Purchasing ready -made swings today is not difficult. Manufacturers offer many models of these products for adults, children, as well as the whole family.
The cost depends on the brand and design features, but it is not necessary to spend money on the purchase. If you are guided by the instructions, how to make a swing with your own hands, make both a simple and complex structure every home master.

To make a swing for a summer residence, they must take into account the purpose of the structure - for adults or for children. The difference is due not only to a security issue, but also by a variation of opportunities.

The greater the weight of a person, the higher the load provided to the construction, and, therefore, you have to strengthen the product. Of no small value is given to the material of manufacture. Swing can be wooden, metal or made from improvised means.

Use cables, ropes, chains and fasteners. The advantage of the metal is reliability, and the disadvantage is the exposure of corrosion and the need to use the welding machine. Metal swings with a visor with your own hands.

Make such a design, if there are drawings of garden swings and a certain experience of welding, does not seem difficult. The process consists of two stages: preparatory work; assembly of the structure. Everyone is of paramount importance.

Involves the preparation of the site for the design and determination of the size of the structure. The place should be even, do not have barriers in front and behind. To make it convenient to accommodate on the swing together, they are supplied with a bench.

Dimensions are usually selected individually, but you should be guided by the recommended parameters: The distance between the racks at the base of the front is 200 and on the sides - 230, and at the top - 160 cm; The total height from the support to the visor is 227, and from the bench - 172 cm; The length of the bench is 150, the height of the rear wall is 50 cm.

The product is welded from the supporting rectangular frame located at the base, connected at the top of the sidewalls (on each side of the steam that forms a triangle) and a horizontal crossbar. They hang a bench on the latter.

The stability of the structure is determined by the angle at the top of the racks. The more it is, the better. Therefore, you should not save a place and try to make a swing too narrow, this will lead to the fact that the swing will turn out to be unreliable.

The most crucial step in the construction of garden swings with your own hands from metal.It is held in three steps: Frame
Carry out the side pipes. Their dimensions must coincide. They are in pairs connected at the top. Get two sidewalls in the form of the letter "L". Sharp ends are sawn at the same level.

Otherwise, the horizontal beam will not lie evenly. Short and long sides of the base are welded to the side racks, and the upper horizontal crossbar is to the tops of the triangles.

So that it is comfortable, the back in relation to the seat should be at an angle of about 120 degrees. This allows you to cut a triangle with a sixty -degree peak.

The frame is made from a rectangular pipe. The side elements are connected both by the bend and along the edges. The base and back are made either from boards or from bars. These elements are pre -drilled for bolts.

The fixation of the chain is carried out through carbines equipped with a latch. These connecting fasteners are inserted into the ears of qm-bolts located in the corners of the frame. Fastening is carried out by bolts through the holes on the horizontal beam. The chain is regulated by level.

It is made from cellular polycarbonate and a rectangular metal frame, which has jumpers from small pipes. The visor to the frame is welded with a small slope that guarantees fast driving snow and drainage drainage.

Fastening is carried out by means of self -tapping screws that are equipped with sealing washers. The design after the completion of all work is painted and primed.

The swings are attached with clamps that are made of reinforcing rods with pointed ends, half -meter into the ground. If the swing is mounted on a concrete site, installation is carried out in the bolts installed in advance and screwed by nuts.

Do not require the use of a welding machine. If you look at the photo of a swing made by yourself, they look no worse than metal. In addition, they are not subject to corrosion, which is welcome for street structures, which are not able to ensure constant care.

Required materials. Experienced craftsmen advise using the wood of such durable breeds as cedar, oak, birch or spruce.

To make good garden wooden swings, you will need: a tornboard 100x30x6000 mm for a side screed; 4 beams 100x100 mm (3 linear meters) on the side supports and another 80x80 (2.5 linear meters) for the crossbar; Brill 56x45 mm (10 linear meters) and a 46x26mm board (18 linear meters) for sitting; pendants and mounts; electric drill, screwdriver, construction level, electrician.

Reliable and quite simple is the design with A-shaped racks. To make it sustainable, the base should be wider than a seat by at least 50 cm. Create a drawing whose dimensions can be similar to the metal product given.

The next step is connected by side racks, the stability of which is given by side screeds on each side. One pair is placed at a level of 60 cm from the ground, and the other is below 20 cm from the upper corner. Fix the horizontal crossbar. Fixation is carried out with furniture bolts or long self -tapping screws.

The base is made of two frames 2000x500 mm, and the back is from one 2000x650 mm. Fasten the ribs of stiffness. The connection is performed with self -tapping screws and corners. The seat can be sheathed using facing boards. This option is considered the most preferred.

It allows you to provide aesthetic appearance and increase the degree of comfort of the product. The suspension of the product is carried out by means of qm-bolt, which are screwed into the upper part of the seat. The chain is adjusted in length.

The final stage in the construction of summer cottages. The stability of the product depends on it. So that the design is reliably installed, the fossa is pulled out with a deepening of 75-80 cm.

Pill a pillow on the bottom. It is made of crushed stone and sand with a thickness of 20 cm. Next, the installation of racks is carried out. Free space is covered with earth or poured with cement mortar. The latter option is preferable. The screed does not allow the racks to shatter even with significant loads.

Practically no different from the design from adults. When children's swings are made, they must provide a crossbar in front of the seat. This condition is especially important when the product is made for the smallest.

The latter should have a reduced size. Otherwise, the baby can simply slip off the seat and fall. In any case, unattended adults to very young children can not ride on a swing. Primary school children do not have to equip a full -fledged design.

Often swings for children are made of tires, old skateboard, pallet. They serve as a base that is attached to the rack or wood through ropes with carbines or chains. The main thing is to check the reliability of fixation and swing amplitude.