The corner cornice for curtains in the bathroom allows, after its installation, to equip the room with a special curtain, which prevents water from splashing during the reception of water procedures.
This design is still very common, since the layout of our apartments has remained unchanged and no other design is often suitable for them. At the same time, modern industry produces many varieties of such curtain rods, which allows them to fit into almost any modern version of bathroom design.
The corner cornice for curtains in the bathroom allows, after its installation, to equip the room with a special curtain, which prevents water from splashing during the reception of water proceduresVarieties of rods for curtains
Corner bath cornices are divided into several types depending on their shape, materials from which similar structures are made and the type of cornice device. For example, depending on the shape, these products are divided into standard and non-standard. Moreover, samples of the second type are usually models of various curved shapes, installed in rooms of unusual configuration.

As for the standard curtain rods, they are:

Depending on the design, specialists today distinguish two types of these products:
Sliding bathroom cornice is a convenient design option, its operation is more comfortable and convenient in comparison with tension cornice options. This is due to the fact that its length can vary in a significant range at the request of the homeowner. At the same time, its installation in place does not present any special difficulties. Tension systems have long been considered obsolete designs. The disadvantage of such devices is the ability to sag over time, and if the curtain is replaced, it may be necessary to lengthen or shorten the supporting metal string. In fact, replacing the curtain in the bathroom may require replacing the entire curtain rod structure.
It is imperative that when buying curtain rods, you should pay attention not only to their shape and design, but also to the material from which the product is made. Bathroom curtain rods can also be made of materials such as polyethylene, steel, bronze or brass. For light curtains, it is best to purchase rods made of polyethylene, and for curtains made of a material that has a lot of weight, it is better to install metal rods, in addition, tension curtain rods for the bathroom can be used for both light and heavy curtains.

If it is necessary to install a product of a non-standard shape, it would be best to order it individually from the manufacturer, who will take into account all the requirements and wishes of the customer as much as possible. If it is difficult for the owner to decide on the choice of the desired type of eaves design for the bathroom, then it is better to contact a specialist for help in this matter.
On a note! Additionally, an invited specialist can carry out the entire volume of installation work, which will avoid mistakes when installing curtains in the bathroom.
Key features of plastic, metal and combination booms
Curtain rods, depending on the materials used in their manufacture, can differ significantly in their characteristics:
If we consider separately the metal rods for curtains, then when choosing them, it is imperative to take into account the properties and qualities of those metals from which they are made. For example, aluminum perfectly withstands exposure to moisture and chemicals, as well as temperature drops. At the same time, products of this type weigh a little, but they are very durable, but what they have unpleasant about is their matte surface, which does not look very good against the background of modern finishing materials.

Chrome plated steel products look great in any interior and are very durable. Your children can even hang on them, such cornices will not break or bend. In addition, bars of almost any shape and even a cornice for an asymmetric bath can be made of metal, although the cost of such a product can be quite high.

This circumstance should be borne in mind when choosing a suitable bath bar.
Features of installation of cornices
Any models of curtain rods are mounted according to the same principle. The semicircular bath cornice is installed in place using ordinary flanges attached to the wall. However, of course, there are some nuances, for example, an u-shaped curtain rod for a bathroom will be mounted at more than two points on the wall.

In any case, to perform the named work, you will need a special tool. This is a punch with drills for tiles or concrete with a diameter of five millimeters, a construction knife, as well as a screwdriver and a hammer. You will also need a square, a pencil, a tape measure. In addition, be sure to prepare fasteners such as screws or dowels. It is worth remembering that such fasteners can be supplied complete with the cornice itself.

It is worth noting that modern cornices are installed in place in three ways:
Consider, for a start, the installation of such a type of rods as a telescopic cornice for the bathroom. Due to the fact that telescopic models are very unreliable, they are categorically not recommended for installation in those houses where there are children, although this type of cornice is very common in modern bathroom interiors. The fact is that "telescopes" look modern and stylish, which makes modern women put them instead of more durable monolithic metal products.
If you bought a telescopic rod, then know that you will only need to mark the place for its installation, you will not need to drill the walls and ceiling. The sequence of actions in this case will be as follows:
Naturally, installation without fasteners imposes a restriction on the use of such a structure, so you have to make sure that your children do not hang on it.

Also, do not hang heavy curtains on such a bar. If they are necessary, select other options for their placement, which have a stronger fastening.
Installation of curtain rods with flanges
In the event that you want to mount an L-shaped bathroom cornice with flanges, you still have to drill the bathroom walls and, possibly, the ceiling. First, you will need to mark the place of future installation. To do this, you will need to mark two holes for mounting flanges. The distance between them will determine the length of your curtain rod.

To facilitate this procedure, hold the curtain bar against the wall and use a marker to mark where the flanges will be against it. In this case, it will be necessary to remember that the optimal height for attaching the eaves will be equal to 1.6 meters from the bath. It will allow the curtain hanging on the bar to hang at a distance of about twenty centimeters below the level of your bathtub. As a result, you won't splash on the floor when you shower.
The scheme of fixing the ceiling curtain rod for curtainsUsually flanges are made in a round shape, and they have three holes for self-tapping screws, so you will need to mark three points for drilling. It itself is performed after you remove the flange from the wall using a punch. After that, the flange is applied to the installation site and screwed to the wall with self-tapping screws.
An additional fastening is mounted in a similar system - a bracket, if necessary. Fastening can be done not only with self-tapping screws, but also with the supplied dowels or screws, twisted with a special hexagon. Straight shaped bathroom curtain rods are fixed in a special clamp of the flange and bracket.
Important! It is worth remembering that the industry currently produces a large number of rods for curtains of various designs.
In this regard, it is worthwhile to study them very carefully before starting installation work. For example, in some designs, it is very important whether the clamping screw is located with the head up or not. Moreover, only the correct location of such a screw will help you avoid sagging curtains that you hang on one or another cornice.
It is worth remembering that corner structures need additional fastening, since they are long. Usually, the places of folds - corners are additionally fixed, since it is here that the threat of sagging is most likely. For this, a suspension is usually used. Installing such a fastener is no different from installing flanges in place.
Manufacturing of curtain rods for bathtubs
Sometimes it happens that the options for bath cornices offered by the trade do not suit you. This usually happens due to the fact that the layout of your bathroom is non-standard and typical solutions are suitable for it. In this case, it makes sense to think about how to make a barbell of the size and shape you are interested in. Thus, you can satisfy your most unusual needs.

In this case, the simplest solution can be a direct construction. It can be used when your bathtub is large and the standard curtain rods for it are simply small. In order to make the rod of the required length, in this case, it will be enough for you to purchase an aluminum profile or stainless pipe. Then they are cut to the desired length and installed in place. Decorative plugs are placed at the ends and the cornice is ready for use.

In the event that you need a curly design, for example, for a semicircular bath, you should think about making it to order. Such services are provided by design bureaus that are engaged in the design of bathroom interiors. At the same time, they can carry out a project of finishing and equipping your bathroom on a turnkey basis.