When creating interior design, you should focus on the maximum possible comfort for a living family. In addition, it should be taken into account how this design fits into a more distant prospect of the environment.
The environment should be present in the environment. So that the feeling of security, security, calmness is to be present to one degree or another.

Anyone will like the photo planning photo, if everything is in the frame - beautiful, filled with meaning, color color. When designing a layout, you need to take into account: location of the rooms; the size of all premises in the apartment; shape and direction of windows; the presence of a certain design in objects.

Starting to plan design, one cannot fail to take into account all these factors. As an artist, the sculptor carries out the main thing from the environment, so the fashion designer determines the least costly path to harmony, from what reality offers him.

For example, if this is an apartment, then the staircase, floor should correspond to the canons of aesthetic perception.

Also, the courtyard, street, playground should not differ much from harmony in the human apartment. A large gap in perception creates cognitive dissonance in the human mind.

A worthy interior layout meets such moral and ethical criteria. The competently verified layout takes into account every trifle, every stroke, color, tone, shape.

The general background of the layout consists of thousands of little things. The more talented the planner, the more nuances in the environment of the surrounding landscape and the situation he sees.

When a modern layout is drawn up, the developed schools of past generations of fashion designers and designers are applied.

There is a whole science of beautiful, where the concepts of color, line, surface, volume, close focus, long horizon are collected together when trying to approach the ideal of the beautiful.

Big artists and design masters manage to make gorgeous rooms out of an ordinary apartment. How it was possible to do it? No one can answer. One thing is clear: this is not a matter of chance, but a talented embodiment of the laws of beauty, peeled in accident.

If we assume that the apartment has just been received, things have not yet been imported, and there is a preparatory repair before entering - then where to start? First of all, you need to start with the hallway. Think about where to stand. Immediately from the threshold - there will be a lot of questions.

They must be carefully, patiently recorded in a notebook. In order not to get confused, numb. What is to the hallway - in one column. For the kitchen - get another column. And so go throughout the apartment.

If we approach this problem with all responsibility, then the planning of the interior of the apartment will be performed competently. The recorded must be passed through consciousness. Think over more than once, where, how and what will be in the apartment.

The correct layout of the house is skill. It does not come immediately. Experience is gained over the years, as in any business. As elsewhere, there are capable designers and not very. There is nothing to do with it. The artist must create. And creativity does not happen without inspiration.

It is not enough to know. We also need a flight of spirit, imagination, dreams of elegant and elevated. If a person has it, then he is subject to a lot.

A wooden cottage of two rooms in a month can become like an Asian sheikh attic. So many eastern motifs will be made. And you can, on the contrary, plunge into the depths of centuries of the past of Russia. With a samovar. Other color of antiquity. Where there is a towel with roosters.

If such a layout is performed in the country, or in a country house, then it will be more accurate to combine the design with the surrounding nature. So that one does not interfere with the other, but on the contrary supplement. The hostess of the cottage loves flowers, and she has thoroughbred white chamomiles under the window on a high leg.

Then in the room inside the cottage somewhere on the wall to place a blanket, a carpet with embroidered roses would not hurt to arrange.

Red roses and white daisies - connecting in the mind of man, form a mixture of beauty and simplicity at the same time. And there is no pretentiousness. There is only one harmony and peace.

The layout and arrangement of furniture in an apartment or in a country house is of great importance. Because what kind of furniture is arranged, the overall design of the apartment premises depends.

Too bright, loud tires. At home, you need to choose the right tone from the color of furniture. For example, a white tone. The sea oak will go well.

Armchairs from a sea oak next to the refectory table - a wonderful occasion to take a picture again against this background. Where are the windows in the apartment, what curtains on them are long or short, what a width of the window sills. All this is important.

When choosing planning options, you should remember the rule: excessive beauty does not cold and repel. You should know the measure. Saturating color and aesthetic attractiveness. Do not cross the line. So as not to harm. In planning, like any artistic work, there is a special line.

You can’t step over it. You need to feel where to stop. The task of the designer is to make sure that you choose an accurate, competent design for a given object.

No more, no less. Find the middle ground. Here is the task. The commendable task. Good luck to those who solve her. On the road, planners of aesthetic solutions.