If you have an apartment with a small area, this does not mean, then you need to refuse the necessary things, such as a table or a bedroom place.
Some live with discomfort in a small apartment, not because of a small area, but because of the wrong design of the room. After all, competent design is important.

Naturally, it is difficult to arrange everything you need on a small area, but if you approach this issue in an original way, you can make excellent results.

You can change a small apartment using critical measures, for example, remove the wall or simply make a change using a color palette.

How to choose the best way and how to competently make an apartment design with a small area?

The correct layout is an important step in the design of the apartment. After all, placing everything you need in a small apartment is difficult.

A demanded way to fit a bedroom in a small room is to purchase a laid out sofa.

You can truly increase the space with the help of a complete planning. A good idea, to make a studio, this is a bedroom, a living room, kitchen all in one. So - designers can recommend moving the doors so that the furniture can be put to the maximum economically.

So - you can increase the area with the unification of a room with a loggia, only before this loggia you need to warm up qualitatively. Although it is small, the room will look much larger and will be perceived already differently.

Zoning of space
After you remove the extra walls and partitions, move the doors, there will be another problem, you need to highlight the zones. There is no one answer for everyone, each design in this case will be individual, but some general recommendations are still.

Distribution to zones using furniture. This is the most elementary option. Cabinets can play the role of walls, but this is not the best solution for a small apartment. It is better to use a bar and no big racks in this case.

Zoning using a color palette. In this version, you can distinguish each zone with a certain color. Only the colors need to choose such that in general everything looks harmonious.

Zoning space level. In this version, the zone is distinguished by the size of objects in height. So - it is possible to apply the podium.

Zoning with texture. Tiles of one color, and the laminate of the other is perfect for zoning.

Light zoning. If an apartment with a small area, then it should have excellent lighting. If each zone has its own lighting item, then the separation into the area will be clearly visible.

Apartments for apartments with a small area
The small space of the room forces people to invent different ways that - to increase it. Folding sofas, lying in the closet, this is already a familiar thing.

Now the tables of the transforma Era have become popular. This table turns from a small into a large. Chairs like this - they add up.

It is better to put one large and deep cabinet in a small apartment, because it will fit more things than two small.

Puffs are a great option for a small -sized apartment. You can sit on the ottoman, and so - you can store things in it.

Hanging the shelves, you will save space.

If you have an apartment with a small area, this does not mean, then you need to refuse the necessary things, such as a table or a bedroom place.

Some live with discomfort in a small apartment, not because of a small area, but because of the wrong design of the room. After all, competent design is important.

Photo of the apartment 33 kV. m.