Every housewife dreams of purchasing a very stylish curtains for the kitchen photo 2023, modern and beautiful products can decorate any home.
Of course, each buyer decides on which type of curtains to choose. But you should always remember that during the pursuit of beauty and originality, one must not forget about the practicality of the product. You should always remember what kind of room they are intended for.
Light curtains-cafe for the kitchen in the style of ProvenceFor example, items with very expensive drapery, which are made from prestigious grades of fabric, are best left for the living room or bedroom. In the kitchen, you should select such textiles that are easy to wash, have a long service life and are not afraid of high temperature extremes. Even more, it should be noted that at the time of making such a purchase, you need to adhere to the rules regarding the simpler the product, the better.

It must be remembered that the design of kitchen curtains has many unique features. For example, they can be made not only from textiles, but also from certain types of paper, as well as other materials. Each of these products has its own individual characteristics, as well as operating rules. Making such a purchase, when choosing, one should be guided not only by personal taste, but also by the operational characteristics of the product.

What to look for when using curtains?
So, first of all, you need to pay special attention to the size of the curtains. It is clear that luxurious chic and long curtains of light shades are not entirely appropriate in such a room. Especially if they are sewn from a very delicate material. Literally in a few days after the start of operation, their original appearance will be completely lost. It is better to give preference to the option with neutral patterns, made in dark tones.

Based on this, we conclude which curtains to hang in the kitchen:

If the functionality is already a little clear, then about the design you need to clarify some of the nuances. First of all, it is important to understand that the appearance of the curtains that are intended for the kitchen is slightly different from the design of other curtains. This is due to the fact that the general interior of the kitchen is radically different from the interior design of the bedroom or living room. Accordingly, curtains that are designed specifically for the kitchen are always made according to different standards. Most often they have a decor that is directly related to the kitchen. These can be drawings of various kitchen utensils. There are curtains depicting food. Well, as mentioned above, it is better to pay attention to the product, which is made in neutral shades. Gray, beige, bluish gray, dirty gray canvases are perfect here.

As for practicality, here it should be borne in mind that curtains intended for the kitchen should be well and easily washed from dirt. That is why, it is best to choose a fabric that does not so quickly absorb fumes, grease and odors that constantly reign in the kitchen. Do not forget that the cooking process is constantly taking place in this room and there is a sharp temperature drop. It is best to buy curtains that are sewn from natural fabrics and impregnated with a special fire retardant material. And also those that are impregnated with dirt and dust repellent. Of course, today there are a number of synthetic fabrics that also have such characteristics, therefore, in general, there is something to choose from.

Long or short what to choose?
Very often the question arises as to which curtains for the kitchen are best to choose, short or long, photos of such products are available both on the Internet and in other specialized sources, so everyone can easily choose for themselves exactly the option that is convenient it was him.

The main thing is that they twitch easily and also just move apart. The curtain should close the room from prying eyes, but at the same time, allow the light to enter inside. Well, and of course, do not forget that any curtain should not be an obstacle for fresh air to enter the room. By the way, if short curtains were selected for the kitchen, sewn from a light material that quickly lights up, and at the same time the window is near the stove, then you need to take care of the presence of special grabs at the bottom of the product. Or you can sew a special tape along the bottom edge. These tips will help protect the premises from a possible fire.

Based on everything that has been said above, it becomes clear that it is best to choose short curtains that barely cover the window sill along their length. Maximum they can slightly cover the battery. It is better to refuse long curtains. Of course, the best solution would be Roman blinds or those that act on the principle of blinds. You can also choose bamboo or Austrian curtains.

Well, classic curtains, and even with curtains, are appropriate only in those rooms where there is very good ventilation and there is a high ceiling. They can also be purchased for kitchens that are combined with a living room or dining room.

How to choose fabric?
It should be noted that lightweight fabric curtains are still very popular. Therefore, tulle curtains for the kitchen, photos of which are easy to find on the net, are still relevant. They are especially popular in rooms where there is a small kitchen. These can be ordinary apartments or compact private houses. Their advantage is that they absolutely do not clutter up the room, they easily fit into any interior, they are simply washed, they let air and light into the room as much as possible. And of course, they always create a very cozy and homely atmosphere in the house. Tulle curtains favorably emphasize the advantage of a wooden kitchen set.

