Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen - design of beautiful ideas for the use of curtains and new curtains of 2023 (95 photos)

The correctly selected window decor, in the kitchen, is the completion of the appearance of the entire interior of the apartment. The perception of the overall structure of the situation depends on the correctly selected material and color.

If the design of the curtains corresponds to the style of the kitchen, you can guarantee peace and coziness in the room in which the family gathers at the same table.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

The history of the window decor

The first fabrics, people have been known, already since the newcomatic age. In that era, the fabrics had a rough structure and had a natural origin. The material has always been in light access. Usually, it was grown, as this simplified the production of material.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Used more than others: linen, hemp and nettle. The ancient Egyptians decorated the temples and tomb of the pharaohs with light curtains from flax.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Historians believe that the founders of decor made of fabric were residents of Rome. The ceremonial halls were draped by expensive, heavy fabrics, and the corridors, kitchens and other rooms - light, cheaper.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

In medieval Europe, doorways, walls began to be hung with fabrics and windows. The castles living in castles tried to create coziness and harmony among stone cold walls. The material became more and more expensive, and drapery is more refined.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Over time, the dimensions and density of the curtains underwent changes. The material has become shorter, and its structure is thinner. Now, with curtains, window openings are decorated in living rooms and sleeping rooms, and curtains in the kitchen.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
How to make the right choice?

The choice of curtains, first of all, depends on the functionality of the kitchen room: compatibility with the loggia or balcony; compatibility with the dining room; a room suitable only for cooking; kitchen in the studio/room in the hostel; Universal free room.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

It is necessary to study ready -made designs. Photos of ready -made ideas for the decor of curtains in the kitchen will help with this. Most are unable to share their ...Cozy... options.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Large selection of kitchen curtains in the style of Provence. Such curtains are not required through a chur elaborate cut or numerous jewelry. The style conveys the whole essence of the French provincial life.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Basic principles:

Furniture in the room, mainly from wood. It is made in such a way that the effect of aged mosiv is created. It looks pretty cool. To such an environment, it is best to choose curtains from light fabric;

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

The best option for walls is a masonry masonry. You can’t do without checkered curtains. By the way, on the fabric of such a coloring there is almost no dirt.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Additional accents create a halo of tenderness and lightness. It is enough to add clay vases with flowers, old watches and fresh fruits. Curtains are suitable for blue or beige shades. It's great if the fabric is decorated with a print in the form of wildflowers;

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Japanese minimalism

Curtains in the style of Japanese minimalism are quite suitable for decor even the smallest cuisine. Asian flavor is attractive and mystical. This is what he so attracts people with the European mentality.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Thanks to the Japanese, a new, very ascetic, but still laconic, style appeared. Instead of curtains, for the decor of the kitchen window, they use shielded curtains. Usually, this is a thin canvas that passes light and air well. At the same time, the color of the fabric depends on the taste of the owner.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Modern curtains, in such a kitchen, are decorated with drawings in the Asian style: bamboo, hieroglyphs, geisha, katana and others. Below, a bamboo stick or a narrow plank is sewn to the canvas. So, during a draft, the curtains will keep the original shape.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
High-tech curtains

The style itself belongs to the urban branch. New solutions completely break classical stereotypes. Minimum wood, maximum artificial materials. Curtains, in this case, can ...challenge... the basics of kitchen decoration.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Their varieties are amazing: instead of curtains, blinds will not look bad. It is convenient to wash and easily remove them; High-tech interior will decorate thread curtains.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

They can be made of strong wire with figures attached to it, or from threads with a frill from plastic crystals;

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

A simple transparent canvas with a metallic shine will also actually reflect the whole essence of the designed design.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
DIY curtains for the kitchen

Handmade has always been valued above machine. The process of creation never goes in a hurry. A sufficient concentration of the master allows you to create a unique job.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

There is a large scope for creativity. Curtains can be knitted, quilted, embroidered. If the hostess knows how to embroider a cross, you can depict birds, flowers or favorite patterns on the canvas.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

DIY work saves funds and time to select the necessary curtains. At any time, it is possible to modify your own creation, without fear of spoiling the material or the composition itself.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Modern new items

Designers say that the most fashionable styles of curtains for kitchens in 2023 will be: Japanese, Roman, Scandinavian and Australian. As for the color...  This year, the trend is a dozen bright and four neutral shades.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Bright: wine, red-orange, the color of turmeric, gently coral, pink, emerald, khaki, gold, blue, coffee, orange, lilac.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Neutral: Beige, dark blue, white-beige, dark brown.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

In fashion in 2023, the simplest and most convenient options for the decor of the curtains. Excess luxury and pretentiousness will be superfluous.

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
Photo of designer curtains in the kitchen

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior

Curtains for the kitchen: 95 photos of using curtains in the design of the kitchen interior
