The mirror in the house is an integral part of almost any room. More often the subject of this interior can be found in living rooms and bedrooms. You can create with its help not only a beautiful space, but you can admire yourself in the reflection.
Ordinary shapes and standard elements can not always express individuality in a living room. In this case, you can create a mirror decor with your own hands. Today there are many different ways to create real works of art right at home.

Of course, we are talking about the design of old models in a new way. When it comes to old mirrors, a picture with forged and framed models pops up. But it's not always the case.

You can use simple products that can create a special atmosphere in the interior. You do not need to purchase a lot of expensive materials for this. In some cases, you can do with things and materials lying on the mezzanine.

The modern style of houses and apartments implies the presence of a variety of mirrors. They are used without fail in the hallway, bathroom or bedroom.

Depending on where the subject will be, you can think about how it will look. Initially, it is better to view all catalogs and magazines where there is a photo of the mirror decor.

Thus, you can learn a lot of new things and create such a product that can decorate your apartment. Any mirror in a living room can be the possibility of visually an increase in space.

Some models may be like each other. But it is not always the case. To prevent this from happening, it is better to perform an independent decoration of the mirror. For such work, you need to attach maximum attention and fantasies.

Several rules must be followed: It is better to choose the same sizes. If the mirror is selected irregularly, then he does not need a frame. The frame is preferable for round and square models. If the mirrors are located in the same space, then they should have the same framework. When creating a mirror composition, you need to be careful. You can not clutter up the wall with such an object. Everything should be in harmony with each other correctly.

When using this type of mirrors, you can achieve expansion of living space. This is especially true in old houses - small apartments. Better to use several mirrors. The decor of the wall mirror is better to select for the overall style in the room.

You can install products from different sides. This method allows you to increase a small extension. Classic styles use models created from stucco and frames of large volumes.

If you have a room in a modern style, mirror frames of different shapes and sizes are ideal here. You can use products with drawings. Using additional lighting, you can achieve a visual expansion of the room.

To create a beautiful design of the product, it is better to use natural material - wood. It will fit perfectly into any interior style. Wooden frames are unpretentious during operation. They are distinguished by an exquisite appearance.

The poet decor of the mirror frame with such a material will always be relevant and in demand. In everyday life, mirrors of different shapes from square to round. But there is always a place for experiments.

Such a product today is very popular. Around the perimeter, the mirror is framed by twigs, where small and large. Such a design move allows you to create a semblance of sunlight.

The bar must be attached to the glue and withstand up to twenty seconds, for better fixing. When the glue dries, its remains can be removed with sandpaper. After that, the soil is applied and in an hour the product will be ready for painting with varnish or paint.

This method is considered the most affordable. Therefore, it will not be necessary to think for a long time where to buy a mirror decor. Any grocery store can save the situation, because for the decor you will need packaging from eggs. Each cell glues among themselves, creating a flower.

After this, the mirror is framed when using glue. Further, the product is painted with paint. This mirror decor is perfect for small products.

They can be an excellent decoration of the bedroom or living room. But in no case such products should not be in the bathroom or in the kitchen, where excessive humidity prevails. They can lose their original appearance.

In bathrooms, mirrors of round shapes are more often used. It is better to highlight them in a certain color in order to dilute the overall atmosphere in the room with paints and brightness. The decor of the round mirror in the bathroom takes a special place.

You need to choose materials that can withstand a large amount of moisture. For independent creation of a mirror in the bathroom, you can use old models.

For example, you can create a decor using pipes. Cut the pipe with thin plate and glue them in a chaotic shape around the mirror.

In particular, such a product will be relevant in modern styles. For example, high-tek or modern will be able to emphasize such a product with their neutral colors and clear forms. And the mirror itself will become a highlight of the entire living space.