Danish oil obtained by cold pressing.

How can you simulate a tree
In some cases, it is required to completely close the wall made of beams and create a space between the wall and the coating (making thermal insulation, laying communications, ventilation, etc.d.), while you want to preserve the appearance of the tree. For this purpose, various technologies are used to simulate a log house from a bar.
Clapboard wall decoration schemeOne of the most common options is clapboard cladding (photo 4). At its core, lining is wooden slats of different widths and lengths. Before their installation, a crate and a wooden beam are installed on the wall, in the cells of which heat and vapor insulation, waterproofing are placed. Wiring of communications and electrical wiring is being carried out. On top of the lathing, lining strips are attached with screws. Planks can be positioned both horizontally and vertically. After the completion of the work, the coating is impregnated and varnished.

Another common imitation option is the use of block houses. This product is a wooden or plastic (wood-like) panel imitating a rounded bar or log. The principle of its installation does not differ from clapboard cladding.
Sandwich panels for interior decoration are used less often. However, they also perfectly imitate wooden beams and may well be used.

Fully re-surface finish
There is no dispute about tastes, and some homeowners want to have interiors in a wooden house with walls reminiscent of, for example, a city apartment. In other words, the interior decoration of a house from a bar can have a cladding that completely hides the tree. In this case, chipboard sheets and artificial stone, decorative plaster are widely used.

Decorative artificial stone well imitates natural material, and of various breeds - granite, marble, torn stone, shell rock, etc.d. Compared to natural stone, it has a significantly lower weight, while retaining high strength and natural attractiveness. Fastening such a stone to the wall is done using a lathing. For its manufacture, a bar of 5x2.5 cm is usually used.

Heat-insulating material (mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, etc.).d.). Fastening is carried out using a special adhesive. Seams between elements are sealed with sealant. Of course, the use of masonry in the bedroom is undesirable, but in the living room or hallway, it creates a beautiful look. In addition, the combination of wood and stone is considered an important element in a number of popular interior styles.

Cladding walls, floors and ceilings with chipboard or drywall sheets has an important advantage: such cladding hides all surface irregularities and ensures the formation of a perfectly flat surface. Any additional insulating materials and communications will perfectly fit under the cladding, and the outer surface allows any design - wallpaper, painting, ceramic tiles.
Layout of gypsum board on a profileThe installation of the cladding begins with the installation of a lathing made of wooden beams or aluminum profiles. As a rule, installation of vertical uprights with a pitch of 45-60 cm is sufficient. Chipboard or drywall sheets are fastened with screws. The evenness and verticality of the coating is controlled by the plumb line and the building level. Perhaps, only one serious drawback of the method can be distinguished - the cladding "eats up" the living area of the room and is not advisable in small rooms.

Plastering of wooden surfaces has a certain specificity. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the surface, namely to fix the draped shields or mounting mesh on a wooden surface. Plastering can be done in 3 main ways: simple, improved and high quality variety.

A simple option is performed in 2 layers: spray and plaster with a total thickness of 11-12 mm. The improved version provides for 3 layers: spray, primer, topcoat with a total thickness of 14-16 mm. In the manufacture of high-quality plaster, the primer is applied in several layers - until perfect leveling, and the total thickness of such a coating is 19-22 mm.

Interior decoration of a house from a bar has its own specifics. Different technologies can be used, and the type of arrangement depends on the owner's desire and the quality of the log house. It is quite possible to carry out the work on your own.