A person needs a healthy sleep for a good rest. The role of the chief assistant in this belongs to the mattress. If you spend the night in an uncomfortable position, the result may be a morning headache, a stuck back, aching joints.
Therefore, it is very important to find a suitable option for yourself. In the photo of the mattresses from IKEA you can see a huge variety of assortment. Make the right choice - the task is not easy.

To do this, you need to take into account several factors, such as age, weight, presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Based on these parameters, the degree of necessary rigidity is determined.

Depending on the design, they contain a metal frame with springs, or a block with one or a combination of fillers. Which mattress is better to choose? Spring - alternates metal and polyurethane layers. Possesses a pushing property.

The upper layer of soft filler makes it comfortable. Such products are very hardy to load, they serve for a long time, and have 25 years of guarantees.

Non -free ones have less resistance, however, like the first, are orthopedic. Suitable for those who do not like springing fluctuations are good for children under 10 years of age, as they allow the spine to form correctly.

It is based-springs that can be located differently.

The larger the number of metal cells, the better and more expensive mattresses. Their number should be at least 250 pieces per 1 kV.m. The uniform distribution of severity depends on this, and, therefore, the level of comfort. Modern mattresses from independent springs are suitable for any age.

They provide the opportunity to fix the contours of the human body in a physiological state. Play the role and diameter of the spring. The already less fluctuations in the bed and the pressure is more distributed.

They are based on a monoblock with a porous structure, which includes homogeneous or composite materials: coconut chips, latex, felt. The best mattress orthopedic is a whole latex layer.

A product made of natural, foamed rubber as if envelops the forms of the human body. He is inherent in elasticity, softness, durability, so the price for it is quite high.

Artificial latex (vacuum product) - medium hardness or hard material. Coconut filler - natural coconut fiber, compressed, fastened, has a rough structure. Most often, a mixture of rubber and various additives is used.

One of the main flooring is polyurethane foam - the type of artificial latex. Characterized by reliability, good breathability and the ability to hold a large weight. The higher its density, the longer the life of the operation, and the more it is calculated for the larger weight.

Polyurethane foam - one of the most popular fillers. It is used in both spring and non -free options. In the first, it is felt as a flooring of medium softness, in the second - medium and strong stiffness.

There are models of children's, single, one and a half and two - sleeping. The length should exceed a person’s growth by 15-20 cm, a comfortable width is at least 80 cm. When choosing hardness, one of the criteria is the weight of the user.

Up to 55 kg - soft is preferred, up to 90 kg - medium, more obese - hard. For people over 100 kg, the choice should be stopped on the filler in which the coconut alternates with latex and felt.

If the married couple varies greatly in complexion, it is better to buy a latex mattress, it completely levels the difference in weight, or a product with two different spring blocks.

It is more useful for young people under 25 years of age to choose non -free models based on coconut fiber. Small children are recommended a hard basis.

Excessive softness does not provide back support, the load on the body can be strong. The spine will bend too much, this will lead to muscle strain. On a very solid surface, blood vessels are squeezed, and the body swells.

Such a mattress does not contribute to the uniform distribution of weight in the shoulders and hips. The problem of the spine is aggravated both on too soft and on too hard bed. Medium and elastic create optimal support, have special comfort zones in the shoulders and hips.

The combined bilateral mattress on one side has a warm, on the other, a cold surface, in another version - soft and hard. You can turn over depending on the time of the year, choose a warming one in winter, and in the summer - cool.

In order to strengthen the spine, the hard side is used, for blood supply - soft. It is profitable and useful to purchase such a mattress for children.

Up to three years of age, you need to use it from the side of a solid base, and then from the opposite. So that the mattress does not get dirty longer, you should purchase a removable cover that can be periodically washed.