The hallway is a place in an apartment, which, by virtue of the layout, is usually devoid of natural light, which means that it is impossible to do without artificial light. It is on the lighting of fifty percent that the positive perception of the interior depends.
What attention should be paid to the lighting of the hallwayMoreover, the amount of it should be sufficient to match the neighboring rooms. The stay here is not short, but the transition from another room, which has a large degree of illumination, causes discomfort. In addition, fading at the entrance can ruin the first impression of an apartment at the guests at home.

To properly make lighting the hallway, you need to highlight in it the zones designed to perform certain functions. This intermediate room houses outerwear, shoes, bags, umbrellas and other items for the street.

Therefore, there are appropriate furniture and accessories: a cabinet, a mirror, an ottoman, boxes for storing shoe brushes and creams, shelves for phones and keys. To increase the functionality of these zones, the necessary lighting should be selected.

It is best to have lighting levels. So it is more convenient to use light.

Different layers of light, performing each of their own function, become convenient assistants. In addition, a combination of their inclusion can create the desired atmosphere.

Lighting should correspond to the style, layout of the room. To understand which lamp to choose in the hallway, you should look to where you can draw more tips, and where a very large assortment of lamps is presented.

Absolutely different, in design, interpretation of the solution will help to find inspiration and find not just an object, a bunch of light, but a state, sensation. Presented in a variety of combinations of glass and metal, color spectrum, simple in execution and elaborate samples, give spaciousness for any taste.

The light should be bright enough. Of course, temporary twilight is not excluded, but in addition it should be possible to illuminate everything well. The main thing is to create comfort due to the game of light and shadow. Ceiling lamps or chandeliers cope well with the task of the main source of light.

Scattered, soft light around the room comes from lamps with matte or directed by light, which does not give, when reflecting sharply defined shadows. To choose the right ones, it is enough to carefully consider the offered photos of the lamps in the hallway.

Distribute the backlight in the middle level of the hallway will help lamps on the wall. They should be correctly and correctly placed near each zone, and if necessary, turn on one of them or several.

That is, each originally selected zone - the place of placement of clothing, shoes, mirrors, should be highlighted. Thus, they play an auxiliary role.

The last zone is worth paying special attention. Mirror lamps in the hallway should not create shadows and glare. They can be taken two and placed on both sides of the mirror above the level of human growth or one, large, to the center from above.

Then the light will be evenly distributed and well illuminated the image. Do not use lamps with cold light, this gives an unpleasant sensation.

Wall lamps can be used to illuminate zones without turning on the main lighting. Sconces, along with working, can perfectly perform a decorative function.

For example, highlight the wall if it is necessary to emphasize its decor, or focus on a beautiful texture, relief.

The result is a corner with an exquisite and pleasant atmosphere. Another plus: they can visually increase the height of the room.

Pointed lamps built into the walls or ceiling add brightness in certain places, emphasize the style of the house, and the LEDs also provide minimal energy consumption. In addition, if the ceiling is low, they can fully replace low hanging lamps and thereby visually expand the room.

In the hallway having the form of a narrow corridor, they are evenly distributed over the ceiling. The light will fall in bundles diverging to the bottom, and create light spots on the floor. The remaining intervals will be in the shade. A similar picture will appear on the walls. Such scattering of light gives a romantic, relaxing mood.

The ability to completely fill the space with light increases with the turning function, that is, with a change in the directions of lighting flows, which is especially necessary for long corridors. And the spotlights built in the lower tier of space can indicate the night vector of movement, for example, from the bedroom to the toilet, if the hall is a passage between rooms.

It is important to decide how powerful the lamps should be, their light will be cold or warm. In order not to overload the room with excessive light, you should be guided by certain norms and, having made a simple calculation, calculate how much its amount is enough for this space.

It is better to choose a warm light, it creates a special comfort. The temperature of the temperatures in different lights should not be allowed, otherwise, when turned on, an imbalance will occur. The correct dimensions of the lamp should be determined and the correct. It should be proportionate with the location of the lamp.

The choice of the correct compositions of the location of objects and their lighting creates harmony. A sufficient number of lamps allows you to combine the light environment, create interesting options, and also use light there and where and when it is necessary, which is important in order to save electricity. In addition, this is very convenient, and the general picture of beauty and convenience is a single whole.