DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths - 125 photos of beautiful, original projects and video laying of paths

It is simply impossible to imagine a beautiful personal plot without original garden paths. They allow you to create additional comfort on the site. Today on the Internet you can find a huge amount of information on how to make a garden path with your own hands.

But it is not always possible to understand how to do it yourself, so that it is not only beautiful, but also functionally. Therefore, in this matter you need to figure out in more detail.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

What material to use

Some designers advise making paths from the same material as the house itself or the cottage. That is, if after construction the material from bricks to the boards is preserved, then this is a great basis for creating beautiful garden paths.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

If the house is built of brick, it is better to make paths from the house covered with brick. But in this case, you need to choose more durable products.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

Since ordinary ones can start cracking and falling apart over time. After you can continue with gravel or paving stones.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

Wooden houses go well with paths made of wood and stone. In this case, you can independently lay all the materials. The most important thing is to use your imagination to the maximum and then garden paths from improvised materials will be a real decoration of your site.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
With your own hands concrete laying The width and length of the future path is originally measured. Its depth should be no more than ten centimeters. After the sand is sprinkled and thoroughly compacted. After spilled with water. Then the frames are mounted. More often they are made of wooden boards or pieces of plywood. The distances between them should be up to five centimeters. The width should be the same as the width of the future path. The frame is poured with concrete solution. When it dries a little, you can lay out various decor elements. You can use a lot from tile to shells. The track should dry for about three days. The land remaining between the plates can also be decorated. It can be planted with different plants, for example, a lawn.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
Concrete paths

Some believe that such paths look dull and ugly. But many, without particularly thinking, try to create them. They perfectly ennoble the space. Create a special charm and sophistication.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

Can be used in the construction process of colored mosaic or pieces of ceramic tiles. This will make gray concrete more original. To make such tracks independently is not difficult.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
Wide paths

Garden path from woods of wood is the most common option. It is better to use strong larch rocks, as it is not deceived.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

Initially, the material must be treated with special means so that corrosion or decay does not appear. The saws are installed on gravel, scattered five centimeters thick. Gravel should be carefully aligned over the entire surface of the future track.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

It is not worth laying wooden boards. It is better to leave between them gaps equal to two centimeters. This will ventilate the design. Such a path will serve faithfully for many years, and most importantly, making it with your own hands is very simple and fast.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
Figure forms for paths

This method today is considered the most optimal and fashionable. In the process of manufacturing, you do not need to have special skills and knowledge.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

The main thing is to be as attentive to some nuances as close as possible. The cost of one form is not more than a thousand money, but it will be enough to make beautiful stencils for the entire area of ​​the paths.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
The process of design

First of all, the width of the future design is measured. You can use a strong rope and pegs. The size of such forms is approximately 60 by 60 centimeters. This distance is enough for a beautiful and practical path.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

To make the path wider, you just need to put two forms. A trench is pulled out ten centimeters and is well tamped with earth. Then crushed stone or pebbles are poured by about four centimeters. Five centimeters of sand is tightly tamped on top.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

After the form is smeared with oil for the machine and installed on the wet sand layer. Next, the solution is prepared. Where one part should be a cement, three sand, and the rest is covered with gravel. The solution is thoroughly mixed and fills the form.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

After the solution dries, the forms are removed. Such paths on a garden plot with their own hands look original and add a certain style to the entire personal plot.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

This method does not imply a construction formation or certain skills. Everyone will be able to create beautiful paths on their site. They will delight the owners during operation, as they differ in strength, reliability and attractive appearance.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
The need for garden paths

The manufacture of garden paths today does not require large financial costs. Everyone will be able to make them on their own site.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

The main thing is to be attentive to the nuances and follow all the rules and nuances. It is also not necessary to contact professionals who will take a lot of money for their work.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

You can create beautiful paths from improvised means such as wood or remains of ceramic tiles. Such paths will look no worse than those built by real specialists in this matter.

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
Photo garden paths with your own hands

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)

DIY garden paths: ideas from leading landscape designers (125 photos and videos)
