The living room is not only the place of reception of guests, this is the heart of the house where all family members spend time, where they invite friends, where you can watch TV with children, relax after a hard day's day or just stay with a dear person, arranging a romantic evening.
The living room is the face of the apartment, the only room where strangers are invited, in this regard, it should always look worthily.

It is customary to allocate the largest room under the living room. Given that the layouts of Soviet -time apartments had a passing room, it was adapted to the living room.

The living room performs not only the function of receiving guests and communication, can often also serve as a kitchen, cabinet, library and even bedroom. Given the variety of purposes, the proper zoning of the living room is necessary.

The determination of zones can be made not only by arranging furniture, but also by finishing with various materials. For example, part of the floor in the room is laid out with tiles, the other is covered with laminate. In one part of the room, wall decoration plaster is used, in the other with wallpaper.

You have a large library or you take work at home - then the option with joining the balcony is suitable. If there is no balcony, equip a place near the window. The windowsill can be adapted to the countertop, the shelves for books should be suspended on the sides from the window.

Thus, we will significantly save place. Having made the shelves hinged, we will visually increase the area of the room.

Or order a cabinet from floor to ceiling, from where the countertop will be advanced to work with a laptop, mark the office accessories or books on the shelves. Closing the door of the cabinet, you will hide your mini office from prying eyes.

You do not have enough sleeping places - put in the living room a folding sofa with a spacious inner linen box. Having spent the night and removing the bed, you again return the room to the room room.

If the height of the ceilings allows, you can organize a bed in the form of an attic or tier. And use the space under it under the office, library or resting place.

Another option for organizing a berth is possible: for this, a full -fledged bed is installed in the room, which is enclosed by a rack or sliding door. As a result, you get a full sleeping place, and use part of the living room as a rest room.

The main room has a passage to a small kitchen, it makes sense to find a place in it under the dining table.Living studio with an area of 20 square meters. m. - the type of redevelopment is very popular, where the far corner is intended for use as a kitchen.

The recreation area is arranged next to the exit. As a partition, you can use a sofa with a back or make a bar for a bar.

The architecture of the room affects the distinction between zones in the room. Square living room is the most successful layout, it requires active operation of the center of the room. A rectangular room gives a chance to experiment with zones.

Such a room is difficult to equip, so experts recommend that you make a detailed drawing with the size of furniture and passages. It must be borne in mind that the minimum width of the aisle is 80 cm. To visually expand the rectangular room, design techniques are used.

The design of the walls with vertical stripes will help to visually increase the ceiling. Horizontal strips - spread the room, making the space wider. The use of backlight beams on the ceiling allow you to achieve the same effect.

It seems that from furniture in a living room of 20 square meters.m. Only a wall, sofa, chair and shelf under TV will be able to enter.

In fact, not a large area allows you to harmoniously enter the furniture into the room. Designers advise separating different zones of the room using flowers and textured decoration.

A variety of materials for decoration, types of lighting, decorative devices (partitions of any shapes, from various materials; screens; lattices; podiums), furniture (racks, sofa, chair, shelves), multilevel floor and ceiling allow you to create a harmonious interior of the living room.

The design of the living room is built on the presence of a large central accent in the room, whether it is a closet or sofa. Other items will be formed around him.

When decorating in the living room of walls and ceiling, it is preferable to give a choice in favor of the palette of neutral colors. Since light colors make the room more spacious and freer.

For example, shades of beige, gray, cream and white make the space visually wider and harmonize well with other shades. Be sure to focus on bright accessories.

It can be curtains, decorative pillows, lamps, vases. Otherwise, your interior will be dull and boring. They will become an impeccable background for the selection of furniture coloring.

Do not forget about lighting. This is a very important part of the interior. Light will help make a long room cozy and attractive.

Most often, a chandelier is used in the central part of the ceiling, and lighting is installed at the edges in the form of spot ceiling or wall lamps. If you direct the light from the center of the room to the walls, this will help expand a long, narrow room.