Frame construction is a fast form of construction of country houses, cottages and other low-rise buildings. The applied external decoration of the frame house differs in a wide variety. Frame house building technologies make it possible to erect buildings of different shapes and allow you to use almost any style in decoration.
Diagram of the structure of a frame houseThe most popular finishes in Russia
Wood cladding
External decoration of a frame house with imitation of a bar is used in construction most often. Firstly, this is the most traditional cladding option for Russia: wooden dachas can be seen in almost every village.

Secondly, this material has a number of significant advantages. Imitation of a bar is chosen by many for the following qualities:

There were no obvious drawbacks to the technology. It can be noted that wood serves less than other materials, but modern processing methods significantly increase the operating time. Problems with finishing can arise only when purchasing low-quality wood, so choose the material carefully and do not try to save money. Remember: the miser pays twice.


The main advantages of this type of finish are as follows:

When choosing, pay attention to the resistance of the material to chemical and mechanical stress, "absorbent" properties. If the garden is located near a country house, the walls should be easily washed from dirt and earth.
Plastering layers for frame housesA common mistake is the use of plaster for interior decoration in exterior decoration. These materials vary greatly in properties, so such a miss can cost you many days of painstaking work to replace materials.

Thanks to the modern look, the exterior decoration of the frame house with siding is gaining popularity.

This material has become widespread in American cottage communities and has undeniable advantages:
Nevertheless, in Russian realities, only residents of the southern regions can afford to operate this material: the siding is extremely unstable to temperature extremes. Cold northern winters can have a detrimental effect on the cladding of the house, and the cladding will need to be changed.
Cladding materials abroad
Materials for the exterior decoration of a frame house are very diverse in America and Europe:
European classics
If you have ever been to a European village, you probably noticed that the exterior decoration of frame houses in the half-timbered style is widely used. This design originated in Germany, where historical structures in the style of half-timbered houses were erected in the 15th century.

The essence of the style is the use of inclined beams in the frame, fixed from the outside. Half-timbered houses, as a rule, in facing combine plaster (the main wall covering) and wood (directly beams), which creates contrast

In Russia, this style has not received due recognition: most of the population adheres to traditions and prefers the use of wood in the cladding of houses, less often plaster.
Fachwerk is widespread in Scandinavia, in Norway and Sweden this design of houses became extremely popular in the 19th-20th centuries.

Popular solutions
When choosing a facing material, it is also important to take into account the color scheme, the combination of materials and colors should be harmonious.

Today, the following options for exterior decoration of a frame house are popular:

The modern construction market is ready to satisfy any buyer's request. If the budget allows you, you can choose a ready-made solution for the construction of a frame house, which takes into account both finishing materials and color combinations.