They also often choose Provence-style curtains for the kitchen. These are products with tie backs or curtains-cafe. They are of different lengths, but most often they reach the level of the battery. On the one hand, the edge of the product is lengthened, and on the other, it is assembled in the form of a fold. They are often decorated with various clothespins in the form of butterflies or other insects and birds. They are also sewn from light natural or synthetic fabrics.

By the way, curtains made of light fabric can be combined with roller or bamboo curtains. In this case, the fabric curtain should be as simple as possible without any pompons, voluminous folds and other decor.
But products made of heavy fabrics look good only in spacious rooms in which the kitchen is combined with the living room or dining room.

The use of roman blinds
Above, it has already been said a lot about the fact that Roman blinds are considered one of the most practical and modern curtains in the kitchen. They fit perfectly into the interior of any room. Moreover, the design of such a room can be made in any style. In addition, such a curtain is quite simply attached to the wall, ceiling or directly in the skylight itself. That is why, it allows you to use the entire space around the window itself and the window sill as efficiently as possible.

If we talk about this canvas in a straightened form, then outwardly such a curtain does not differ much from the rest of the kitchen curtains. But thanks to a special mechanism, it easily rises up and thus, free access to the window appears.
They are appropriate in any room, but most often they are chosen for small kitchens that have very small windows.

These beautiful kitchen curtains are very easy to use. The level of this curtain is quite easy to adjust with a special cord. Therefore, if necessary, it can be raised, as a result of which neat folds are formed at the top, and it is also easy to lower and thereby completely close the window.
If we are talking about a wide window, then such a curtain can be attached only to one part of the opening. Thus, she will be able to constantly cover him from prying eyes and light. And another part of the window will always be open, which will make it possible for light and fresh air to easily penetrate the kitchen.
There are options for Roman blinds, which are made of a special material that diffuses light. That is, direct sunlight will not enter the room, but at the same time it will be very light in it. This option is suitable for a room with windows facing the sunny side.
Based on everything that has been said above, I would like to highlight the main advantages of such curtains. It:

That is why they enjoy unprecedented popularity among buyers of different ages and social levels.
Differences between roller blinds
In general, roller blinds are very similar to Roman. Only now they are made from ordinary fabric. They are quite compact, do not require additional maintenance, are easy to wash, have an original and striking design. It should be noted that despite the fact that they are made from regular fabric, they do not require any additional personal care.

Such curtains are popularly called fabric rolls. By the way, these curtains are perfect for a kitchen with a balcony door; there are many photos on the Internet that confirm this. They can be attached to the ceiling, to the wall or directly to the window opening.
They perfectly protect the room from direct sunlight, so they are very often used in rooms where the windows face the sunny side. Such curtains are also relevant in apartments that are located on a high floor. After all, it is in such houses that the sun's rays are especially active.

By the way, in addition to the kitchen, this curtain option is great for a balcony block. After all, if necessary, you can simply raise the curtain and it will be light in the apartment, and if necessary, lower them.
It is also important to note the versatility of such a curtain. For example, if the apartment has a wide window, then you can use several separate rolls, one of them can be lowered, and others raised, or vice versa.
When unfolded, they outwardly resemble ordinary curtains, but when assembled they resemble a fabric roll.
As for the selection of materials for creating such a curtain, it is best to choose the version of the canvas that is impregnated with a special dirt and dust-repellent agent, as well as a substance that prevents the possibility of rapid fire.
There are several options for fabrics, for example, if we are talking about black out material, then this is a completely opaque canvas. But the blinds allow the sun's rays to enter the room, but at the same time, the apartment is protected from prying eyes.
If you choose curtains with a bright and original design, then they can be used as a real decorative element.
What options for using curtains still exist?
In addition to ordinary fabric curtains, thread curtains for the kitchen are still quite popular; there are also a lot of photos of them on the net or in other specialized sources of information. They can be used not only for windows but also for doorways. Especially when it comes to a studio apartment.
But besides this, there are other product options that will also harmoniously fit into a kitchen of a certain design. For example, it can be bamboo curtains. They are well suited for ethnic-style interiors. In addition to being a real decorative element, these products fill the room with a pleasant aroma of herbs and wood.

These are special canvases that are woven from bamboo cane according to ancient technology. And also from natural fabrics and jute straw. These are moisture-resistant products, which are also distinguished by good compactness and original appearance.
But Austrian curtains are most often used in a more sophisticated and chic interior. This is a product that combines the style and functionality of Roman and French curtains. Such curtains are perfect for a spacious kitchen with a beautiful expensive set or for interconnected rooms.