Modern technologies and design developments allow even in small apartments to create conditions suitable for a comfortable existence.
Room interior design 14 square meters. m. implies the presence of free space to the maximum, multifunctionality of furniture, light color scheme.

When choosing color accents for a small room, one should not forget that bright and bulky accessories conceal the space, while light and elegant trinkets fill it with light and air. This should be taken into account if the bedroom and living room are combined in the room.

If this is a separate room in the apartment, then it must be approached from a practical point of view. It should have all the necessary furniture, have enough free space for movement and correspond to its purpose, without combining two zones.

It is better to arrange the room in a single style solution without mixing them among themselves. Any options are possible here-from high-tech, which is minimalist in itself, to a complex baroque style or classic.

Glass and mirrors visually expand the space, and cold shades of walls and textiles will fill the room with pleasant coolness.

Modern design prefers light designs, light colors and transformer furniture, which can be placed in any convenient order.

For example, most of the items are made in dark colors-brown, burgundy or dark green; then textiles, carpets, walls are more consistent in light-beige, peach or powdery pink shades.

So that the interior is not boring, you can periodically change any accessories of bright colors. But there should be very few of them and they should not be large. It can be sofa pillows, small vases or figurines, funny little things and trinkets.

Also, curtains, a bedspread on a bed or sofa, a panel on the wall can also act as a bright accent. Niche-collars with backlighting in the wall look very impressive, on which you can arrange books, the necessary objects or just memorable souvenirs.

Such shelves can solve the issue of evening lighting when you do not want to light a central chandelier. The volumetric panel made using a special mass and painted in the color of the walls will also look unusual and luxurious.

Successful layout of the room 14 square meters. m. built on the most accurately selected household items. The furniture in the room has many shelves, cabinets, compartments and drawers, which allows you to place all the necessary items.

Accessories, textiles and lighting are selected so that the effect of rowan does not work out. A harmonious combination of color and shapes is the basis of the layout in a small apartment.

In order not to visually reduce the space of the room with overall cabinets, a good solution would be to make a closet in the form of a continuous wall from the side of the front door.

In this case, the space above the door will turn out in the form of mezzanines. Such a cabinet will allow you to place absolutely all the necessary things. This solution is well suited for a one -room apartment.

A small room for a teenager is a rather good option. In small space, comfort and comfort are best felt. If there are two children and they are same -sex, you can build a two -tier bed, combining it, for example, with a Swedish wall.

For a young girl, a decoration in a romantic style is suitable. There must be a closet in which various shelves and shelves are provided. A desk for a computer and a small chair on wheels. The section for equipment and discs is required.

For the design of the bedroom 14 square meters.m. you need to start from the bed. It is better to choose it in a minimalist style, without excessive decor. There should also be a closet with shelves and a toilet table. It is better to choose a color scheme for a small bedroom in calm tones.

Too bright the bedroom does not contribute to rest, but too dark - oppresses.Such colors as lilac, pale, pale blue, pale green look nice in the bedroom.

If preference is given to dark shades, then they should be noble, not oppressive and best of all as accents.

Small living room can be the most cozy room in the house. Here you can place a sofa, two chairs and a coffee table.

The cabinet can be in the form of a continuous wall or with a niche for equipment and wall accessories. You can zone a small living room using lighting. Bra or the floor lamp will illuminate only one part of the room, so the households will not interfere with resting each other.

To create warm comfort in a small apartment or in a small room you need to correctly calculate the load of its space.

It is very important to observe harmony in the color scheme, style moments and the location of furniture. Here you need to use every centimeter to the maximum, trying, however, to leave enough space for movement.