A convenient solution for the young generation can be considered a studio apartment. Such a living area in which there are no extra walls, you can decorate in an individual style. Lack of walls - lack of boundaries for imagination.
History reference Studio apartments became known at the beginning of the twentieth century in the States. The ancestor of the idea was a German architect. In the twenties, Ludwig MiS Van der Roy created the first house in history in which the premises did not have walls. The exceptions were the restrooms. It is worth noting that zoning in the studio apartment, those years, was a kind. Such premises from the current were distinguished by a two -story layout. That is, the first floor was occupied by a bathroom and a room, and on the second - the kitchen. Now it is a modern and spacious loft. Only the bathroom is separated by the walls.
It must be borne in mind that the choice of a modern studio apartment is determined, first of all, by the number of future residents. It is known that the area of a hundred squares is a fairly small room for living more than two family members.

Even if the kitchen and room are united. Otherwise, the recreation area is losing its functionality. The absence of walls has a number of unpleasant disadvantages.

Especially, this is due to the cooking area: burning, smells, fat, etc. You need to be very clean to allow yourself to live in a one-room aparty-studio apartment.

One of the important requirements, when purchasing such a room, is the presence of a good powerful hood. It is necessary that she had to go out into the street. So, you can exclude a larger number of unnecessary aromas entered into the apartment.

Another nuance is noise. When choosing equipment to the house, a priori, it is worth considering their principle of work. The main thing is that all the technique does not make noise. Especially, this applies to families with young children.

If we talk about furniture, then it must be selected, given the layout of the room. It should be compact, light and comfortable.

Despite the absence of walls and partitions, the apartment can be divided into zones using columns, arches or screen. The combined space opens the spaciousness to create a unique design of the Sudy apartment. Sometimes, to divide the kitchen and living room, a table or bar stand is placed.

First of all, it is necessary to decide on the style. But it is worth remembering the saying: ...The taste is silent, shouts badly.... Although this does not mean that you need to hire a designer. You can cope with on your own.

To do this, it will be useful to study photographs of the planning of apartments-studios. Ready -made options will be able to suggest which of the solutions is right for your apartment.

If, the apartment has a small child, you need to take care of the proper zoning of the room. After all, the baby needs a space where no one and nothing will disturb him.

For lovers of classics, an option is suitable, which is concise and restraint. Color, in such an interior, tender and bright. You need to be careful with the arrangement of accents. Too bright details will spoil the whole surroundings.

An interesting solution for a spacious apartment with high ceilings. In such a room you can make a second floor that will free more space on the lower tier. For surroundings, just clean one of the walls to the most brickwork.

This will give the interior of liberty and competently display the character of the owner. Accents in such an apartment can be quite non -standard: a bicycle on the wall, a toilet on the ceiling, or a bar counter with an unusual design. The loft allows you to experiment.

A similar design of the studio apartment ...encourages... Visual expansion of space. This can be achieved by using white color. Usually the walls are painted precisely in this shade.

Furniture should choose a functional and practical. The more no more than the shape of the utensils, the more interesting it looks against the general background of the apartment. However, it is worth remembering that it is the light and air - the main attributes of the Scandinavian style. Let the fantasy allow you to touch the most unusual ideas.

Choosing lighting devices must be given the zoning of the space. The best option would be the lighting made on its own.

Scandinavian style involves the use of a tree. Another important element, in the interior, there will be fire. Or rather, a home hearth personifying it. The fireplace can be even artificial. The importance is that this will give the studio coziness and make it scandinavian fabulous.

A particular option of finishing is selected depending on the size of the studio apartment. As for the minimalist style, this choice is suitable for business people who prefer severity and restraint in everything. This rule also affects the colors selected for the future interior.

Unlike the previous style, minimalism is simply necessary to dilute the tinting layer. Let it be an unusual bright accent, which is a business -standing against the background of a spacious room. Colors for such an interior, usually choose contrasting: black and white, red and black, etc.

In a room devoid of walls, you can divide the space into zones using mobile screens or racks. Let it be a light and convenient cabinet, with which you can easily separate for yourself you need the number of rooms.

Creating a warm atmosphere is very simple. The main thing is to approach work with love. Then everything will definitely work out.