It is difficult to imagine a person who in hot weather did not dream to plunge into the pool. Especially if he is the owner of a personal plot. But not in every place a stationary reservoir will fit. Our article will talk about the variety of types and methods of installation.
You do not know how to make a pool in the country with your own hands- we offer the construction methods tested in practice.

You decided to build a pool with your own hands, first you need to choose a design. Pools differ in: stationary, frame, inflatable

The choice and size of the pool depends on the installation site, on the level of groundwater, it is not recommended to be installed next to the trees will often be polluted from the foliage. Consider in more detail all options.

You decided to build a deep pool, chose a place. On the sheet you need to draw a shape, depth, place for the filter, stairs. Determine how water will be supplied. Do not forget to think about what type of cleaning you will use, and provide for a drain and emergency water discharge system.

Deciding on size and depth, keep in mind how many people will use the pool at the same time.

A comfortable depth for swimming 1 person is 1.5 m, and length 5 m. If you like to have fun in the pool, the depth should be increased to 2.5m. Depth affects the thickness of the walls of the structure.

The amount of time and materials required for its construction depends on the shape of the pool. Complex configuration will require more service efforts to maintain. The most simple and budget options are rectangular, oval and round forms.

It is recommended to install a stationary pool near the house and buildings, since it can affect the integrity of the foundation. The proximity of bushes and trees is also not desirable, they will destroy the frame with their roots.

We dig a pit. First, the size and shape of the future pool on Earth should be noted. We proceed to digging the pit.

Its dimensions should be 25-30 cm larger than the size of the alleged pool. This distance will occupy the walls of the pool.

You can dig on your own or use the services of an excavator. With the technique, the process will go much faster. In the center, it is necessary to make a recess in it will be a drainage well.

Then the water supply is installed. It consists of a drain pipe, filters and a pump to ensure a safe flow of water. All materials should have high quality to avoid leakage.

According to the rules of construction, the bottom of the pit is covered with a layer of sand at 20-30cm. Clim. A 10 cm layer of gravel is applied from above. They ram off again. Concrete the bottom and walls of the pool, setting the formwork in advance, a reliable solution.

When the concrete is completely dry, we waterproof the pool. Experts recommend isolate the entire surface.

It is good to cope with this liquid rubber, PVC membrane, bitumen or sheets of roofing material, which are overlapping. Due to the large mercy of the pool bowl, you should not forget about the cost, since there are waterproofing mixtures not cheap.

After the waterproofing dries, the remaining devices are installed. After ennoble the pool with ceramic tiles or mosaic.

To prevent tile cracking, there is a seam between the tiles wider and use an elastic grout. In the presence of not a simple shape of the pool, instead of tile, put a mosaic.

There are 2 ways to install frame reservoirs: those that are installed on the ground are also dug into the ground. If you decide to build a frame pool with your own hands, then it most likely will not have a large area.

This model is more reliable from all ground designs. The shape of the pool can only be oval, rectangular, square or round. The design itself will not allow you to make a bizarre shape.

Before building a pool, it is necessary to measure the place where it will be. If you plan to get part of the pool, prepare the pit.

We build a staircase for the pool. For the frame type, double -sided, it will rise, and then go down into the water.

Inflatable pools
Primitive are street inflatable and frame (collective) pools, they can have an inflatable bottom, due to which the degree of convenience of using the reservoir increases. Have low cost and ease of maintenance.

Installation is possible even on an unprepared surface. A huge advantage is the price, ease of installation and quick dismantling. The disadvantage of the product can be attributed to the minus. Install them for any adult.

Inflatable pools are made with a volume of 3.5 m3 to 20 m3. This type is designed mainly for bathing children to and school age. Когда высота борта достигает 1220 мм, то в бассейне могут искупаться подростки и взрослые.

In a set with a pool, as a rule, there is an installation instructions, sometimes the manufacturer supplies the kit with the necessary accessories: a pool pump and a simple filter. Do not forget about the stairs! It may not even a big stepladder can serve.

However, inflatable pools do not differ in high quality. They are made of multi -layer polyvinyl chloride, however, even a child or dog can break it.

Sooner or later, the water in the pool will be polluted, try to make the filter with your own hands. The most affordable and easy to manufacture is a sand filter.

To collect it, we need a sand capacity, you can take ordinary plastic containers. Inside is a device with which water is taken.

It is a drainage chamber, which is made of a mesh with a diveting pipe. Quartz or glass sand is filled inside. The service life of such a filter is 2-3 years.